"Xiaoguang, you are making a contribution to Dad now. As long as you succeed, this dungeon will belong to our father and son in the future. What are you dissatisfied with? I am willing to give you longevity, which is already the greatest kindness." Wang Xiaofeng said.

He couldn't understand why his son was so terrified.

Isn't longevity bad?

A hundred years passed by in a hurry.

From birth to old age, from leaving school to the age of 50 when the body is in decline, the good life is only 30 years. Once you live long, you will have endless time.

Wouldn't it be nice?

"Dad, Dad, please, I don't want to live forever, I don't want to live so long." Wang Xiaoguang's eyes widened, his pupils constricted violently, and his eyes fell on the syringe protruding from the professor's assistant, as if seeing the most terrifying ghost in the world.

His body was bent and curled up, but the iron rings on his hands and feet tightly controlled him, making his scalp tense and his muscles as hard as stone.

When the assistant stepped forward and patted his arm, he found that the needle couldn't go in no matter what.

"Knock him out." Wang Xiaofeng.

The assistant took the medicine from a drawer, poured it directly on the cloth, and then covered his mouth and nose, and Wang Xiaoguang lost consciousness instantly.

Wang Xiaofeng was very excited.

He watched this scene with burning eyes.

A group of fluffy people behind him watched their eldest brother being injected with drugs, trembling with fear, they dared not make a sound, wishing to disappear in place.

After the drug was injected, Wang Xiaofeng said, "When will the effect be seen?"

A group of professors shook their heads silently.

This question... they don't know either.

Moreover, this batch of potions has powerful destructive factors, but also has a batch of powerful shaping factors, but whether this kind of thing can make people live longer, they don't have a specific answer.

It all depends on the result.

Wang Xiaofeng paced back and forth.

He was anxious, excited and frantic.

Time passed by, and about an hour later, Wang Xiaoguang, who was lying on the medical table, slowly woke up, but what followed was his fanatical gaze.

He said eagerly: "Dad, I feel full of strength, as if I have endless energy. I feel that my life is infinite, and I can still hear the sound of bones growing."

Wang Xiaoguang kept kicking the table.

Like going crazy, he wanted to sit up from the medical table and break free.

The hoop is extremely strong.

After struggling several times, Wang Xiaoguang didn't break free.

The skin on his wrist bleeds quickly, but within a short while, it healed at a speed visible to the naked eye, which is simply miraculous.

Seeing this scene, even the professor was stunned.

They were dumbfounded to witness the miracle.

Such a powerful healing speed is not at the level that modern human medicine can achieve.

Unbelievable ah unbelievable.

While a group of people watched in silence, Wang Xiaoguang's eyes became transparent and rational, and his muscles and bones became stronger at a speed visible to the naked eye.

He gradually stopped struggling.

"Dad, please give me a set of tests. The potion should be successful." Wang Xiaoguang said.

He felt himself connected with the gods.

The incomparable joy and comfort went straight to the forehead.

An unprecedented pleasure eroded every piece of skin, every cell.

He felt that he could live for thousands of years.

Upon hearing this, Wang Xiaofeng woke up suddenly, and said to the professor beside him, "Quick, quick, give him a checkup. I want to see the results and see what kind of changes have taken place in his body."

Only then did the professors react.

They took Wang Xiaoguang's blood for a test every minute and made various checks.

A set of data declared the success of the experiment.

The cells in Wang Xiaoguang's body exploded with strong activity, and the damaged ones were completely restored to perfection at this moment.

This is no longer a human body.

When several professors admired the scene in the instrument and were attracted by the beautiful figure, they couldn't help exclaiming one after another.

Wang Xiaofeng couldn't sit still.

He immediately said: "Quick, give me an injection—"

With an order, the assistant in charge of injecting Wang Xiaoguang with the drug followed the same pattern and quickly completed the injection for Wang Xiaofeng.

After a while, Wang Xiaofeng felt hot all over.

He has the illusion that he can't control his body...

Fascinated, climb to Elysium.

Nothing more than that.

Just when Wang Xiaofeng felt excited, excited, and incomparably happy, his son Wang Xiaoguang changed at a rapid speed...

Wang Xiaoguang has been in a state of madness.

Consciousness dissociates, is pulled back, dissociates, and is pulled back.

After a few rounds, he found that he couldn't concentrate, and his whole body became extremely heavy, with an indescribable oppression and pain.

Brain pain.

My whole body hurts.

Every piece of skin is pulling and hurting.

Pain into the bone marrow.

Pain into the soul!

He felt like he was going to explode, he was going crazy.

But in the eyes of outsiders, nothing can be seen, because he has been tied up all the time, and everyone's eyes are on Wang Xiaofeng.

And no matter how painful he was, his body seemed to be numb and unable to move. The pain permeated from the depths of his soul, and when it spread to his body, it was already the last step.

No one paid attention to him.

Until his hair turned white at a speed visible to the naked eye, his young age, smooth and tender skin, rapid growth of age spots, a little slack, wrinkled, dull and soft...

An 18-year-old boy is instantly aged, showing his old age.

When this horrible scene appeared, Wang Xiaofeng had been injected with drugs for a long time, and he was still at his peak state. When the professor found out, it was too late.

Wang Xiaofeng looked at his son in horror, grabbed the chief professor, and yelled in horror: "What's going on? What's going on? Why did Xiaoguang suddenly grow old? Isn't it the potion of longevity? How can it make people age?"

How does the professor know.

They quickly drew Wang Xiaoguang's blood and conducted another test.

When the data came out, everyone was silent.

This group of potions has strong activity and can wake up the aging cells, but when the drugs take effect, because they are too powerful, they kill the new cells that have not been metabolized...

If the human body can't bear it, it will grow old directly.

Wang Xiaofeng shouted in horror: "Quick, quick, change my blood, change my blood, I don't want to grow old, don't grow old—"

The doctors rushed in one after another, pushed Wang Xiaofeng to the medical station quickly, and began to change his blood.

Wang Xiaofeng is the leader of the dungeon, and the blood that matches him has been kept in the blood curry, and as soon as the blood is exchanged, it will be carried out immediately.


Once the longevity potion enters the body, it cannot be reversed.

Even after changing several rounds of blood and diluting it over and over again, Wang Xiaofeng still grew rapidly from a middle-aged man in his 40s to an octogenarian.

His back is bent.

Head tilted forward.

Muscles are gone.

The cheeks drooped.

He couldn't move his legs either.

When he pushed into the wheelchair and came out, a group of professors and experts felt that their end was coming.

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