"Wow woof woof—"

At this time, a dog appeared in the eyes of the three.

The dog's fur fell off all over, the exposed skin was uneven, the black blood vessels protruded, the cheeks became sharp, and the eyeballs protruded abnormally, as if floating on the eyelids.

The dog's teeth are extremely sharp.

It barked at the three of them.

Rong Huaiyan was about to kill Gouzi with one shot, but Qiao Mobai held down his wrist.

"Brother-in-law, look behind!" He trembled.

Qiao Xiachu looked up.


The hairy bald dog, like a group of zombies, stared at the three big living people, with long saliva hanging from their mouths.

She gasped.

So many mad dogs.

Once bitten, is the rabies vaccine still useful?

There are vaccines in her space.

But this dog doesn't look normal, it doesn't look like an ordinary dog.

"We can't use bombs, otherwise, we will be exposed before we reach the university, so quickly retreat, and we will enter the university through another passage." Rong Huaiyan said.

He has been on several missions in Sandstorm City, and his ability to recognize the way is strong enough, so he knows several alternative passages to enter Sandstorm University.

Qiao Xiachu also agreed with his decision.

Without saying a word, she directly raised her wrist and sprinkled a handful of hallucinogenic drugs with mandala powder on the leading dog, and then the figure quickly backed away.

The powder happened to be inhaled by the dog.

"Wow woof woof—"

The leading dog suddenly turned around, and frantically bit at the dogs behind him, as if everything he saw was his enemy...

After a while, the dogs behind him were bitten to death.

The strength of the crazy attack is not something that ordinary people can resist.

Fortunately, there was no attack, otherwise it would definitely be the target of the dogs.

Rong Huaiyan's eyes were cold.

He turned around and walked towards another passage.

On the eaves of high-rise buildings along the way, there are many dead bones hanging, and the bones are black, obviously suffering a lot during his lifetime.

There are messy broken bones scattered all over the ground. I don't know if it's an arm or an arm. Anyway, the skull hasn't been bitten much...

Not to mention animal carcasses.

Not long after they entered, a group of black crows flew in the sky.

The crows are densely packed, covering the sky and blocking out the sun.

The black wings spread out, and the black feathers fell one by one. They circled and flew, and then swooped down, as if they were very excited to see humans.

"Enter the house!"

Rong Huaiyan let out a low growl.

The three quickly hid in the house.

The group of crows swooped down, and then quickly flew towards the sky, screaming non-stop, full of decay and defeat.

Black feathers fell all over the ground.

A lingering blue light glowed on the feathers.

Crows are poisonous!

Qiao Xiachu quickly took out three sets of protective suits and three sets of protective masks from the space: "Quickly, put them on, the poisonous powder on this feather is suspended in the air, and you will be poisoned if you inhale it."

Blue light is obviously the second level of the toxicology chapter.

She hasn't had time to make an antidote yet.

Rong Huaiyan and Qiao Mobai quickly put on protective clothing and gas masks.

After the three of them changed into their suits, they continued to shuttle around the house, approaching the university step by step.

When they went through many checkpoints and finally arrived outside the university, they found that the entire building was heavily wrapped in barbed wire, and the ground outside was covered with glass shards.

Red light is reflected on the debris.

Outside the barbed wire, there are poisonous spiders stretched apart one after another. They are as big as toy spiders, but every few meters, there is a blackened skeleton lying there...

It goes without saying that many people have died at the hands of poisonous spiders.

There are poisonous spiders on the top, and poisonous glass shards on the bottom.

This university is like a tiger's den.

"Could it be that Ma Cuilan and Wang Xiaofeng did this? Do they know something?" Qiao Mobai said.

He knew he was coming here to pick up a virus file.

It was still what Ma Cuilan and Wang Xiaofeng wanted to obtain.

Seeing all kinds of things in the city, Qiao Mobai was very suspicious. The whole city was polluted by the virus created by Ma Cuilan, and there was no good land left.

Qiao Xiachu said, "Nine out of ten chances."

There is almost no need to guess what is going on in this scene.

Based on Ma Cuilan and Wang Xiaofeng's behavior towards Zhou Jiaomei, they probably know where the data is hidden, but they may not know the exact location.

Otherwise, they don't need to engage in these things.

Rong Huaiyan said: "Don't you have a batch of robots? Let one out, clean up the scene, and open a passage for us."

"good idea."

Qiao Xiachu agreed again and again.

She just didn't think of it for a while.

"Turn on the shielding signal, lest there are cameras here and be detected by people." She said.

Rong Huaiyan took out the instrument from the system page.

When the scene became a "vacuum" zone, Qiao Xiachu took out the robot, turned on the cleaning mode, and let a robot start to clean the glass on the ground and the poisonous spider hanging in the middle.

The robot pushed the glass slag forward all the way, the mechanical arm waved in mid-air, cleaned up all the spider webs, and then turned on the spraying mode, spraying 84 disinfectant water frantically from the medicine box...

The poisonous spider fled wildly.

After a while, a passage was cleared from the scene.

Qiao Xiachu was secretly happy.

"Come on, let's move on," she said.

Rong Huaiyan and Qiao Mobai followed her towards the university gate.

At the same time, Hu Guang and Qiao Linmei walked very hard along the way. There were roadblocks everywhere in the city, and various poisonous and non-toxic animals and equipment piled one after another.

Qiao Linmei started her professional exploration mode, avoided many crises along the way, looked at the map Rong Huaiyan handed her, and led Hu Guangchao's gymnasium slowly.

They all wear protective clothing and masks, which are essential for travel.

Some water and food were also brought, and the others were all weapons.

Most of the weapons are on Hu Guang's back.

Just when they were about to continue advancing, a few eagles suddenly appeared in the sky ahead, circling above the high-rise buildings. Qiao Linmei grabbed Hu Guang out of intuition.

"That's the enemy's monitoring electronic eye, we should have been discovered." She said hurriedly.

Hu Guang was pushed violently by her, and his body slammed against the wall hard, his forehead buzzing from the impact.

"Are you sure?" he asked.

Qiao Linmei's face was very ugly, she said firmly: "Yes, I saw a red light on the eagle's legs at the last second, it should be the electronic eye."


They also said they were secretly looking for news, and they were discovered as soon as they arrived.

Wouldn't it be a hindrance to my sister and brother-in-law?

"What should we do now? Once we are arrested, my sister and brother-in-law will definitely be very passive. I don't want this to happen!" Qiao Linmei said.

But they have no way out.

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