Qiao Mobai went back every minute and continued his experiment.

Healing potion may be the key project he needs to study next. Longevity is not important, but if the potion can heal seriously injured patients, human beings will have an additional barrier when facing natural disasters.

Qiao Xiachu was not idle either.

She wants to get something like gold and silver, but the space still needs to be upgraded, and it will be perfect when it can accommodate an aircraft carrier one day.

Therefore, when Feng'e City worked together to build the dungeon, she wandered around, whether it was underground or on the ground, trying to find some useful golden bumps.

Until this morning, after she had eaten and drank enough, she was ready to go to the outskirts of Feng'e City, where there was a hidden hill.

The people from the advance team had probed, and Qiao Linmei told her that there was a super luxurious villa for a rich man over there.

Qiao Xiachu wanted to go and have a look.

She needs gold, silver, jewelry and antiques, all the treasures with a little aura, put them all in her pocket.

So, now she wanted to go to the villa area to see if she could find treasure.

In the past few days, the sky has been very smoggy, with strong winds blowing from time to time. When sweeping through Feng'e City, the wind carried an unpleasant stench...

Qiao Xiachu is too clear.

In the previous life, when I smelled this smell, it was not far from the arrival of the poison.

She must hurry up.

When Rong Huaiyan heard that she was going to the villa, she originally planned to go with her, but she refused.

"Just to find something, and you can also help me find it in other places in the city. I have to upgrade the space, and the space is not enough." Qiao Xiachu said.

When Rong Huaiyan heard it, he didn't object.

I was busy fighting recently, but I ignored this point. At that time, I went to Fengsha City. There should be a treasury in the city.

Feng'e City should also have its own treasury.

This thing cannot be eaten or drunk in the last days, and even if it is discovered, no one wants it.

"Then we will divide into two ways and search for each other. Once I find it, I will take the things back to the house." Rong Huaiyan said.

Since Hong Min's clothes theft happened last time, when he came back this time, he installed the titanium alloy gate that he brought back from Fengsha City to their house.

Now, even if others want to steal something, it's not so easy.

He wants to hide some valuables in the house, so that he doesn't worry about someone coming in and stealing.

The two said goodbye and started looking for something shiny.

As soon as he left the living area of ​​the city residents, Qiao Xiachu took out the vehicle from the space and drove the off-road vehicle all the way to the outside of the villa area.

After getting down, she put away the car, took out a submachine gun, and walked towards the inside.

It can be seen that the villa was originally inhabited by very wealthy people, and even the mountain roads were built to be particularly strong and spacious. The asphalt roads were melted and deformed by high-temperature paint, and no one repaired them, like broken skins, showing scars.

There are dead branches and leaves everywhere along the way, and unknown insects have loud voices and loud calls.

Qiao Xiachu was always on guard.

Even if the advance team came to explore the way, but now that it has been so long, no one knows if there will be any leftovers.

Wearing rivet leather shoes, she stepped on the fallen leaves carefully, and slowly walked inside.


In the low mountain bag not far away, there were unknown animal sounds.

Qiao Xiachu bent over, maintaining a vigilant posture.

She took out the infrared thermal sensor, placed it on the barrel of the gun, and scanned the villa area one by one, looking for possible living people in the villa...

At this time, Qiao Xiachu remembered Xiao Hei who she had left in the space ranch, so she let him out.

As soon as the little black guy appeared, he jumped around in place, shaking the feces on his body, and after shaking, he grinned at Qiao Xiachu to show that he was very angry.

Hiding and covering it all the time, it's nothing.

The owner doesn't love it anymore, that must be the case.

Qiao Xiachu knelt down and comforted in a low voice: "Okay, don't be angry. After I come back this time, I will take you to live in the dungeon together, and I won't hide you by then."

Xiao Hei turned his face away.

It expresses disapproval, disagreement, and displeasure.

Qiao Xiachu didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

She stood up, but at this moment, out of the corner of her eye, she saw a spike flying towards her. The speed was as fast as a professional arrow.

As soon as he rolled, Qiao Xiachu raised his gun and hid towards the big tree not far away.

After she hid her body, she took out a grenade and prepared to blow up a passage in this place.

Unexpectedly, there are still people hiding in this kind of place.

Qiao Xiachu was surprised.

She suppressed the shock in her heart and threw out a grenade.

There was a loud bang.

Sand and stone flew randomly, and a deep hole was blasted out of the originally flat ground.

Ma Ma.

The opponent dug a trap.

If she went in blindly, she would fall into the pit.

Qiao Xiachu took out another grenade.

Just when she was about to pull the fuse, she heard a voice begging for mercy from inside: "Don't blow it up, don't blow it up, I'm not a bad person, I don't want to hurt people, the traps and crossbows are all for my own protection, what food is there in the villa?" Nothing, it's all a bunch of useless stinky money, take it if you want-"

Then, a ragged figure appeared in Qiao Xiachu's sight.

He raised his hands in surrender.

"Our family came from outside the mountain. We have only been here for more than ten days. We want to find a place to stay here. We don't have anything on us. We only have a bow and crossbow made by ourselves, and we don't have any weapons," the man said.

Qiao Xiachu threw the grenade into the space.

She turned around, raised the gun in her hand, aimed at the man in front of her, and walked towards him step by step.

In the past few years of natural disasters, except for large bases, it is difficult for ordinary retail investors to have hot weapons. A stick can become a weapon for ordinary people.

But such a person is just as dangerous.

Qiao Xiachu aimed at the man's head, and said coldly: "Call out all your people, or I will blow you up to the sky."


As soon as Xiao Hei stepped on a stake, he saw a mousetrap pop up on the ground. It bent its body, jumped up suddenly, and quickly retreated one meter away.

The man gritted his teeth.

He shouted behind him: "Liangliang, Tiger, come out."

This woman is not easy to deal with.

She wasn't fooled at all, she was always standing out of range, aiming at his forehead, and her cat even swept away more than a dozen mousetraps he had placed in a row.

Cold weapons are no match for hot weapons.

There were only three of them.

The only thing he could use in his hands was a crossbow and three machetes.

Every time he went out, Liangliang was in charge of keeping the cold out. He attracted people's attention, and the tiger slashed the machete hard, so the journey was fruitful.

But when they fled from outside to Feng'e City, they rarely encountered opponents with guns along the way. Generally, when they encountered such people, they definitely avoided as far as possible.

Qiao Xiachu's lips parted slightly, aiming at the man's head, and said softly: "Brother, your companion seems to disagree."

While the man was in a daze, she quickly pulled the trigger with her fingers.

bang bang——

The bullet flew at an awe-inspiring speed, pierced through a piece of glass in the villa, and hit a person in the head.

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