"Take it."

Hu Guang took out a small plastic bag from his pocket, which contained a white pill.

"what is this?"

"In case you get caught, you understand."

Hu Guang's eyes were determined.

He also has a few on him.

Every time they go out, they will carry this medicine with them. Once they are captured by the enemy, this is the best choice in order not to implicate their teammates.

Qiao Linmei took the pill.

She put it in her body pocket and fastened the button.

If it's the last moment, she has nothing to hesitate.

Only with the determination to die, and a desperate fight, may there be a chance to break out of the encirclement, otherwise, those who act timidly will be more likely to be caught.

"I'll cover you, you run first, the electronic eyes scanned me, so I probably haven't caught you yet." Hu Guang said.

Qiao Linmei hesitated for a moment.

"Go quickly, find an opportunity to enter the gymnasium, and find out as much as you can, or do you want to wipe out the whole army?" Hu Guang snapped.

Qiao Linmei gritted her teeth.

In the next second, she headed into the dark place.

And in this split second, a long-range bomb was projected directly in Hu Guang's direction.

There was a loud bang.

Hu Guang was directly blown out.

He stood up abruptly, headed towards the gymnasium, and dropped a bomb directly. Whether it was to confuse the public, or to make a fool of himself, he must attract all their firepower!


Three bombs flew continuously in the sky.

The enemy army is trying to level this building.

Hu Guang ran wildly and hurriedly.

At a certain moment, he didn't want to die, he wanted to go back alive to see Jiaomei... But in the face of the battle, his thoughts were only fleeting, and all distracting thoughts were forgotten in minutes.

Booms sounded one after another.

Not only the bank outside the gymnasium, but also the main teaching building of Fengsha City University. After Qiao Mobai accidentally stepped on a transparent plastic wire, the alarm sounded again and again.

Rong Huaiyan said loudly: "Don't move, don't move, there is a bomb here, I took out an armored vehicle, Qiao Qiao went in first, I will let you jump later, you jump in again."

He ordered two people.

Qiao Xiachu looked serious, supported Qiao Mobai with one hand, and raised his heart to his throat.

Suddenly, Rong Huaiyan took out an armored vehicle from the system page, which already minimized the damage.

There was also a pile of sandbags for flood control in Qiao Xiachu's space. She put them in front of the armored vehicle and poured two buckets of water into them to get them wet.

Then, hurriedly entering the armored vehicle, Rong Huai slowly let go of Qiao Mobai's hand, allowing him to jump in at the last second.

Qiao Mobai's forehead was covered with sweat.

He held his breath as best he could, keeping his body as still as possible.

After a while, after the two entered, he carried it at the last second and rushed into the car door.

Twice bang.

One loud and one small.

The shock wave of the explosion, the bouncing shrapnel, and the sand crazily hit the armored vehicle. Many shrapnel bounced on the sand, but they were buffered. When they hit the car body again, the force slowed down a lot.

The car body vibrated several times.

But the powerful impact still made people's brains buzz.

Qiao Mobai's leg was still hit by the shrapnel, bleeding non-stop.

Qiao Xiachu held back the sound of his forehead, rushed over immediately, transferred the disinfection kit from the space, asked Rong Huaiyan to fix his leg, helped him take out the shrapnel, disinfected, stopped the bleeding, bandaged...

A series of swift and violent actions.

Qiao Xiachu has adapted to the fast pace of rescue early.

She bound his leg with gauze, took out two wooden boards, helped him fix it, and said, "Stay among us later, don't rush forward anymore."

"I see." Qiao Mobai reluctantly said.

He also saw a few sets of formulas on the blackboard, and it was not simple at first glance. He wanted to go in and have a look quickly, but he was too excited for a while and didn't notice his feet...

Rong Huaiyan said: "Well, let the robot take the first step, I will release the deminer, wait for the investigation to be clear before acting, in case there are tons of explosives hidden in any corner, once it is detonated, the whole building will be blown to ashes, We can't fly."

"it is good."

Qiao Xiachu was the first to agree.

They came to fetch things, if they were all blown up in the end, neither they nor Ma Cuilan and Wang Xiaofeng would get it after all.

So what does it matter.

So, Qiao Xiachu and Rong Huaiyan took action one after another. The deminer took a step ahead, followed by a robot "rampage" running through the entire passage.

It held up the robotic arm and almost cleared the passage.

Several batches of bombs were detonated on the way.

Deminers also blew up a few.

The robot is bombed twice...

Qiao Xiachu felt a little distressed.

Not to mention that the materials for robots are rare, repairing is a big problem, and no one knows how to repair high-tech products.

When the Yipin cleaning robot was blown to pieces, the crisis on this floor was also cleaned up. They came to the small meeting room behind the big classroom.

Qiao Xiachu took back the wreckage of Yipin.

The three of them came to the small meeting room together, and then walked step by step to the mezzanine at the back of the meeting room written on Zhou Jiaomei's paper, and counted along the grid. When counting to the eighth grid, Rong Huaiyan felt a lot of wood inside. box.

He reached out and pulled one out.

There is a red "x" on the box, and there is a seal, and every opening is tightly sealed, without any gaps.

"Open it and have a look." Qiao Xiachu said.

Had to check it out.

That's why they brought Mobai here.

They don't understand this stuff either, only Mobai is the only one who understands viruses.

"it is good."

Rong Huaiyan took out a switchblade, cut open the plastic cover of the door, and opened the wooden box according to the code Zhou Jiaomei left behind.

On the top of the box are manuscripts, and on the bottom are packaged virus samples.

Qiao Mobai picked up the manuscript.

When he looked at one side after another, he was immediately surprised.

He was shocked and said: "In these sets of data, there is actually a string of virus proteins that overlap with a small segment of the ns I extracted..."

Longevity, healing, healing, longevity... That is to repair cells, fully repair the damaged or aging cells of the human body, and restore the vitality of human cells, as if returning to the age of eighteen.

This is the real way to prolong life.

Qiao Mobai said solemnly: "This thing cannot be spread outside the public. Once it is leaked out and a piece of data is rewritten, it can become a biochemical weapon that destroys human cells. It is also a fast-infecting type. It is more powerful than explosives. too much."

Qiao Xiachu was shocked.

She quickly said: "Then I will put this thing into the space."

Rong Huaiyan hurriedly urged: "I shielded the door when I entered, quickly put away the things, and then I will blow up this room."

"it is good."

Qiao Xiachu threw the thesis and samples into the dimension wall of the space, and then led Qiao Mobai all the way outside.

As soon as they went out, Rong Huaiyan took out a helicopter from the system page, and after he entered, he threw a missile towards the tall building.

The building was instantly blown up to ashes, and the sky was filled with dust.

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