bang bang.

Qiao Xiachu kept throwing bombs, shuttled all the way through the streets, and when he saw the armed forces in the city, he immediately opened up the battle and started fighting.

Qiao Linmei played cover with her.

The two of them went forward, one behind, one left and one right, with each other as their backs, attacking frantically, throwing the bomb in their hands as if they didn't want money.

After a few rounds, the streets were blown up, several weapon depots were blown up, and a large number of firepower teams were also killed.

But Qiao Linmei was still worried.

Qiao Xiachu climbed into the ash pipe, groped all the way to the arsenal in the city, took a batch of weapons, and touched the switch, which blew the circuit in the city.

After their round, they each carried two large packs of weapons, but there were so many people in the city, how could the two of them do it well, and when the ammunition and food ran out, there would be no return.

Qiao Xiachu is not worried.

She said lightly: "What are you afraid of, I still have a plan."

It was hard to come here, but it was not for nothing.

When Qiao Linmei heard this, she felt that her sister must have done something sneaky, but right now she didn't know what she had done, so she could only continue to cooperate with her.

At this time, Feng Lie led a team of people, each wearing heavy explosion-proof suits, when he looked at the two, his eyes were full of depth as when he was looking at ants.

"Little girl, you can't blame us, since you are looking for death, I will give you a ride!" Feng Lie said.

He waved his hand, and a group of death squads rushed towards Qiao Xiachu and Qiao Linmei.

Qiao Xiachu hooked her lips.

She suddenly grabbed a dark glass jar in the corner, kicked it up, then raised her hand, and scattered a large amount of powder.

The Death Squad rushed up and was stunned for a moment.

Not a bomb!


Qiao Xiachu yelled at Qiao Linmei.

She grabbed Qiao Linmei's body suddenly, stepped back quickly, and then took out two protective masks from her backpack for her to put on quickly.

Feng Lie was stunned for a second, and saw the members of the Death Squad fall directly to the ground.

"It's sulfuric acid!"

The high-concentration sulfuric acid corroded the fibers and burned through the soles of their explosion-proof suits. The powder that Qiao Xiachu sprinkled directly penetrated their skin and entered their bodies.

In a short while, several people were directly poisoned and died.

"Hahaha, you're welcome, it's nothing, the water you eat and drink at night, I added ingredients, but it's a kind of poison that needs to be triggered, and now I'm giving it to you—"

Qiao Xiachu squinted and smirked.

She took out a lighter from her backpack, holding a black ball in her hand, and put it directly on the fire to roast.

One, two, three...

The black balls were discarded on the ground, and thick black smoke was ignited. The smoke was pumped by the dungeon's exhaust fan, and it spread out in a short while.

Qiao Xiachu ran all the way, throwing black poisonous smoke balls all the way.

The few of them want to attack a dungeon without some insidious tricks, but it's not going to work.

However, the dungeon was inherently fragile.

Air circulation requires the help of a machine.

The water sources for the people in the city, except for the experimental subjects and the residents at the bottom of the last two steps, are all supplied in a centralized manner, and it is too easy to find a breakthrough.

Qiao Xiachu was naturally impolite.

This is the confidence for her to dare to attack blatantly.

Outside the city, Rong Huaiyan saw Ma Cuilan walking out, and said with a sneer, "Finally, you don't want to be a turtle anymore, are you willing to come out and fight?"

Ma Cuilan stood on the tower.

She held a loudspeaker in her hand, rows of fighters stood behind her, and there were fighter planes flying in front of her, and every muzzle was aimed at Rong Huaiyan.

"Rong Huaiyan, you are not qualified to let me use biochemical weapons. If you are mere person, even if you are killed by me, you will have no sense of accomplishment." Ma Cuilan said.

A truck turned on its headlights and aimed at Rong Huaiyan.

Behind his tall body, there is a long shadow.

Hearing Ma Cuilan's words, he smiled and said, "Then what if I said that there is a document you want here? Look, what is it?"

As he spoke, he raised his hand, and a glass tube of red liquid appeared in his hand.

The glass tube is marked with an "x".

This, this is the longevity virus potion researched by Zhou Jiaomei.

Ma Cuilan's pupils contracted.

Her gaze was poisoned, and she said, "Why do you have this?"

Rong Huaiyan's brows and eyes were relaxed, and there was a sneer on the corner of his lips.

"Of course Miss Zhou gave it to me. I'm a soldier. I'm not interested in this kind of thing. I just want weapons. If you want, I can exchange them with you—" he said.

Ma Cuilan's calf was shaking.

She doesn't believe it.

I can't believe it!

The potion of longevity that you can't even ask for is actually delivered to your door!

There was another wave of hatred in her heart.

Zhou Jiaomei is indeed the white-eyed wolf of the Zhou family. She is not familiar with how to raise her. She is always on guard against her as a real mother, and does not look at who gave birth to her or who raised her.

She just united with outsiders to deal with her mother!

"Ma Cuilan, I'll give you a minute to think about it. If you don't nod, I'll smash the potion and blow up the Sandstorm City, covering the entire dungeon with dust!" Rong Huaiyan said coldly.

As he spoke, he raised his other hand.

At your fingertips is a remote control.

"During the day, I planted dozens of tons of explosives inside and outside the gymnasium. As long as I press the button, the ground will shake and the dungeon will be blown down!" he said.

After being bombarded by bombers, he managed to find Qiao Mobai. This brat was already planting explosives, saying that he would blow up the foundation of the dungeon.

Rong Huaiyan agreed within minutes.

The two have been secretly planting mines!

Who made him bomb more.

Don't fry, I'm sorry for Ma Wang and his wife.

Ma Cuilan was stunned.

Her eyes fluttered wildly, and she nodded after a while and said: "Okay, I promise you, you put the potion on the ground, as long as I confirm it, I will exchange it, how many weapons do you want?"

This batch of biochemical weapons was all researched by her team. Without her confirmation, the arsenal cannot be activated, and all of them are under the gymnasium.

Rong Huaiyan said: "The more the better, if you give more, I will naturally give more potions. Miss Zhou gave us a box and a manuscript..."

As soon as the manuscript was mentioned, Ma Cuilan's heart was beating wildly.

She instantly believed Rong Huaiyan's words.

"Okay, let me confirm the authenticity of the potion first." She couldn't suppress her excitement.

Rong Huaiyan directly put the potion on the ground.

After a while, two soldiers took the potion and delivered it to Ma Cuilan.

Ma Cuilan got the potion and went in, but within a few minutes, she rushed out and said to Rong Huaiyan, "I want all of you, see if you have enough weapons?"

As she spoke, she pressed a button on a remote control in her arms.

The ground of the gymnasium cracked instantly, and a large container appeared from inside.

Full of biological and chemical weapons.

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