A trace of indifference overflowed from the corner of Rong Huaiyan's lips.

He said lightly: "That's enough, I have five more here, and all the types are included. When I take the weapons away, I will give you all the remaining potions."

As he spoke, he took out a tablet and set up a set of programs.

After a while, several drones parked in a dark corner flew up into the sky one after another, bound by Rong Huaiyan's iron shackles, and sent all their weapons into the sky.

"Potion, give me—"

Ma Cuilan's eyes exploded and she shouted loudly.

If Rong Huaiyan broke her promise, she would activate her weapon.

Rong Huaiyan did not hesitate.

He threw the plastic bag in his hand and threw it directly at Ma Cuilan.

Ma Cuilan's heart rushed to her throat, and she was about to jump out.

This is a virus.

Once broken, it is contagious.

She tried her best to pick up the plastic bag with her body.

At this moment, Rong Huaiyan disappeared from her sight.

Wang Xiaofeng rushed out quickly.

He loudly said to Ma Cuilan: "Quick, give me the potion, I want to take it to the professor, combine all the ingredients together, and break through this project quickly."

During the monitoring, Wang Xiaofeng monitored every move at the door.

From the microphone, he had already heard the news about the potion of longevity, and immediately left the control panel without stopping, and ran directly to the gate, until Ma Cuilan got all the potion, he rushed out to snatch it.

Ma Cuilan hugged it in her arms.

She gritted her teeth and said, "I won't give it to you. It's mine. It's my painstaking effort. I will only give it to you if I lead a research team to produce results. Otherwise, I won't let go."

After the first potion was sent to the scientific research room and compared with the data stored in the laboratory, Ma Cuilan was 100% sure that this batch of potion was the finished product that Zhou Jiaomei extracted in front of her.

For the potion, she worked hard, endured all kinds of uncertainties in life, and Wang Xiaofeng's distrust, and finally got this ultimate weapon.

She will not die easily.

Wang Xiaofeng was furious.

He grabbed Ma Cuilan's hand and yelled loudly: "You madman, it belongs to me. Without me, you would have died in the mudslide long ago. It was I who saved you, and you are going to repay your kindness?"

Revenge for kindness?

Ma Cuilan sat down on the ground, hugged the potion with her body, her eyes were full of madness and darkness, when she looked at Wang Xiaofeng, she was extremely angry.

"Yes, you saved me, but do you love me? Are you sincerely trying to save me? Isn't it because of the talent of little bitch Zhou that you are by my side? Which one of you did not come from our mother? Purified from a woman? Do you still have a conscience when you say that you will repay your kindness with revenge?"

She gave a loud pooh.

"Who are you, Wang Xiaofeng? I don't know yet? You are cruel, ruthless, scumbag and upstanding, pretending to be a good person on the outside, and using all the means of pua in front of our mother and daughter, vicious and black-bellied, scum like you, You still want to be the god of the people, pretending to be a shit. Let me tell you, if you dare to rob me today, I will smash them and let you get nothing!"

Ma Cuilan is crazy.

She only had this set of potions in her mind.

She will fight desperately to anyone who dares to rob her.

You can't lose at this moment in your life's business.

Wang Xiaofeng's heart was bleeding.

I knew that the potion was in Rong Huaiyan's hands, it was time for him to come out and make a deal, but I didn't expect this bitch to take the lead and now control his lifeline.

There was dark, poisonous water in his eyes.

"Okay, you can hold it. Now that the enemy is at hand, we should act as one. When the fire is put out, we can do whatever you want. We are not grasshoppers tied to a rope. We are both prosperous and prosperous. Is it all damage?" He endured his internal injuries, tried his best to control his emotions, and coaxed Ma Cuilan.

When Ma Cuilan heard his soft words, her hard heart finally softened.

Wang Xiaofeng walked slowly.

His brows were loose, and he tried to appear amiable, and his tone was extremely soft.

"Cui Cui, ever since I met you, do you think I have lied to you? I have thought of you time and time again, even if I set up a dungeon, I respect you, don't I? None of those messy people have passed you, Think about it--"

Wang Xiaofeng is persuasive and seductive.

Ma Cuilan slowly let go of her tired heart.

Her arms relax.

Wang Xiaofeng was not in a hurry, he just looked at her and waited for her, just like when he met her for the first time, showing the elegance and generosity of a gentleman, as well as his warm care...

It was this look in his eyes that made her reach out and put her hand in his palm.

The hatred in Ma Cuilan's heart softened at this moment.

She held out her hand to him...

Like the first time, Wang Xiaofeng passed his palm over steadily, and his voice was extremely lingering: "Cui Cui, I like you——"

In the next second, the big palm snatched the plastic bag from her arms without any mistakes, snatched all the potions in one go, and then kicked the woman's shoulder mercilessly with a ruthless foot.

Holding the medicine bottle, Wang Xiaofeng quickly took a few steps back.

He shouted: "Quick, grab Ma Cuilan and control her!"

With an order, several guards around her galloped forward, each with one hand, and turned her arms behind her back, and severely suppressed her head.

Ma Cuilan's head was pressed to the floor.

She never imagined that at this moment, Wang Xiaofeng was still trying to lie to her.

Why did she, who has always distrusted men, become so soft-hearted at the moment when she was about to succeed, she let down her guard and let this man take everything away?

Is she still Ma Cuilan who has always been scolded as cruel and cruel?

Ma Cuilan laughed at herself.

Her cheek was pressed against the sand and her head was turned sideways.

A pair of eyes fixed on Wang Xiaofeng under the light.

Ma Cuilan looked ferociously and said: "Wang Xiaofeng, you will die badly. Do you think that you can successfully purify the potion and make a longevity medicine that will allow you to live for hundreds of years? Don't step on your wishful thinking, you will die sooner than that." I'm still early, hahaha—"

The potion is real, so what?

The project never worked out.

Zhou Jiaomei's experimental mice only had cells that became younger. As for how long they can live and whether they have the ability to resist diseases, it is unknown.

She said: "Humans have limits. Young cells do not mean longevity. They can only delay cell aging. This experiment is immature and requires continuous research by researchers."

Wang Xiaofeng is short-sighted.

If he injected the potion directly, he might die faster.

"Ma Cuilan, you poisonous woman, you perverted yourself, tortured Zhou Jiaomei, let her betray you, let her hate you to the bone, that's why the project stalled, now you deserve what happened, who can you blame?"

Wang Xiaofeng knew early on that Ma Cuilan had abused her own daughter.

He didn't expose her all the time, but because he didn't get first-hand information, he couldn't destroy the foundation of their relationship and trust.

The harder a woman is, the more she needs a man's love.

Once in his hands, it was as soft as mud.

"Wang Xiaofeng, I curse you, I curse you to be a demon for life after life, and after death, your bones will turn into blood and be trampled by thousands of people—" Ma Cuilan cursed viciously.

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