Chi slip.

Before Erhei could react, a silver light flashed in front of his eyes.

Then, he felt a huge pain rolling in, and the pain eroded his will. In the second before losing the darkness, he heard Qiao Xiachu's voice in his ears: "Uncle Hei, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I just want you to live..."

Pulled the knife.

The knife cut off Erhei's hand.

The poisonous mist eroded too hard.

His five fingers are already stiff, with worms growing out...

Choose one of hand and life.

She chose to stay alive.

Qiao Xiachu used silver needles to stop his bleeding, then blocked his bleeding wound, and said to the old man beside him, "Quickly, send him to the medical room, the poisonous mist is not contagious, it is not contagious——"

Not contagious!

If someone said such a thing, no one would believe it, and Er Hei would definitely be blocked at the door.

But it was different when it came out of her mouth.

A woman who had been rescued by Qiao Xiachu stood up with a baby in her arms and said loudly, "I believe in Dr. Qiao. If she says it's not contagious, it will definitely not be contagious."

A woman stands beside Qiao Xiachu with her baby in her arms.

Then, the woman's husband, as well as relatives and friends around them, took the initiative to walk towards Qiao Xiachu one by one, expressing their trust in her with their bodies.

Rong Huaiyan, Qiao Mobai, Hu Guang, Zhou Jiaomei, Awang... a series of people opened up a passage for Erhei and Qiao Xiachu, and escorted them all the way to the end, even going straight to the infirmary!

Qiao Xiachu covered Erhei's wound, carried him all the way into the unopened medical room in the dungeon.

The red mist is poisonous, and it has the greatest impact on the blood.

His whole body had to be bloodshed.

Fortunately, fortunately, last time I went to Fengsha City, they had their own blood bank, each type of blood was in stock, and they could directly exchange blood for Erhei.

Lao You ordered: "All doctors, do your best to rescue the commander!"


The entire medical team is fully protected by the second black team. None of them hope that the commander will have any problems, otherwise the armed forces of Feng'e City will be leaderless in the future.

But no one knows what the red mist is, why it hurts so much, there is no treatment plan at all, and they can only follow Qiao Xiachu's command and act under her command.

Exchange blood, stop bleeding, treat wounds, over and over again...

Qiao Xiachu was cautious, making no mistakes in every step. Even if it was the first time to perform such a large-scale operation on a human being, she tried her best to control her emotions and not let herself get confused.

Outside the operating room, everyone was silent.

The red mist came too suddenly, too fast, so fast that people were completely defenseless.

If it wasn't for Rong Huaiyan urging Lao You to transport all the supplies to the dungeon a while ago, with the speed of the red mist descending and the terrifying lethality, the entire Feng'e City might be wiped out...

Lao You was so nervous that he was sweating.

The image of people being swallowed by the red mist and then lying down straight is still deeply engraved in my mind and cannot be forgotten.

That scene was horrific.

The worms are striped, long and thin, growing so fast, so fast...

Zhang You, Wang Liang, Sun Hong...familiar faces, friends who met through hardships, none of them escaped, and they were all poisoned to death by the red mist.

His heart ached.

Unexpectedly, Erhei was also injured by Hongwu.

This time I don't know if I can survive.

Rong Huaiyan did not speak from the beginning to the end.

His icy figure, his proud lines, and his aura of coldness to the bone marrow, seem to be suppressing great anger...

Zhou Jiaomei has been crying silently.

Hu Guang and Er Hei said that she should not be excited, once excited, it would hurt the people around her. Seeing her father's tragic scene, she was heartbroken, but she had to suppress her emotions.

She was sobbing all the time, her eye sockets were bloodshot and swollen beyond belief.

"Dad, you must be well, woo-woo--" She covered her mouth to keep herself from getting too excited.

Hu Guang patted his girlfriend's shoulder lightly, his eyes were red.

In the intersection again and again, he treated Erhei as if he was his own father. When he saw Erhei's arm cut off, the pain was almost fatal.


Can't God leave a way for human beings to survive?

At this time, the silent Qiao Mobai suddenly stood up and said to Rong Huaiyan: "Brother-in-law, I want to go in, maybe I have a way—"

Rong Huaiyan was taken aback.

"Go in," he said.

Without hesitation, let alone the slightest doubt, he directly opened the door of the operating room and let him in.

Then, Rong Huaiyan closed the door again.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and the people in the dungeon were as silent as snow.

I don't know whether to pray for Erhei or to mourn for the terrible disaster in the last days.

Painful cries, shadowy and indistinct.

Someone's relatives and friends will always stay in the poisonous fog.

They left, and those who survived may not be happy.

Because the world is broken.

Every step that human beings take is difficult.

No one knows which disaster they will fall into.

The collective mourning was triggered at this moment.

Silence is the language of the collective, slowly fermenting, slowly permeating the air, forming a doomsday despair, lingering in everyone's hearts, and deeply imprinting the imprint of disaster.

In the poisonous fog, someone was still crying.

"Mom, I'm in pain, kill me, kill me."

"Wooooow, I can't move, the bugs want to eat me, want to eat me—"

"Help, someone help me."

The howling sound, like a knife, was deeply imprinted on the human mind.

But no one dared to take a step.

The poisonous smog spreads all over the sky, and it has swallowed up the city, the earth, and the living and dead people like the sea water flowing backwards...

The gate of the dungeon is closed.

The power supply system in the base is turned on, and energy-saving lamps are scattered all over, illuminating the dark passage. Even if the residents blocking the doorway know that if they go out, they can pull the survivors out of hell from the poisonous fog, but even the second black light After a light touch, their arms were cut off. Once they are completely wrapped in poisonous mist, how can they be saved?

One goes in, one is eaten.

Reluctantly giving up is the only way out.

Everyone silently searched for their own rooms, and began to return to the closed small room, or lay down, or sat silently against the wall with their knees crossed...

The entire dungeon was extremely quiet.

In the passage, there is only the roar of the generator.

Five hours later, Zhou Jiaomei was exhausted and fainted from crying. She was hugged by Hu Guang and sent to the room. Rong Huaiyan and his group stood guard at the door.

Until Qiao Xiachu and Qiao Mobai came out of the house.

"How is it? How is Er Hei?" Rong Huaiyan couldn't bear it, and blurted out.

With a tired face, Qiao Xiachu breathed a sigh of relief, and comforted everyone, "I'm fine for the time being, and it's time to cut off the poisonous fog erosion, otherwise it will be difficult."

At that time, she was holding the belief of taking a gamble.

The operation did not go well.

After the blood exchange, Erhei's body became unfused. At that time, the doctors all shook their heads, saying that it was hopeless, and the general operation progressed to this point, and it was almost a failure.

This poisonous mist is so vicious that it hurts the foundation of people.

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