"Go, let's go—"

Hu Guang roared loudly.

Qiao Linmei staggered in fright at his sudden roar.

She didn't want to leave him.

Once she leaves, wouldn't Hu Guang be in danger?

He bleeds so much, if he doesn't treat him quickly, his chance of surviving is almost zero

"Qiao Linmei, what is your mission? If you don't get out, even if I bump my head against the wall, you won't be able to stop me!" Hu Guang said fiercely.

Qiao Linmei's eyes were full of tears.

She took a step forward, wanting to leave, but didn't lift her leg, all kinds of horrible images floated on the tip of her heart, and the cold appearance of him turned into a corpse...

"What are you afraid of? The worst thing is...you will die in Fengsha City. Every day of the end is the end. Black and white are accompanied by impermanence. What is there to be reluctant? The worst is to die. Jiaomei asked me to come. She has made all the psychological preparations. Don't be afraid, what are you afraid of, you trash? Why don't you just go and complete the mission?" Hu Guang scolded.

you trash...

This is Hu Guang's evaluation of her?

Qiao Linmei turned back angrily, gave him a gouged look, and waved her fist and said, "Okay, I'll go, it's okay if I go, in this case, if I don't take down Fengsha City, I'm not human!"

After speaking, she ran away without looking back.


At this time, a burst of applause rang in Hu Guang's ears.

"It's such a scene of deep love and righteousness. I don't know how my useless daughter will feel when she sees the picture of you and me?" Ma Cuilan was wearing a decent white suit, with her hands in her trouser pockets, with a mocking face Looking at Hu Guang.

Hu Guang leaned on the steel door frame and smiled weakly.

"why are you laughing?"

"I laugh at you, how pitiful you are, at your age, you haven't experienced what it's like to be loved. You're like a marionette the whole time, being carried around by Wang Xiaofeng."

When Qiao Linmei was flustered, Hu Guang saw Ma Cuilan coming from an exit from a distance, and he was a little anxious at that time, not wanting the two of them to be caught at the same time, so he scolded Qiao Linmei away.


Ma Cuilan went up and kicked Hu Guang hard.

She said fiercely: "What do you know? A little bastard, don't think that you can do whatever you want if you take my daughter away. She is just a girl who doesn't understand anything. Any man who treats her well will go with him." , do you think that Jiaomei loves you? She just uses you as her father's substitute."

Hu Guang grinned, and blood flowed from his mouth and flowed down his chin, drop by drop, onto the sandy ground.

He said: "So what, she is my woman, for the rest of my life, and I will love her forever, until the moment I die. What do you have? Hahaha——"

Ma Cuilan was furious.

When she saw Hu Guang on the surveillance camera, she ordered people to stop bombarding him, and wanted to come and see him off in person, but seeing that his bones were so hard, wouldn't it be better for him to die so easily?

It's best to tear Hu Guang into pieces in front of Zhou Jiaomei, a little bitch, to relieve his hatred.

Let her betray her, and she will have to pay a heavy price.

"Come here and take him away!"

Ma Cuilan gave orders to the two soldiers behind her.

The two stepped forward, picked up Hu Guang, dragged him into the dungeon, and threw him into the infirmary.

Hu Guang was still alive at first, but after being roughly dragged by the two, he slammed his head on the door frame, and soon lost consciousness.

Dungeon console.

Wang Xiaofeng looked suspicious, and asked the generals beside him: "Didn't the survey find that only five people entered the city this time? How could Rong Huaiyan have such a powerful artillery fire, even tanks appeared, could there be others?"

The general, who was extremely determined at first, was also puzzled.

Because when detecting the traces of several people, it was found that Rong Huaiyan was the only one in the block, and the two people who came with him didn't even see a hair.

The instrument detected many living creatures in the city, such as dogs contaminated by viruses, bats, crows, wild cats, mice... The body temperature of each animal has dropped, which is different from the human body.

But at this moment, apart from Rong Huaiyan's red dot, the red dots of the other two disappeared out of thin air!

Therefore, the general is not sure.

In case the other party sneaked into the city ahead of time and dropped a large number of weapons, I'm afraid he would be responsible for negligence.


Wang Xiaofeng was furious.

He said angrily: "I knew that Rong Huaiyan has always been cunning. The spies we placed in Feng'e City must have been exposed. His people have already sneaked into Fengsha City with weapons."

There is only one explanation.

General Feng Lie remained silent.

After the apocalypse, Fengsha City became a drug storehouse.

The several batches of biochemical weapons developed in the dungeon, in the experiments, the cats and dogs have mutated, cruel and ferocious, and they can't kill them all. Once they bite people, they will be infected with the virus, and they have to be "cleaned".

Therefore, Feng Lie didn't want to waste his troops for no reason, except for the eagles flying in the sky, a few surveillance cameras were placed in the city, and no patrols were arranged.

Mistakes are inevitable.

"It doesn't matter, no matter how many people come in, we have to keep them. Anyway, there are so many biochemical weapons, but the effort is still in vain." Wang Xiaofeng said.

He didn't care about weapons at first, and went for longevity medicine. He just wanted to live as long as possible in this doomsday. There is no order, they can build, and there is no population, they can capture living people to breed slaves... When the time comes, With a long life, he is the immortal god in the doomsday!

However, the several sets of manuscripts that Ma Cuilan handed over to him all had problems. Either they lacked a set of formulas, or they were missing an important data, or there was a number that did not match up.

Several professors did not know how many experiments they did, but none of them succeeded.

Wang Xiaofeng even doubted, was it really worth it to pay so much back then?

Until the spies who stayed in the team reported the news, Zhou Jiaomei was rescued, but she fell into a deep sleep and moved into Feng'e City. She was picked up from the hospital by Hu Guang and Er Hei...

At that moment, Wang Xiaofeng saw hope.

He asked the spies to observe closely to find an opportunity to see if they could get all the manuscripts of the real longevity project from people around Zhou Jiaomei.

Ma Cuilan said: "Then find a way to get Qiao Xiachu's genes, research a group of viruses that specifically target her, and control her. In this way, the wind will win the wind, and the rain will rain."

She discovered that Qiao Xiachu was not easy in Liaocheng. The little girl won the trust and affirmation of Zhou Daban, Rong Huaiyan and the entire team by herself. Even Lao You looked at her with admiration.

Once she is under control, not to mention the manuscript of the longevity medicine, the entire Feng'e City will be in his pocket.

Therefore, Wang Xiaofeng activated his spies to collect Qiao Xiachu's blood samples comprehensively.

It now appears that the plan failed.

Otherwise, Rong Huaiyan would not have led the team into the Wind Sand City.

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