"It's a good thing you didn't go, the dungeon has been bombed to pieces, there is no entrance except the front door." Qiao Xiachu sighed.

There are too many uncontrollable factors in the dungeon.

The more one you go, the more dangerous you will be.

Rong Huaiyan said: "You guys wait here, I will take Qiao Qiao aside to talk about something, and I will come over later."

He used the drone to transport the weapon that Ma Cuilan made to the front of the ruins, but this weapon was acquired the day after tomorrow, not from the system.

The system can't accept it.

Can only rely on Qiao Xiachu's space.

When Qiao Xiachu saw a container of weapons, he nodded and said, "Fortunately, my dimensional wall was enlarged last time, otherwise I wouldn't dare to put it in."

After all, it is a biochemical weapon, and the risk factor is too high.

Qiao Xiachu raised his hand.

All weapons go into space.

She turned to Rong Huaiyan and said, "Hu Guang is probably..."

Rong Huaiyan was silent.

His eyes were dim, and his voice was dull: "When I go to kill Wang Xiaofeng, I will avenge him."

At this moment, the medical room in the dungeon.

Hu Guang woke up quietly.

The blood in his body was changed twice, and his life was saved like this.

But Ma Cuilan never came to the medical room. After the medical team revived him, they didn't know how to place him, so they put him in the general ward.

It is conceivable how precious medical treatment in the last days is.

But here, he still has azithromycin hanging on his body, and he is also wearing bandages. His whole body, even his head, is tightly bandaged, just like a mummy.

He had never enjoyed this kind of treatment in Fengjiao City.

When Wang Xiaofeng came over, he didn't recognize him, and directly regarded him as a member of the scientific research team.

The medical treatment in the dungeon is an area that he will never let go of.

Except for him and Ma Cuilan, only scientific researchers can set foot here. All residents in the city who have diarrhea and stomach pain will receive a painkiller at most. Those who are seriously ill, as long as they are not contagious, can be directly thrown into the last step and become living test subjects; if they are contagious, they will be killed and thrown out.

When Hu Guang saw Wang Xiaofeng, he didn't move.

He knows the dog.

It was Wang Xiaofeng who sent people to assassinate him at the beginning, and he was the instigator of that disaster.

How could Hu Guang not remember.

But on other people's territory, he didn't dare to mess around.

Wang Xiaofeng was scratched by Ma Cuilan. After bandaging the wound, he took all the potions and went directly to the laboratory of the base, gathering all the professors and experts together.

He spent a lot of money to invite this group of people, and each of them is his treasure.

As soon as the potion appeared, he suppressed the excitement in his heart, and said to everyone: "There is no other ladder here. I will give you the last task. If it is completed, I will support you all the time. If it is not successful, everyone must know end."

No matter how fierce the artillery fire is, it cannot break into the laboratory.

Wang Xiaofeng set up countless barriers here and where he lives. No matter if the power is cut off or the water is cut off, these two areas are safe and operate independently.

He shielded them from the gunfire.

Now is the time to give back.

A group of professors and experts expressed their opinions one by one.

"I see."

"I see."

"I see."

If you fail, you will die.

Wang Xiaofeng's attitude is clear.

They waited for this moment, and they waited for a long, long time.

The longevity project has always been Wang Xiaofeng's greatest concern.

Since he returned to the dungeon with Ma Cuilan, everyone has gone all out to study and studied all the manuscripts, and there has been no breakthrough.

This is the boulder that weighs on them.

A group of people are not fools either.

Naturally, I understand a truth, no one will raise waste, it is worthless, and Wang Xiaofeng's murderous intent is the most normal.

Wang Xiaofeng put all the medicine bottles on the table.

He said: "This is the first batch of raw liquid, and it is also the starting point of this project, so you must seize the opportunity to extract the longevity part from it and make a finished product for me. I believe that all of you are geniuses, and it is impossible to lose Give it to a little girl."

A group of people in white protective clothing fell silent.

Countless thoughts flashed through their minds.

Including whether Zhou Jiaomei is an alien or not, I have considered...

outside the city.

Qiao Linmei was always depressed.

When she thought of all about Hu Guang, she felt as if a big piece had been dug out of her heart.


That man, naively.

She used to think that Hu Guang standing beside Rong Huaiyan was not even a green leaf, at most he was a fool.

But that time, in that battle, when she was about to fall, he was the one who helped her up.

At that time, she really missed him.

Unfortunately, he has his own heart.

Naturally, she won't cross the boundary halfway, guarding her heart like nothing happened.

Gradually, she no longer has any distracting thoughts.

It's just that once he dies, what will Zhou Jiaomei do?

They went back, what should I tell them...

Thinking of this, Qiao Linmei felt a huge rock pressing down on her heart, which made her very uncomfortable.

"Eat a pancake."

Qiao Xiachu handed her a dry cake and a bottle of mineral water.

"I can't eat it." Qiao Linmei said sullenly.

"Let's eat. Wang Xiaofeng should go crazy when the sun rises. There is still a tough battle to fight, so we can't be careless." Qiao Xiachu said.

"All right."

Qiao Lin Meiqiang pulled herself together, took the pancake, and took a bite.

Unexpectedly, the pancakes were quite soft.

She ate it one mouthful after another, and drank a sip of water when it was too dry.

Qiao Xiachu was also eating pancakes.

She walked up to Rong Huaiyan and asked, "Have you detected the weapon arsenal in the dungeon? If the lethality is too great, he will die with us, that's not good."

Wang Xiaofeng has been holding back for the longevity potion.

Once this lunatic goes mad, he is afraid that he will run away.

They are not afraid, but it is not worthwhile to go to hell with such a person.

Rong Huaiyan nodded.

"When I was trading with Ma Cuilan, I took the opportunity to put a nano-drone into it. I already know the approximate location, but I'm not 100% sure yet," he said.

He also saw Ma Cuilan being pushed into the cage.

The picture is really not beautiful.

He directly controlled the camera and shifted quickly.

"You already knew that the two of them would fight among themselves over this batch of potions?" Qiao Xiachu couldn't help laughing.

When he left Sand City University, he asked for a batch of potions. She didn't quite understand his behavior at the time, but relied on her usual trust and gave it to him without asking.

Rong Huaiyan squatted on the ground, looked into the distance, and said calmly: "Isn't it. This is their demon."

It's the end of the day, what do you want to live forever?

Live and suffer?

What's the point of watching human beings perish and then huddling in their own city like a thousand-year-old tortoise?

If there is no Jojo in this world, he doesn't want to live so long.

People, when it's time to die, let's die.

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