Early this morning, when Qiao Xiachu woke up, she found that she had a nosebleed that covered the sheets.

In an instant, she felt bad all over.

The poisonous fog is coming, the poisonous fog is coming.

Qiao Xiachu ran towards the next door in a panic, slapped the door loudly, and shouted loudly: "Mobai, Mobai, hurry up, follow me to the dungeon, the poisonous fog is coming, if you don't run, it will be too late. "

The poisonous fog came very quickly.

The sky is like dumplings, soaring eagles, vultures, and all kinds of birds are fluttering and falling to the ground, which is called a speed.

The original blue sky with white clouds turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye, getting redder and redder until it was so red as to bleed...

The trees also changed color at a rate visible to the naked eye.

Qiao Xiachu hastily put away Xiaobai and Xiaohei.

She slammed on the gate and kept calling for people to let people in the community enter the dungeon as quickly as possible.

Qiao Mobai, who was resting in the room, heard his sister's words, and jumped up from the bed with a carp. He didn't care about taking anything, and followed Qiao Xiachu directly, heading towards the dungeon, at the speed of a 100-meter race run wildly.

At first, some people didn't believe Qiao Xiachu's words.

But the old man who was drying the dried sweet potatoes on a high-rise building was carrying a rake and pulling the dried sweet potatoes. The red mist that suddenly fell from the sky slowly rolled over.

After a while, he felt scorching hot all over his body as if on fire, followed by a lifeless sting, as if something was drilling into his skin, drilling and drilling.

Gradually, he felt the bone-eating pain of being skinned alive, and then let out repeated screams.


The uncle was stiff all over, unable to move, and screamed heart-piercingly on the tall building in a strange posture.

When the red fog enveloped him, hair-sized white worms grew out of his outer skin, wriggling and wriggling as if they had been drilled out of the skin.

Milky white fluid flowed from his eyes.

After a while, he staggered towards the side of the building.

This pain is too excruciating.

Life is better than death.

The uncle lived and felt the inhuman torture the whole time.

He doesn't want to live anymore.

I don't want to live anymore.

Exhausting the rest of his life, he swung his body, and then fell to the ground under the terrified eyes of everyone...



"The red mist is poisonous."

"Go to the dungeon, go to the dungeon!"

The crowd swarmed and rushed towards the entrance of the dungeon, sprinting desperately, almost running at a speed that they had never imagined in their entire lives.

Lao You put on a gas mask and protective clothing, and drove a truck with a big speaker on it, which was directly recorded by him.

"Attention the whole city, pay attention to the whole city, everyone enters the dungeon, everyone enters the dungeon, no more wild boars, no more sweet potatoes and pumpkins, no more clothes and cups... all of them are no longer needed, our supplies are in the dungeon, hurry up what--"

The cry was anxious and flustered.

Lao You lost his composure for the first time.

A group of experts said before that there was a large-scale disaster and the ground would suffer, but they did not expect such a strange fog. Where have you seen this battle?

The deadly red mist!

Everyone was yelling and running.

Rong Huaiyan organized the people to retreat quickly.

He knew that Qiao Qiao must have taken Mo Bai to the dungeon.

She has always been afraid of the poisonous fog.

It's just that he hasn't found Hu Guang and Er Hei yet. Who knows if they will procrastinate in order to protect Zhou Jiaomei. If the chance of escape is delayed, everyone will be unable to escape.

In the backpack behind Rong Huaiyan, there is a set of gas mask and clothes that Qiao Xiachu prepared for him.

She said: "Once the poisonous fog falls, Mo Bai and I will definitely rush to the dungeon as soon as possible. If you want to organize people to retreat, it may delay time. This set of clothes has a certain protective effect, but the time is only 30 minutes. "

The role of protective clothing is not invincible.

As long as there is temperature, poisonous fog can corrode protective clothing...

This is a very scary thing.

Rong Huaiyan put on his clothes and mask immediately, and then organized the retreat while looking for Erhei and Hu Guang in the crowd.

Outside the crowd, Hu Guang carried Zhou Jiaomei on his back, followed by Erhei, and the three ran towards the dungeon all the way, the poisonous mist behind them seemed to catch up.

Rong Huaiyan was a little anxious.

He rushed over quickly, grabbed a water pipe that was exposed on the ground, and sprayed wildly at the red mist falling from the sky.

Under the impact of the water, some of the fog was dispersed.

It was also this wave of splashes, delayed for a few seconds.

But Erhei's arm was still "bitten" by Hong Wu, escorted by Rong Huaiyan all the way, after they arrived in the dungeon, he started to go crazy.

"You go, I, I must be poisoned, I can't go into the city, lest I infect you!" Erhei said in pain.

At the entrance of the dungeon, countless people were still watching at the beginning, but when they heard Erhei's words, they retreated one by one.




Facing such a powerful poisonous fog, no one dared to step forward and say "I am with you".

"No, Dad, Dad—"

Zhou Jiaomei was about to cry.

Er Hei sternly said: "Don't cry, what's the big deal, people have to die, I can live to see my daughter, I have no regrets in this life, you and Hu Guang live well, live every day counts."

With that said, he turned around and was about to walk outside.

I don't know if the poisonous mist will be contagious. If he enters the densely populated underground city, it will be tantamount to putting everyone in a cage to start a ruthless massacre.

He can't kill so many innocent people.


Awang, Laoyou and a group of people are standing at the door, they don't want him to leave, they can't bear him!


Hu Guang had tears in his eyes.

If it was him, he would have made this decision too.

All men understand.

It's just that Jiaomei must be very, very sad.

She just met her father, and she was about to say goodbye so soon.

Rong Huaiyan's face was dark.

He didn't believe it was true.

"Jojo, Jojo—"

He hurriedly ran behind, looking for the only bright color in the crowd.

After Qiao Xiachu saw him, he was in a state of confusion. He heard that Erhei had been "bitten" by the poisonous mist on his arm. He was afraid of infecting others, so he decided to die alone!

After hearing this, she opened her legs and ran towards the entrance.

As soon as he stepped forward, Qiao Xiachu drew out a knife, pointed it at Erhei, and said with pain: "Uncle Hei, I hope you can understand me, I have no choice but to do this!"

Erhei nodded, seeing death as home.

It is definitely a beautiful thing in the world that he can die at the hands of the eldest daughter.

There is still chocolate in his pocket, since he ate a small piece that night, he wrapped up the rest and put it in his pocket, he has been reluctant to eat it...

"Go ahead, I'm ready."

Erhei spread his arms, embracing death!

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