Qiao Xiachu went out with Rong Huaiyan, this guy was talking about him, he led her around and walked a lot before arriving at the remote development zone of Feng'e City.

There is a big building sign in front, with a super big "Dang" written on it.


Qiao Xiachu looked back at Rong Huaiyan, and said with a smirk, "Could it be that the treasure inside hasn't been taken away?"

"Not really."

This is not a simple pawn shop, it should be a transfer station, some goods of unknown origin are sent to this shop and then transferred out by his hand.

As a result, the end came, and a large number of goods piled up in the store, but none of them came out.

Qiao Xiachu's eyes lit up.

That's really great, she doesn't need to do transactions one by one, and just go to other people's stores to get them, wouldn't it be very convenient and fast, and save a lot of trouble at once.

The key is safety.

"Then there are gold shops, jade shops and antique shops in this city?" Qiao Xiachu smiled wickedly.

Rong Huaiyan brushed her head lovingly.

"You're right, I've already checked all the spots, and then we'll receive the goods one by one. Anyway, this thing is useless to Lao You, so we accept it ourselves." He said.

Qiao Xiachu nodded frequently.

But that's it.

What Lao You wanted was food, living supplies, and medical supplies. No matter how beautiful the gold and silver were, they couldn't eat or drink, and they were in the way if they were in his hands.

Without any psychological burden, she kicked the door open.

An alarm sounded from inside the door.

The room was played for a long time, but there was no movement at all, only a Pixiu ornament in the room stared at them coldly with a dignified look.

Qiao Xiachu jumped over in a few steps, stretched out her hand, and directly received the big Pixiu.

The color is translucent, and it is a very good jade.

She smiled happily and said, "Is there such a treasure inside?"

"There are many."

It was the first time that Rong Huaiyan discovered that she was a bit of a money fanatic. When she saw the baby, her eyes lit up, and those little eyes flickered, and she wished she could swallow the baby in one go.

Qiao Xiachu was happy.

She lifted her legs and ran towards the inside, ran all the way to the back, and then rummaged through boxes and cabinets, collecting all the items stored within her sight, no matter whether they were useful or not.

Collect and collect.

Baby come to the bowl.

Famous paintings through the ages?

The splendor and wealth of the prosperous age are not as good as a steamed bun in this last age. Fortunately, she has a space to eat the treasures and give them glory again.

Although in the way of being "eaten".

A teacup marked as a Song Dynasty official kiln.

In the prosperous age, I am afraid that hundreds of thousands are needed.

Nowadays, even if it was used by Emperor Huizong of Song Dynasty, it is not very useful. You can change it for a compressed biscuit.

Qiao Xiachu happily received the goods.

The safe at the back was cracked by Rong Huaiyan, and there was a dazzling array of things inside, dazzling to see, real and fake, fake and real, she took them all in one go.

False, space does not eat.

But if it is genuine, it will be absorbed directly.

Qiao Xiachu walked, and finally found a small teacup in a wooden cabinet in the backmost room of the pawnshop.

The teacup is not too big, and when held in the palm, it is icy and cool, and the jade quality is watery. When it is exposed to the light, a mist of water fills the air, and it is hard to put it down just looking at it.

She glanced at the mark on the bottom, and said that it was a jade pot used by officials in the Song Dynasty, and the expert estimated it at 150 million.

"This should be fake. A small Feng'e City can't eat such a big baby. I took it back and used it as a water glass." Qiao Xiaochu laughed.

Rong Huaiyan smiled.

He said lightly: "Don't underestimate Feng'e City. This is a transit station, and you can't eat it by itself. However, good things from all walks of life will enter the city, and they usually stay for a short time. When a natural disaster strikes, all the goods are stranded in the city. , naturally you can’t escape.”

The number of treasures left in each city is countless.

But no one will go out of their way to collect them.

After all, it doesn't make much sense.

Qiao Xiachu stuck out her tongue.

That's a bit of a luxury.

This jade cup was poured into a glass of water, and a faint cold fragrance wafted from his nose.

It's good to drink water.

So happy to decide.

Qiao Xiachu packed it in a box and put it in the space.

After leaving the pawn shop, they went to the various gold shops in the city together. Although there were many "parallel imports", there were still genuine gold.

Qiao Xiachu accepted a batch.

After running several places in a row, there was only one vault left in the city.

Rong Huaiyan said: "There is no way to do it for a while. To open the entrance, you have to use a bomb. It is easy to alarm others. Let's find another opportunity."

"it is good."

Qiao Xiachu was very satisfied.

After two trips, she has already harvested a lot. The treasures in the space are piled up like a mountain. As long as you let go, they will be absorbed in minutes, depending on the changes in the space.

After returning to her residence, she made a special selection and found three teacups and a teapot, all of which were jade objects of the same color.

Placed on a tray, it is bright and colorful, very pleasing to the eye.

In the heyday of this thing, any piece of it was the object of competition in the auction house, and now it is used to give them drinking water, which can be regarded as "used" for what it deserves.

Qiao Xiachu disinfected it well, rubbed it with alcohol and wiped it again and again.

After washing and cleaning, she boiled a pot of lemonade, let it cool, and then poured it into the jade pot. When Qiao Mobai came back, she saw the jade cup on the table and said with a look of astonishment: "This cup is small, I drink it." The water has to be poured several times, it seems inappropriate."

Elegant or something, he doesn't have such a temperament.


Qiao Xiachu burst out laughing.

She took a sip from the glass and said with a smile: "Whatever it is, I will brew a batch of wine and drink it, and you won't think the glass is too small."

Space has vines.

But she didn't.

After the black soil was upgraded before, she has been using it to grow herbs, and there is no time to grow fruits. I hope this time I can upgrade a few more fields.

She planted some fruit along the way.

The weather has been fine recently, and some new farmers from the city are trying their best to "open up wasteland" and grow fruits and vegetables in every way.

But most of the energy is spent on planting carbohydrate crops such as pumpkins, potatoes, and sweet potatoes. There is no time to plant fruits and the like, and there are no seeds.

Many people have already experienced adverse reactions of vitamin deficiency.

But no one cared.

Not being hungry is already the limit.

Fortunately, they brought back a lot of medicines from Wind Sand City this time, and the vitamin tablets among them have been distributed to the residents, allowing the sick patients to start supplementing vitamins.

Qiao Xiachu took out the snakeskin bag from under the table and said to him, "Here is a batch of particularly strange things. Please help me find out what they are and whether they can be eaten."

Qiao Mobai looked puzzled.

He took a closer look, picked up the plastic box, looked at the gray vine carefully, and muttered: "This vine is very strange. It doesn't have photosynthesis, but it can grow so well. It's interesting. I'll take it back and study it."

As he spoke, he forgot that he had just returned, and went out again with his bag.

Qiao Xiachu chased after him and stuffed him with a box of sandwiches, a glass of milk, a few ginseng fruits, and a handful of nuts for him to take home to eat.

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