"I'll go to work first." Qiao Mobai wanted to leave.

But Erhei called to stop him.

"You can come with me too." Er Hei said.

Seeing the battle between two blacks, Qiao Xiachu realized that things were not simple.

She asked suspiciously, "Why, what's wrong with being coquettish?"

Erhei nodded.

Now, even Qiao Mobai was stunned.

As if he had guessed something, he quietly waited for Erhei to tell the truth.

Erhei looked serious.

I really don't know where to start with this.

At the beginning, Rong Huaiyan led the team to leave Feng'e City, and Lao You led the whole city to dig the dungeon. Everyone was extremely busy, and Erhei was no exception.

He ran in both directions.

While taking care of Zhou Jiaomei, he also has to be responsible for the order in the city and the safety outside the city.

But he did his best to accompany his daughter, and tried his best to make up for the lost father's love in the past...

The charming character is lively on the surface, but it is difficult to get into her heart.

She would hide her true thoughts, she would not say it even though she wanted it, she was always worried that she would drag him down and everyone else, no matter how hard it was, she would not ask for it.

When he didn't know about it for the first time, he found bruises all over her body. He thought she was being bullied, lost his temper several times, and sent two young men to guard the door.

But the next time she came back, she still had bruises on her body.

After several times, Erhei couldn't sit still.

He quietly guarded outside the yard, watching silently, wanting to see who came to hurt his Erhei's daughter, until one day when he saw the girl fell to the ground, she silently gritted her teeth and rolled over from the ground. Move your body little by little...

Seeing this scene of his daughter, Erhei was heartbroken.

While he was heartbroken, thinking of his daughter's secret stubbornness, he still hadn't broken her "little secret", so he always appeared one step ahead.

After this situation lasted for a few days, Zhou Jiaomei gradually accepted the reality of her disability and stopped trying to stand up.

In those few days, she had an emotional breakdown to the extreme.

Erhei kept silent, distressed and aggrieved, but helpless.

He invited a doctor to give Zhou Jiaomei acupuncture, moxibustion, rubbing her legs... As long as he could stimulate her legs, he would do it himself. , even if she is 60 years old, she is still my daughter."

The father takes care of the bedridden daughter, so it is necessary to mind the rules and etiquette?

Zhou Jiaomei resisted at first.

She said: "My legs are useless, they are dead, no matter how hard you try, I can't stand up, living like this is a burden to you and Hu Guang, please let go!"

Erhei guarded her all night long, afraid that she would do something stupid.

She didn't sleep for five days in a row, and when he was soaking her feet in the end, he lay straight on the ground, almost out of breath...

At that moment, Zhou Jiaomei panicked.

She yelled and called the young man outside into the door.

When Erhei returned to the room, he said in horror, "Girl, girl, I've slept all day, are you hungry? I'll get you something to eat..."

Under the emotional pressure of worry, bewilderment, and powerlessness, after seeing Erhei come back, she immediately thought of herself, and Zhou Jiaomei, who was emotionally broken, couldn't hold back for an instant and cried out.

She gritted her teeth and promised him that she would live a good life and cherish the chance of rebirth that Sister Qiao gave her if she would not do anything stupid in the future.

Erhei finally breathed a sigh of relief after getting her daughter's assurance.

From then on, the two got along very well.

Until two days ago, when Zhou Jiaomei was sleeping, there were always dead mice, cockroaches, and fluffy mosquitoes beside her bed... Every morning, she was terrified.

Erhei looked for wormwood everywhere, and burned a piece of wormwood to repel the mosquitoes.

But even so, living creatures such as rats and cockroaches often die by the bedside.

In desperation, Erhei decided to lay a bed on the floor in the room at night, guard her for two nights, and drive away the mice.

Under such circumstances, something that shocked Er Hei happened.

In the middle of the night, Zhou Jiaomei fell into a drowsy sleep. From time to time, she talked in her sleep and cried like a child, as if the aftermath of childhood scars radiated.

But as soon as she cried, mice would come over. If she got too excited, the mice would die suddenly on the spot.

One night, two nights...

Erhei witnessed that scene with his own eyes.

He was full of worries.

What happened to this child, how did he become like this.

To provoke mice and insects and the like.

"Then when she cries, do you feel flustered?" Qiao Xiachu asked suddenly.

Erhei thought for a while, frowned, and said anxiously: "Yes, I thought my heart beat faster because I didn't have a good rest. You said that, it's true."

As soon as the words fell, he suddenly froze.

"What do you mean?" he said.

Qiao Xiachu sighed.

She didn't know whether it was good or bad.

Speaking of it, everything is caused by the ns virus.

Qiao Mobai said that after the virus is extracted, it can heal people's injuries and also transform people's bodies. It is unpredictable what the transformation will look like and what the final consequences will be.

Based on her guess, Zhou Jiaomei's brain wave magnetic field is probably countless times stronger than that of ordinary people, which can interfere with the heart rhythm of animals around her.

Qiao Mobai had this situation once before when he was doing an experiment. During the MRI, he found that several sets of data were particularly weird.

The brain waves of the mice were abnormally excited.

He didn't care then either.

Qiao Xiachu had read a batch of his experiment reports, noticed this situation, and asked casually at that time.

In the last days, many people became stronger after eating the plants grown in the eternal night, not to mention this kind of perverted potion.

"Then what should we do? Can this be reversed?" Er Hei asked with a frightened expression on his face.

Once she gets too excited, will her head explode...

Qiao Mobai said: "Commander, don't worry, I will continue to study this project, and I will focus on the healing potion in the later stage. There just happened to be a group of mice. Wait for my news."

He also thought that the potion would make people stronger.

In a previous set of experiments, the mice became particularly irritable and tore apart the cage.

Unexpectedly, the real effect is surprising.

"Well, now it seems that we can only wait for your news. You have to think of a way to save Jiaomei. If she gets too excited and hurts her body, what should I do?" said Er Hei.

She didn't want to hurt herself, and she didn't intend to hurt those around her.

Hu Guang was the closest to her, and had a deep relationship. When she was in front of him, her emotions leaked out. Once she got too excited, if Hu Guang's heart burst, she would be so desperate.

Qiao Xiachu said: "Then you should spend more time with her recently to avoid making her emotional. When the silent experiment is mature, see if there is any way to bring her back to normal."

Generally speaking, people are more frightened and uneasy than happy when dealing with the unknown ability.

Unless you are 100% sure there will be no future troubles.

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