12 o'clock at night.

Feng Lie was resting when suddenly one of his subordinates came in and said, "Report sir, the switch in the city was destroyed by someone, causing a large-scale power outage. Monkeys, lions, tigers, mice, and experimental subjects all ran out and wreaked havoc everywhere. A passage."

The entire dungeon is divided into 5 steps.

The first step is for detaining experimental animals, the second step is for the staff at the bottom of the dungeon, the second step is for the middle level, the third step is for all the armed forces, the fourth step is for scientific researchers, and the fifth step is for Wang Xiaofeng, Ma The core area of ​​emerald blue.

Generally speaking, riots start at the second level, because they have a heavy workload and don't have enough to eat, and they often like to come out to make trouble, but it is difficult for this group of trash to move forward, not only because of the many checkpoints, but because they There are sensors in the body, as long as the level is passed, the nano-bomb buried in the body will self-explode.

The people on the other ladders are all core members.

They all hope that the underground city will prosper and actively participate in city construction. They are the most stable group of people.

So, who on earth can enter the electric switch on the third floor and destroy the main circuit of the dungeon...

Feng Lie put on his clothes and got up in a hurry.

"Have you checked it? Is it man-made?" he asked.

Getting an affirmative answer from his subordinates, Feng Lie's brain hurts.

He said coldly: "The backup switch will be activated in a minute. This rioter must not be able to run very far in the city. You ask the guards to stand guard at every checkpoint, and no one is allowed to move! Once you find any suspicious elements, arrest them immediately. "


After his men left, Feng Lie went straight to the console.

Wang Xiaofeng and Ma Cuilan were also alarmed, and entered the control room one after another. When they saw Feng Lie, they asked, "What's the matter? Have you ever patrolled the city during the day? Are you sure Rong Huaiyan's group has been wiped out? See them dead body?"

Feng Lie shook his head.

He said: "The patrol team did not have photos of Rong Huaiyan and the others. They were either wearing protective clothing or protective masks. They couldn't capture static portraits at all."

Occasionally in the city, there would be survivors who came to forage from other places. After being poisoned, they would die in Fengsha City, so it was unrealistic to distinguish Rong Huaiyan from the corpse.

Wang Xiaofeng looked angry.

He has always been proud of the munitions in Fengsha City, and he also thought that no one could survive under the powerful firepower attack, so he never considered the second possibility at all.


Backup power starts.

The electric door of each stairwell was quickly closed again.

Circulation of people was cut off.

The last animals and living bodies were all controlled.

The duty team also directly sent a connection: "Mr. Wang, Ms. Ma, Officer Feng, the riot is over, what should we do next?"

Feng Lie looked at Wang Xiaofeng.

Wang Xiaofeng thought for a moment, and said: "Rong Huaiyan has a cross-shaped scar on his face. Qiao Xiachu is a very beautiful woman. If she is thrown in the crowd, she will be attracted to her at a glance. Activate the highest-level search system."

The highest level!

Feng Lie was stunned.

This means that everyone at the base must take off their protective clothing and masks, and accept the comprehensive search and investigation by the patrol team.

Even if there is a work card, it is useless, and there is no flow between levels until the alarm is lifted.


The executive personnel received the order, the base siren sounded quickly, all the armed forces assembled, and began to search level by level.

Cross scars, plus a beautiful woman.

This combination is really incomprehensible.

But as long as they meet the conditions, they will be arrested immediately. Those who do not take off their protective clothing and masks will also be sent to the city prison, where they will be held directly and await interrogation by Mr. Wang.

Sandstorm City is said to be a dungeon, but more strictly speaking, it is an experimental base.

A large number of experiments have been conducted in the city. In the last few levels, the air quality is particularly poor. Without wearing protective clothing and a mask, you can survive for only two days.

Even if it is rescued, it will lead to fibrous lung.

After the alarm sounded, everyone in the city was in danger.


At this moment, an explosion sounded from the gate.

A loud horn sounded all the way to the main control room through the microphone at the gate.

"Wang Xiaofeng, I heard that you have 5 wives, 3 sons, and 2 daughters in the underground city. Do you want to be an emperor or a god?"

This voice sounded like Rong Huaiyan's.

Ice cooling high profile.

Rong Huaiyan's mocking face instantly appeared in Wang Xiaofeng's sight.

He cursed into the microphone: "Fuck you, why aren't you dead yet? Believe it or not, I'll come out and blow you up right now."

"Hahaha, even if you die, I won't die. If I remember correctly, Ms. Ma Cuilan is not far behind. She has three concubines in Liaocheng. I don't know if Wang's second child is your seed. Look at him The photos don't look like the Wang family."

Rong Huaiyan's sarcastic voice came.

Ma Cuilan covered the microphone.

She said: "Don't quarrel with him, he obviously wants us to fight among ourselves, can't you see through this little trick?"

Wang Xiaofeng's eyes were sharpened.

He pushed Ma Cuilan away, and said with cold eyes: "Do you need to remind me? I am the absolute master of this dungeon, you stand aside."

Before anything happened, Ma Cuilan wanted to climb on top of him and direct him blindly.

Who gave her the guts?

The secret of longevity has not been found, and she is nothing.


An explosion sound came from the city.

Wang Xiaofeng was shocked.

He looked up at the explosion point, and suddenly saw two beautiful figures standing in the picture, they were clearly Qiao Xiachu and Qiao Linmei.

As they ran, they threw bombs.

Artillery fire broke out frequently in the city, blowing up the buildings in the city to pieces.


"What's going on? They've all entered the city, Feng Lie, you useless dim sum, how do you do things? You waste so many bombs, let it go if you don't find anyone, yet you let them in!" Wang Xiaofeng roared angrily.

One by one, waste, waste.

There was hatred in his eyes, and even Ma Cuilan became an eyesore.

"You start your biochemical bomb now and kill these two women, otherwise how can you be worthy of the resources I gave you?" He scolded Ma Cuilan.

Ma Cuilan gritted her teeth.

This man didn't have this attitude when he begged her.

In a blink of an eye, he couldn't control the exposure?

Ma Cuilan let out a heavy "hum".

She took out a special pistol and several bombs from a drawer.

Before going out, she said in a bad mood: "I'll go, but you should be clear that once a biochemical weapon is detonated in the city, it will definitely be an indiscriminate attack. The casualties will not be one or two people. You must be mentally prepared."

Wang Xiaofeng gritted his iron teeth to pieces.

He said: "Then you lead the team to attack Rong Huaiyan, and Feng Lie to deal with these two stinky girls."

Ma Cuilan sneered.

She took the weapon and walked towards the gate.

A mere Rong Huaiyan.

What's the big deal.

As long as a few biochemical bombs are dropped, the entire Sandstorm City will be reduced to ashes, and there will never be a single living thing, not to mention that this weapon is specifically aimed at humans.

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