
The man yelled.

However, before the cry landed, a bullet pierced his heart behind him.

Two more shots.

The man died immediately on the spot.

And a man with cloth strips tied around his waist rushed out of the room, and when he saw her, he yelled hysterically: "You killed my elder brother and second brother, I will fight you. I will kill your cousin—"

bang bang.

Qiao Xiachu fired two shots in a row, directly through his legs and knees.

With a plop, the man fell to his knees.

He screamed in pain and kept rolling on the ground, screaming again and again.


Xiao Hei walked up to her feet, smelling like feces all over his body, slowly climbed onto her legs, ran all the way to her shoulders, and squatted on top of her.

The cold gaze, the ruthless contempt, is like a born king of darkness.

Qiao Xiachu stepped on the creaking fallen leaves, walked up to the man, aimed his gun at his forehead, and said with a sneer, "You are the one holding the lens and trying to dazzle my eyes, right?"

The man screamed in pain.

He suddenly turned over, glared and said: "Yes, it's me. Anyway, everyone is hungry, and whoever loses will be the fish on the board."

The weak become fish, isn't this the prevailing rule in the last days?

They do it all the time.

Never rolled over.

Qiao Xiachu nodded, and asked back, "Yes, isn't that what I did? Isn't it normal for you to die at the point of my gun?"


The man is furious.

The three brothers teamed up and were invincible. They had always used other people to practice their hands. There were not ten, but twenty people who died under their knife.

The first time I tried the weakness of fish, it was a matter of life and death.

"Okay, you can kill if you want, but let me tell you, all three of our brothers are sick, if you want to eat, you will die in the end." The man said.

His back was already starting to rot.

At first, everyone felt nothing.

But as time went by, the three brothers became more and more irritable and bloodthirsty. Whenever they saw someone, they wanted to use a knife, even when they were not hungry.

Then, sores began to develop on the body of the eldest brother and the second brother, and they rotted one by one.

At first, he was glad that he didn't have any growth, but within a few days, the goddess of luck stopped favoring him, and abscesses broke out for no reason. Even if he did a ghost, he would remember the painful feeling to the bone marrow.

"Cut, I don't have your hobbies. I don't like to eat dirty things." Qiao Xiachu sneered.

She had noticed that the man was scratching his back all the time, as if he had some kind of infectious disease, so she wanted to observe it, and when she saw it clearly, she would understand it in seconds.

This is what happens.

have nothing to say.

It is not an infectious disease, but as long as it has been done, no one can escape.

Qiao Xiachu sent him away with one shot, and set the three of them on fire.

After sweeping the audience with the drone monitor that Rong Huaiyan gave her, throwing stones as she walked, and eliminating the traps, she led Xiao Hei all the way into the house.

In the heyday, this house was definitely the residence of the top richest people in the city. It was built in a barren mountain, with high walls outside, a large area of ​​power grid, and many alarm systems.

There are several large single-family houses connected together, and there is a five-story building behind them. Even if it is a bit older, the structure, bricks and tiles of the house are all top-notch configurations.

Qiao Xiachu exclaimed "rich man", and then she continued to walk inside, looking for various valuables from room to room.

Big vase, take it.

Sandalwood tables and chairs, close.

Gold silk nanmu cabinet, close.

Cabbage jade ornaments, close.


As expected of a top rich man, there are quite a lot of valuable things. Although it may not be as good as a pack of instant noodles or a box of milk to others, they are all valuable treasures in her hands.

After she searched all the antiques, she went to the building behind to search again, and took away all the things that were placed outside and those left in the cabinet.

Even if it is a wooden dowry box, I will not let it go.

It's just that when the owner left, he shouldn't be in a hurry, he collected the things in the house, and the back kitchen was clean.

There is no food in the warehouse.

Qiao Xiachu tidied up and was ready to go back.


Xiao Hei suddenly rushed down from her shoulders, jumped down after a few jumps, and kept scratching at a wall, as if trying to break the wall.

She was a little surprised.

Xiao Hei is a lazy cat.

If it wasn't for the crisis, it would rarely have such an aggressive action.

Qiao Xiachu walked over and tapped the wall with her finger.

The sound is wrong.

The walls are empty inside.

Is there a treasure hidden in this wall?

Thinking of this, Qiao Xiachu became excited for an instant, and then shifted a big hammer out of the space, aiming at the wall and hitting it directly.

Puchi puchi.

The powder on the wall kept falling.


Qiao Xiachu hurriedly continued to smash, knocking on the wall.

As the wall was pried open to reveal the bricks inside, no holes were found, and there were no gold or silver treasures hidden in the wall.

She was a little disappointed.

Just when she was about to give up, she suddenly found that there was a little bit of wind blowing in this pothole.

There is space in it.

Qiao Xiachu's heart skipped a beat, he picked up the hammer and continued beating.

With a sound, a large part of the wall collapsed, revealing a big black hole.

There was indeed a room inside.

Qiao Xiachu put away the hammer, transferred a high-power flashlight from the space, and scanned the inside.

There is a wall in front of you.

Sweeping down again, I found that there was a row of stairs underneath.


Xiao Hei suddenly jumped up and rushed out.

"Little Black—"

Qiao Xiachu's heart was beating wildly.

Does this stinky blackie need to smoke?

Before she passed, it rushed in recklessly. If there was a trap or danger inside, it would be too late to escape.

In desperation, Qiao Xiachu loaded the submachine gun, stepped over the wall, and plunged into the darkness.

The steps are steep and dense.

When she walked all the way to the bottom, in the dark room, there was a strong musty smell everywhere, and there was also an unpleasant smell of excrement and urine.

Qiao Xiachu picked up the flashlight for lighting.


A soft meow came from inside.

She froze.

This is not Xiao Hei's voice.

Xiao Hei is a male cat, his voice is cold to the point of ruthlessness.

She swept it with a flashlight, and sure enough, in a dark hole, she found a gray kitten, covered in strands and strands, nestled in a pile of dry grass, its original color could no longer be distinguished.

This cat is still alive.

Life is big.

Qiao Xiachu called out "Xiao Hei", and then, she saw with her own eyes that Xiao Hei, who had always liked cleanliness, leaned close to the dirty cat and rubbed her head against it until the fur on her head became wet.

She couldn't hold her forehead.

Could it be that the dirty cat is a female?

"Xiao Hei, it's enough for me to raise one of you. If you continue to behave like this, I don't want you anymore." She threatened Xiao Hei.

"Meow meow meow~~~"

Xiao Hei turned around at her and kept rubbing his head against her legs. It was the first time that he was so enthusiastic, and the cat design collapsed in an instant!

Is this still her aloof Xiao Hei? !

Qiao Xiachu laughed feebly.

Enduring the stench in the cave, she threatened Xiao Hei: "I warn you, since you want to adopt it, I will hand it over to you in the future, and if it makes trouble for me, I will throw you away too!"

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