
A long-range missile flew towards the helicopter.

"Quick, quick, avoid it!" Qiao Mobai.

Qiao Xiachu was also sweating.

They have been exposed.

Rong Huaiyan said loudly: "Hurry up, I'm going to find a place to land."

Being attacked is no accident.

Sand City University must be one of the places that Ma Cuilan and Wang Xiaofeng pay attention to. Although it is not Zhou Jiaomei's laboratory, it is also one of the places where she has stayed.

Surveillance is everywhere, no surprise.

When they detonated the first bomb, they were probably discovered by the other party.

"We're holding on tight."

Qiao Xiachu and Qiao Mobai answered in unison.

Rong Huaiyan turned around and quickly entered the blind spot in front of the surveillance, and then got stuck in the square in front of the building. As soon as he landed, he said: "Abandon the plane, find a place to hide!"

He gave an order, and the three jumped out of the helicopter together, and quickly found a place to hide Fang Yin.

In an instant, a homing missile blew up the helicopter into flying ash.

The opponent's bombing was almost like a shadow, leaving no room for the three of them to breathe.

After a while, one after another bombings broke out everywhere.

The firepower is pulled to the explosion cylinder.

The three of them looked for cover, but they dared not move at all. Once the target was exposed, they would face a new round of bombing.

Qiao Xiachu swallowed two ice mushrooms to lower her body temperature.

There are many animals in the city.

The bombing started everywhere, and killed many cats, dogs, and various birds wandering in the streets.

Tall buildings fell one after the other.

Seeing that it was about to dig three feet into the ground.

Can't wait.

If this continues, they will be blown to pieces.

Rong Huaiyan directly took out a mortar truck, loaded it with shells, and headed towards the direction the missiles came from, bombing frantically, with such a fast speed and great firepower that he did not lose to the opponent at all.


Isn't it just to fight who has more explosives?

His inventory is enough for a base for a year, and the daily consumption is sufficient.

Each battle, the weapon doubles.

He threw out a few more drones, and after starting the program, they flew directly into the sky, interfering with the opponent's line of sight.

Under the powerful firepower attack, Qiao Xiachu and Qiao Mobai were finally given a chance to breathe.

Rong Huaiyan took out a tank.

He sits right in, absorbing most of the firepower.

Before leaving, he left Qiao Xiachu with sufficient weapons and equipment, body armor, shields, and large missiles.

"Assemble at the gymnasium." Rong Huaiyan said in a loud voice.


Qiao Xiachu put on weapons frequently with her big palms, and all the weapons were put into the space. Then she led Qiao Mobai into the ruins and kept moving.

She gave Qiao Mo 2 ice mushrooms for nothing.

That way, they can minimize each other's IR lock-on.

The mad dogs in the city died in batches.

The crows flying in mid-air were also blown up by bombs and fell in large quantities. Many puddles in many places were directly polluted and turned into black pools.

The two walked through it all the way, and had to be very careful to avoid the poisonous feathers.

Without route guidance, it was still difficult to find the gymnasium, so we had to run all the way to the northwest.

Meanwhile, outside the gymnasium.

Hu Guang guided the opponent's bombing, all the way to attract the enemy's attention to himself.

Just when he was blown away by a bomb, his body fell hard into the sun, and was directly exposed to the electronic eyes of the opponent, a shell was aimed at him...

Hu Guang fell hard from the air, probably to the lumbar spine, his legs were paralyzed, and he couldn't get up for a while, just lying on the ground, waiting for the shells to land.

He looked at the sky in despair, among the white clouds, he seemed to catch Zhou Jiaomei's charming face, she looked at him with a smile, and said softly: "Guangguang, don't be afraid, I will always be with you..."

Coquettish, sorry.

Hu Guang slowly closed his eyes.

Just as he was waiting for the artillery fire to rush over, a figure rushed towards him, carrying him on his back without saying a word and ran wildly for a while.

He opened his eyes and found that it was the petite Qiao Linmei.

"You, you put me down, in this case, we will all die—" Hu Guang shouted.

He never imagined that the charming girl who used to be the first base could run wildly with the tall him on her shoulders on this day.

Qiao Linmei's reborn progress is really like a rocket.

Qiao Linmei was sweating profusely.

She firmly grasped his arm, and said stubbornly: "I don't, but I don't!"

The big deal is death.

She believed that even if she couldn't avenge Jiuquan's mother, the big sister and big brother would kill Jiang Hanzhi, and they would definitely kill that bitch.

When the time comes to Jiuyou Hell, she will kill Jiang Hanzhi again!

Hu Guang lost feeling in his arms and became numb.

But at this moment, he felt very uncomfortable.

The medicine is still in the pocket.

He can't drag his comrades down.

"Okay, let me go and find a place to cover, otherwise the shells will fall, and the flying cement will smash them both into meatloaf." Hu Guang said.

Qiao Linmei was right.

She carried him with difficulty, found a subway exit, and put him down.

As soon as he landed, Hu Guang pulled out the pill with the last bit of strength, but just as he was about to eat the life-threatening sugar pill, he was knocked down by Qiao Linmei's palm.

"what are you doing?"

Qiao Linmei just stepped up and trampled the pills to pieces.

She looked back suddenly, her eyes were bloodshot, and she said ferociously: "You don't think about yourself, you should also think about Zhou Jiaomei. You just died like this. Are you worthy of her? Now that she is disabled, who will take care of her until she grows old?"

Hu Guang remained silent.

His heart was heavy, and guilt gripped his heart like a dark hand, making him unable to breathe.

Can't get in.

Back, there is nowhere to go back.

The firepower of Sandstorm City was too strong, far exceeding their expectations.

"Until the last moment, we must not give up. I followed the pipeline and touched an air vent in the dungeon. As long as I followed the opening, I could enter. When the time comes, I will cooperate with them inside and out, and I will definitely be able to destroy this ghost place." Qiao Lin said beautifully.

Hu Guang's clothes were soaked through.

It's all blood.

In order to cover her escape, he almost lost most of his life. Even if he was not killed by the shell, he would bleed to death.

Qiao Xiachu is not here.

No one could save him.

Qiao Linmei felt her back was wet, and when she wiped it with her hand, it was full of red blood.

She was stunned, grabbed him, looked carefully, and found that he was already like a bloody man, her face turned pale with fright, and she exclaimed: "You, you are bleeding, what should I do, what should I do? "

At this moment, Qiao Linmei panicked.

She knows nothing about medicine.

"What are you panicking about? Didn't you just say that you should cooperate with the outside world? I know this task is very dangerous, and it is even more difficult to complete it by yourself. But since you have found the passage, let's go do it." Hu Guang said.


Qiao Linmei burst into tears and was at a loss.

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