After dawn.

Wang Xiaofeng woke up from his sleep.

Several guards came forward to report, saying: "Mr. Wang, Ma Cuilan is dead, what should I do with the body?"

Those that have been eaten by hungry wolves are usually infected with viruses.

Usually, it was thrown into the biochemical pool and then thrown out, but now that the biochemical pool has been blown up, her body parts are not easy to deal with...

Wang Xiaofeng frowned.

After a while, he said, "Let's melt it."

Several guards received the order and prepared to leave.

Wang Xiaofeng called them to stop.

"Call my sons and daughters, there is something important today and they need to be present," he said.


The guard is out.

The eldest son of Wang Xiaofeng and Ma Cuilan, Wang Xiaoguang, is 18 years old this year. The other children were all born to different women when the dungeon was first established.

Anyway, for rich people, giving birth to children is like a hen laying eggs. They give birth casually, and it's not that they can't afford it.

He needs to raise a useful successor among all the offspring.

If it's too useless, just keep it as a pet.


But genes are such a weird thing.

Among his children, only Wang Xiaoguang is considered outstanding, as smart as him, and has excellent rational thinking ability like Ma Cuilan.

Wang Xiaoguang also inherited his selfishness and ruthlessness.

To Ma Cuilan, he has no feelings at all, and often curses Ma Cuilan to die soon...

Therefore, when Wang Xiaofeng attacked Ma Cuilan, he didn't hesitate at all.

After Wang Xiaofeng changed his clothes and finished his breakfast, he walked into the large living room and saw a group of children, with serious faces, examining them seriously.

"Xiaoguang, come here."

He waved to the tallest Wang Xiaoguang.

Wang Xiaoguang looked indifferent.

He walked up to his father and called out "Dad" in a polite manner.

"Your mother is dead, you should have seen it." Wang Xiaofeng said.

Yesterday's live broadcast, the whole process was played.

Wang Xiaoguang couldn't have missed it.

"Yeah. She's a waste anyway, not even half of Zhou Jiaomei's abilities. I don't need to be covered up by her anymore. Don't worry, Dad." Wang Xiaoguang said.

"very good."

Wang Xiaofeng is very satisfied with his son's attitude.

That's it.

There is no need to waste any emotion when dealing with useless people around you, even your own relatives.

The core of condensing a home must be value.

It is necessary to exist only if it has value.

Wang Xiaoguang naturally understood.

He said: "Dad, you don't have to worry, I will definitely be better than Zhou Jiaomei, and I will definitely research the potion of longevity, so that Dad can live forever."

Old but not dead.

Wang Xiaofeng was even happier.

Wang Xiaoguang is simply a perfect heir, not only inheriting his genes, but also passing on his ideas perfectly, which is also a kind of eternal life.

"Okay, let's go to the research room today, and I will announce that Xiaoguang is the deputy of my base. From now on, except me, all of you must listen to Xiaoguang, understand?" Wang Xiaofeng looked at the other children.

These little Doudings were young, but when they saw Wang Xiaofeng in the dungeon, they never dared to call "Dad", and always called "Mr. Wang" with the caregivers around them.

At this moment, when Mr. Wang gave the order, they were like puppets and answered in unison: "Yes".

Wang Xiaofeng is very satisfied.

He said to Wang Xiaoguang: "Let's go, let's go to the laboratory, the longevity potion should be almost purified. If the amount is enough, you will live forever with me."

Until this moment, Wang Xiaoguang's unmoving expression finally moved.

He was shocked: "Really? This, isn't this project stagnant?"

Wang Xiaofeng nodded.

He didn't want to pierce his son's self-esteem.

In the field of research, the eldest son is still not as good as Zhou Jiaomei's little slut.


Ma Cuilan lost her daughter's heart, and couldn't control Zhou Jiaomei, so she raised a white-eyed wolf who opposed her, and ended up taking advantage of others.

"Yes. From now on, you don't have to do this, turn around and do something else." Wang Xiaofeng said.

"..." Wang Xiaoguang.

In an instant, the signal tower in his heart collapsed.

For a long time, catching up with Zhou Meimei has been his biggest belief.

And the only thing Zhou Jiaomei can offer, the greatest value is the longevity project.

The way to defeat her is to make her unsuccessful projects by hand.

He just won.

He will be the most valuable son in his father's heart, and he will never be abandoned.

But at this moment, his father told him a piece of news that shook his whole body, his mind was instantly confused, and he walked with his hands and feet...

Wang Xiaofeng didn't care about his son.

He walked directly towards the laboratory.

As soon as he arrived, he saw several professors and experts waiting at the door, one by one waiting in full force, as if they were waiting for the arrival of the king.

Wang Xiaofeng stepped forward confidently.

He said: "How is it? Is it purified? How many people are there?"

The head professor stood up.

He pointed at a bottle in the glass cover, and said: "We have purified it. There are two people's worth in total. It should be able to activate all the cells in the whole body and radiate the power of regeneration."

Upon hearing this, Wang Xiaofeng's eyes burst into shocking light.

He trembled frequently.

"Really? How do I take it? Drink it directly? Or inject it?" Wang Xiaofeng said excitedly.

The chief professor said: "Naturally, it is an injection, but this kind of potion may be very painful when it enters the human body, and we are not sure what the consequences will be, and we dare not waste the potion, so..."

No experiments were done.

They just extracted the most active ingredients in the potion.

How is the effect.

No one is sure!

The safest way, of course, is to find someone to try it out.

Wang Xiaofeng paced back and forth.

His heart was shaking violently, his forehead was congested with blood, and his eye sockets were bloodshot.

Suddenly, his eyes caught sight of his dejected son, and he said, "Give Xiaoguang an injection first, I promised him that he will live forever with him, he is my son, his genes are the closest to mine, the effect should be the same .”

The chief professor looked stunned.

As expected of Mr. Wang.

His heart is really cruel, even his own son will not be spared.

"Hurry up, why hesitate?" Wang Xiaofeng couldn't wait.

He can't wait to live forever.

The potions are all in front of his eyes, so he can't miss the opportunity.

This is his lifelong belief.

The chief professor was helpless, so he said to the subordinates around him: "Be careful, divide the potion into two parts, and inject one part for Mr. Xiao Wang first."


Several assistants quickly walked to the laboratory and used a syringe to draw a potion.

Wang Xiaoguang, who had been standing there in a daze, trembled when he saw the needle pointed at him.

In the next second, he smiled foolishly and cried again.

After a while, Wang Xiaoguang screamed in resistance: "I don't want to live forever, I don't want to live forever, I want to study longevity, don't be a guinea pig, I don't want—"

Seeing this, Wang Xiaofeng thought his son had been frightened out of his wits.

He quickly ordered a few guards, and said ruthlessly: "Take him under control and tie him to the medical table. No mistakes are allowed."


It didn't take a moment for the guards to grab Wang Xiaoguang, tie him up on the medical table, and lock his hands and feet with iron rings.

"Dad, let me go, I don't do longevity projects, I can do other things, I am valuable, and will definitely bring benefits to Dad—"

Wang Xiaoguang's pupils contracted and he kept shouting.

His fear was visible to the naked eye.

A group of professors couldn't bear to listen.

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