After Qiao Xiachu came back, he closed the alloy door tightly, then drew the curtains, opened all the treasure boxes in the space, and put them all into the space.


Treasures, and most of the gold and silver were thrown out, and there was no movement in the space.

A scene where nothing happened.

Qiao Xiachu muttered: "What's going on? Could it be that the space has been upgraded to its peak?"


She doesn't believe it.

One minute, two minutes...

Qiao Xiachu drank two glasses of lemonade in a row, but after she didn't respond at all, she really panicked.

Did nothing come to pass?


With elegant steps, Xiao Bai raised his tail and walked towards her slowly. When he came to her feet, he nudged her lightly along the way.

This action is not the same as that of Xiao Hei.

Xiao Hei Gao is not like a cat, but like a lazy egg.

Qiao Xiachu was captivated by its cuteness, and involuntarily stretched out his hand to rub the cat's belly. The little guy seemed to enjoy it without any resistance.

It actually seemed to please her somewhat.

Different cats have very different personalities.


Xiao Hei was a little cold and a little angry.

It swept its shit-shoveling officer hostilely, with a bit of resentment in its eyes, an expression of falling out of favor.

Seeing this, Qiao Xiachu picked up Xiaobai and rubbed him again.

Xiaobai lazily listens to Jun's "picking".

Qiao Xiachu took out two sausages from the space and handed them to the two cats.

With the sausage in his mouth, Xiaobai went back to his exclusive cat's den... The movements were skillful and natural, and he completely regarded himself as his own home.

Qiao Xiachu was somewhat curious about the old owner of the hilltop villa.

What kind of master is raising such a cat?


Just as Qiao Xiachu was feeling emotional, the space suddenly made a sound of shaking. When she sank into her thoughts and "looked" carefully, she found that earth-shaking changes had taken place inside.

Storage space doubled.

Her supplies used to be full, but now they only take up half of them, and the vacant area is big enough.

What excites her most is that the farm area has expanded several times.

On the outskirts of the farm, a tall mountain full of trees appeared.

There are so many species of plants in the mountains, it seems to be a small world by itself.

The only thing that hasn't changed is the ranch.

The ranch is small and time passes very slowly.

To Qiao Xiachu's surprise, the time barrier between the farm and the ranch loosened a bit.

She dodged in, raised her hand to check the time, and found that she had stayed in the space for a full two minutes without the slightest tear in her body, just like being in the outside world.



The space has been upgraded to this point.

If she continues to collect treasures in the future, will the space be upgraded one day so that she can enter the space to survive?

Thinking of this, Qiao Xiachu's blood boiled all over.

Wouldn't it be beautiful to directly enter the space when encountering a large-scale natural disaster?

"Great." She said excitedly.

When she was happy, Qiao Xiachu re-entered the space again and chose to "enter" the snack area, and her body stood in front of the densely packed snack lockers in minutes.

Because of time, she took whatever she caught.

When I got out, there was a pile of snacks like popcorn chocolate chips on the table.

This space upgrade really reached her heart.

Qiao Xiachu opened a bag of potato chips and started to eat it.

At this time, she heard a cry from outside, and she listened carefully, as if a woman was crying, accompanied by Erhei's questioning voice.

Qiao Xiachu dropped the snacks, turned around and went out.

As soon as she went out, she found a woman downstairs who was holding a man and crying loudly: "God damn it, how many times have I advised you, you must remember to take medicine, take medicine, but you just don't listen, just leave it like this." Me, let me live alone in this last world—"

Erhei stood on the side.

"Mrs. Huang, you still send Mr. Huang to the hospital, what if he can be saved?" he said

The woman was sobbing.

"He had a heart attack, and he took medicine every time he had an attack, but he was reluctant to take it, saying that medicine is a scarce resource in the last days. Eat, people are gone like this, woo woo woo, let me be a woman, what should I do?"

She cried miserably, under the light of the dusk of the doomsday, traces of despair and sadness flowed slowly.

The people around were all Mrs. Huang's acquaintances, and after being alarmed, they felt extremely sad.

People die like lights go out.

People in the doomsday are not as good as dogs.

"Mrs. Huang, don't hurt yourself. It's better to live than to die."

"Yes, Mrs. Huang needs help, let me know."

"Yes, they are all neighbors, and those who can help, we are all there."

Mrs. Huang was very sad.

But she still cried and thanked the people around her.

After being sad, Mrs. Huang finally pulled herself together, asked the neighbors around for help, and carried her husband to the centralized cemetery in Feng'e City.

In the end, people die every day.

Lao You planned a lush park specially used as a cemetery.

Dig the earth, bury people, and mark it in your own way...

Not so much ostentation.

There is no ceremony, and the people around just silently mourn collectively, supporting each other on the grave with only a stone or a pile of bricks as a mark, expressing condolences for the dead.

It is uncertain whether anyone will come to worship in the coming year.

Whether this mark is useful or not has become less important...

It's just the living who buried their loved ones with their own hands.

After the burial, the sun set, and the entire Feng'e City was shrouded in a huge red mist, dyeing the dilapidated city into a large human cemetery.

Death happens all the time.

People have never felt that death is so close to them, so close that they are within reach...

Qiao Xiachu stood on the roof.

She looked at the sky far away, under the tragic afterglow of the setting sun, a faint sadness flashed in her heart, which was the emotion contagious by the death of the same kind.

When she returned to the room, she found Erhei standing outside her room.

"Uncle Hei, why are you here?" she asked.

Er Hei looked tired.

He said: "I just want to ask, has there been any progress in Mobai's research?"

Last night, Hu Guang was injured once.

The two are the most intimate, so they are not on guard against each other, and their emotions fluctuate greatly.

After she got too excited, she burst into tears, and then Hu Guang fainted from the shock...

Fortunately, Erhei rushed there in time and did not cause any harm.

He also secretly told Hu Guang what he had discovered, and asked Hu Guang not to irritate Jiao Mei as much as possible.

When Hu Guang heard about it, his head was as big as a bucket.

Qiao Xiachu shook his head.

She said: "It's not that fast. Even if Mo Bai gets the manuscript, it's impossible to come up with the results all at once. I think you should not hide it from her, tell her the truth, she may have known it a long time ago, and she is also restraining herself Well, if this is the case, it is better to guide her to accept this change, and then learn to control it."

After all, brainwaves are stronger than ordinary people, and they also generate attack power. This is definitely a superpower that countless people want to have.

Isn't it appropriate to break the iron spoon with your mind?

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