Erhei pondered, a little hesitant for a moment.

He and Hu Guang are also discussing whether to tell her the truth...

It's just that they were worried that Zhou Jiaomei's repeated injuries would hit her too hard, and she would not be able to accept the reality for a while, and they were also worried that she would become more inferior and feel that she was "different from ordinary people".

Qiao Xiachu said with a smile: "This is the end of the world. It's good to be different from ordinary people. She replaced her feet with her own head, which may have a greater effect. She can complete many experiments that can't be done with hands." project."

When Er Hei heard this, he suddenly came to his senses.

He nodded repeatedly and said: "It makes sense, whether it's a blessing or a curse, it depends on how she looks at it, maybe it's not necessarily a bad thing."

Thinking of this, Erhei turned around and was about to go down the stairs, but was stopped by the girl behind him.

"Uncle Hei, we went to Fengsha City this time, I took some snacks myself, last time Huaiyan said you like chocolate, here is a pack, you can take it out and eat." She opened the door with her fingerprints.

After the door opened, Qiao Xiachu grabbed a large bag of chocolates and a bag of potato chips from the table, and handed them to Erhei together.

Erhei just wanted to refuse.

"You can't refuse. The chocolate is for you, and the potato chips are for you. Although the date is not fresh, the food is well preserved. It should be fine to eat. I have eaten it myself." She said.

Erhei was so moved that he didn't want to.

All of these things were bought by Qiao Meier's life.

It's a bit inappropriate for him to just eat it like this.

"Hu Guang didn't ask for snacks. He took a bunch of weapons. This time he sacrificed a lot and bleed the most." Qiao Xiachu said.

Erhei couldn't laugh or cry.

After what happened, he also heard from Hu Guang that it was Ma Cuilan's unintentional move that actually saved her son-in-law. Erhei also lamented that this is a cycle.

"Okay, then eat a piece of chocolate that my niece gave me. Your Uncle Hei feels at ease, with you and Jiaomei two daughters, life is not in vain." Erhei said sincerely.

He likes to eat chocolate.

Last time at the first base, Rong Huaiyan deliberately showed off in front of him, but he just didn't eat this one, but he didn't expect it to be complete today.

"Girl, thanks to you. We have come all the way to where we are today." Erhei said with emotion.

Qiao Xiachu shook his head.

She doesn't take credit for it.

"Uncle Hei, go back and see Jiao Mei, tell her the whole story, and then train a bit. When the dungeon is completed, let's move in there," she said.

"Okay, okay, listen to the eldest daughter." Erhei said with a smile.

As soon as he saw chocolate, all his gluttons were hooked out.

He took the things and went back.

When he arrived at the door of the house, he found that Hu Guang was holding Zhou Jiaomei, brushing her back lightly all the time, telling her not to get excited...

Erhei gritted his teeth, and finally decided to listen to Qiao Xiachu and tell her the truth.


In a blink of an eye, a month passed, and the base's dungeon was finally completed.

There is no paint putty powder, and the wall is directly a cement wall.

There are several sets of air circulation systems installed throughout the underground city, each of which operates independently, and the power supply system is also independent. Even if the base is attacked and one of them fails, it will not affect other areas at all.

At the front of the dungeon is the general monitoring room, behind it is the office and residence of the managers of Lao You and his party, and in the middle is a long section of residential quarters. Although the space is small, one room can accommodate three people, and the largest is the quadruple room. .

Afterwards, the fitness equipment in the city will be brought over, as well as basketball courts, table tennis courts... major sports and playgrounds, so that people will not be too bored and have mental problems living in it.

Lao You also ordered people to carry the books from the library in the city one by one to set up a library, and dragged back the video recorder from the Feng'e City TV station, and stretched the curtain on the wall to play some restored versions. "Tunnel Warfare", "The Founding of a Nation" and other movies...

There are all kinds of recreational facilities.

Of course, Lao You also set up some jobs in the city, moved the equipment in the city, organized the residents to actively resume production, and produced some daily necessities.

The underground city is full of wires, not exquisite, and there are even exposed machinery, ugly, but satisfying the lives of survivors, it should be no problem.

Especially when Qiao Xiachu and Rong Huaiyan went out twice and brought back a large amount of food, and the residents were crazy about planting and hoarding all kinds of food, even if they lived in the underground city for two or three years, it would not be a problem.

After Qiao Xiachu entered the dungeon to visit, a hanging heart slowly let go.

The poisonous smog descended, and it was really not something ordinary people could resist.

The piercing pain is killing people every night. Many people died in the thick fog, and some people couldn't bear the pain and killed themselves directly.

Although Qiao Xiachu did not participate in the excavation work of the dungeon, everyone supported her with both hands and feet as the first batch of people selected for the dungeon.

She can choose her own room first.

Lao You brought the team over, handed over a large bunch of keys, and said with a smile, "You can choose whatever you want, all the rooms in the dungeon are for you to choose from."

Qiao Xiachu helped her forehead.

She smiled and said, "Let Huaiyan choose, anyway, the way of living will be the same as now."

Lao You laughed out loud.

He said to the people around him: "Did you see that, I guessed that this girl would entrust this difficult task to Da Rong, am I a fortune teller?"

Several people laughed.

Don't mention how happy the scene is.

Qiao Xiachu covered her face.

A group of people laughed at her.


ignore them.

After all, Qiao Xiachu did not participate in the choice of residence.

Although everyone agrees, this kind of thing can't be done too much. Once someone presses his thoughts in his heart, and one day it explodes, it will always cause trouble to Xiao Qiang.

Keep a low profile.

Rong Huaiyan did not resist.

He went directly into the dungeon with Lao You and his group, directly selected a four-person room, and then moved a titanium alloy iron door by himself, and knocked on it, transforming their house into an impenetrable one.

Lao You covered his mouth and laughed.

He jokingly said: "You have closed it so firmly, is it to guard against thieves, or to guard against thieves?"

Rong Huaiyan looked at him, with a hint of coldness on his lips: "Isn't this nonsense? Defense against the sky and the earth against people, people's hearts are still in the belly, not to mention this natural disaster and the end of the world, who knows what will come? "

"..." Lao You.

What Da Rong said makes sense.

When they excavated the dungeon, they did find a lot of snakes, poisonous scorpions, and bones...there were indeed many dangers.

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