
Xiao Hei called out again.

Qiao Xiachu could tell that Xiao Hei liked this dirty cat very much.

She thought that there was hairy cat food in the space, and finally gave up, planning to throw them into the pasture together, and then give the dirty cat a good wash after going out.

When she was about to squat down to catch the cat, she saw the kitten bared its teeth suddenly with a defensive look on its face.

Qiao Xiachu swiped away with a flashlight.


Thick snakes——


All poisonous snakes.


Qiao Xiachu ran towards the stairs without saying a word.

As soon as she ran, the two cats behind her followed her and rushed up the stairs.

The poisonous snake downstairs did not chase upstairs.

Qiao Xiachu ran upstairs in one breath, panting and swept the black hole behind him, and he was relieved that he didn't see the poisonous snake.

Suddenly, she thought of something.

"Xiao Hei, take another risk with me." She gritted her teeth.

After finishing speaking, Qiao Xiachu hurriedly put on a set of slippery protective clothing, covering his head well, and his hands were full of realgar used to repel snakes, and black water poison powder.

Once she got to the ground, she swept it away with a flashlight.

Sure enough, as she expected, there were dense red fruits growing on the wall, each of which was crystal clear, as beautiful as rubies.

so beautiful.

Qiao Xiachu was very excited.

She vaguely remembered that the closer to the poisonous snake, the more likely it was to grow rare medicinal herbs.

She wasn't sure what these red fruits were.

But the experience of digging ice mushrooms in the cave last time was still fresh in her memory.

The ice mushroom has solved many problems for her. Although it cannot be transplanted and planted, and there is not much left to eat, it is a treasure.

Thinking of this, Qiao Xiachu used all his strength to frantically drive the snake away.

She lit a bonfire on the ground, illuminating the entire underground cavern.

This is obviously not a natural cave, it should be excavated by man.

But on the cave are strange stones, colorful, bursting with beautiful luster under the firelight.

On the edge of this pile of beautiful stones, there are dense red fruits.

She's going to take them all.

Not one left.


At this time, the dirty cat also came down.

It was a continuous yell at the snakes.

The snake seemed to be afraid of it, so it dared not go forward.

Dragon and tiger fight?

Qiao Xiachu couldn't help laughing.

It seems that this kitten is not completely useless.

Qiao Xiachu walked over and began to pick the red fruits on the mountain wall, and she put them into sealed plastic boxes one after another.

After working for two hours, she finished picking all the red fruits.

This red fruit is very delicate, it will shatter when it falls on the ground, and it will directly turn into a pool of red puree. There is no core inside, only a fruit pedicle attached to the vine.

After Qiao Xiachu picked the fruit, he took a section of the vine by the way, dug up a beautiful stone, and put them together in a bag, ready to take them back and show them to Qiao Mobai.


Dirty cats have never backed down.

It wasn't until Qiao Xiachu picked all the fruits and retreated towards the stairs behind him that Maomao moved.

This time, the poisonous snake went crazy.

Qiao Xiachu led the two cats out of the cave, and all the poisonous snakes followed.

They are irritable and irritable, as if they are very dissatisfied with Qiao Xiachu's behavior of picking the fruit, and want to devour her.

Qiao Xiachu doesn't care.

As soon as she got out, she threw out an off-road vehicle, threw the two cats on it, and rushed to the cab without saying a word, opened the accelerator to the maximum, and rushed towards Feng'e City.

The speed of the four wheels was naturally not something the snakes could catch up with, so they were left far behind in a short while, and soon disappeared.

As soon as Qiao Xiachu approached the city, he got out of the car, took off his protective clothing, took the snakeskin bag containing stones from the co-pilot, and took the car away.

Dirty cats are very well-behaved.

It came to a strange place without any fear, as if it had known Xiao Hei for a long time.

Qiao Xiachu was quite surprised.

She still doesn't know where this cat came from, what breed it is, and even its fur color, so she just adopted a strange cat.

Shaking her head, she walked towards the city.

After she returned to the residence, she went to the bathroom and filled a large basin of water, and said to Xiao Hei, "Take it to wash together, do you understand?"

Xiao Hei walked up to the dirty cat and bumped it with his head.

Dirty cats are reluctant.

It looks away.

Xiao Hei meowed at it again.

The dirty cat was reluctant, but in the end it seemed that Xiao Hei couldn't be restrained. He raised his head, walked to the pool with a proud face, and then squatted down gracefully, as if to say: This princess has agreed, you can wash it for me...

"..." Qiao Xiachu.

Did she find a cat owner to come back?

She resisted the urge to throw it out.

If it weren't for the sake of it helping her drive away the snake, she would have done it long ago.

A good wash.

After washing several pots of dirty water, Qiao Xiachu stared at the translucent white little one in front of him in shock, and said in a deep voice, "It turned out to be a white cat. From now on, you will be called...Xiaobai."


Xiaobai responded.

I don't know if it likes it or resists it.

But Qiao Xiachu decided, and it will be called Xiaobai from now on.

Little black little white!

How sassy.

Qiao Xiachu held back a laugh, wiped it clean, and then gave Xiao Hei another bath.

The two cats were wet, lying on the bath towel she threw out, sticking together, keeping each other warm...

Just then, the door was opened.

When Rong Huaiyan walked in, he found that there was a little white cat suddenly in the house, and he was surprised: "Where did you find a little white cat that is so suitable for Xiao Hei?"


When these two people stay together, it's like black and white impermanence!

Qiao Xiachu chuckled.

She recounted how she discovered the cat.

Rong Huaiyan was quite surprised.

There is such a thing in Feng'e City.

"I'm going to send something to the lab in a while, and I'll ask Mobai to analyze it for me. If it's a good thing, wouldn't it be great?" She said happily.

Rong Huaiyan nodded.

Not sure if it's a new thing that can rival ice mushrooms.

"Why did you come back so early? The dungeon has been repaired?" she said.

A lot of dirty water.

She has to deal with it.

Rong Huaiyan smiled faintly, and said in a deep voice: "Go, I'll take you to a place to see something good. I haven't reported it to Lao You yet."

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