At that time, Qiao Mobai came in.

When he studied the red fruit, he found that this fruit has a strong cleaning power, just like a scavenger in the blood, once he eats a certain amount of fruit, it can clean up the residual poison in the body.

So, after he went in, he told his sister the result.

Qiao Xiachu decided to bite the bullet and give it a try.

If it succeeds, Erhei will save his life.

Unexpectedly, the effect is very good.

When the red fruit was crushed into juice and injected into his throat with a syringe, all the doctors witnessed a miracle, and the subsequent hemostasis and bandaging went smoothly.

This time, Erhei barely saved his life.

When Rong Huaiyan heard the result, the heart that had been raised in his throat was relieved.

He said in fear: "Fortunately, Qiao Qiao, you are really our lucky star."

If she hadn't discovered Hong Guoguo, with the current level of medical treatment, it would be impossible to treat Erhei who was injured by Hongwu.

Not to mention exchanging an arm for a life, even if you cut a human pig, it may not be useful.

Qiao Xiachu was still a little uncomfortable.

She said: "I don't know if Uncle Hei will be sad when he wakes up and finds that he is missing a hand. I was also a car protector at the time."

Rong Huaiyan hugged her in his arms and gently comforted her: "He is a soldier, he will understand."


Qiao Xiachu nodded feebly.

Once again, she deeply realized that in the face of disasters, human power is too weak.

No matter how powerful the plug-in is, it cannot guarantee 100% safety.

They managed to get out of the crisis time and time again, and managed to get to where they are today. They have not suffered inhuman treatment, and they are already a group of survivors who have lived very well in the apocalypse.

"Go and rest first, I'll watch over him." Rong Huaiyan said.

This time, he didn't protect Erhei well, and he felt guilty.

When he was young, his biological mother ran away with someone, and his biological father threw him into the mountains, where he worked outside alone without sending any money back home.

Rong Huaiyan, who was full of wildness since he was a child, has caused all kinds of troubles. Erhei once went on a mission, picked him up from the wolf's den, and under his call, the little Rong Huaiyan grew up little by little, and went out to study...

Erhei is bloody.

But in fact he has a soft heart.

Don't say anything, but act without hesitation, and act with the belief in your heart.

Good people are not rewarded.

That's it.

Rong Huaiyan felt a little uncomfortable in his heart.

Lao You came over, patted him on the shoulder and said, "Don't think too much, this is human life, and you can't help it at all. Erhei is a sensible person, he never blames others, he admits what should be done."

People, that's how it is.

Pain and pain, love and love, in the face of uncontrollable natural disasters, we can only accept the reality and let nature take its course.

Rong Huaiyan nodded silently.

Reason, he understands.

Suffering is really uncomfortable.

Unable to control.

"I'm going to arrange things in the lower city. If you need anything, come and find me." Lao You said.

He sighed deeply, feeling extremely sad in his heart.

Overnight, the originally white hair appeared even whiter under the energy-saving light.

Aging comes fast and furious.

Can't stop it.

"it is good."

Rong Huaiyan sat on the chair withered, the light and shadow were thick and long, and the lonely figure was stained with a touch of sadness.

in the room.

Qiao Xiachu closed the alloy gate outside, took out Xiaohei and Xiaobai, and put the two cats outside. With Xiaobai around, Xiaohei seemed to be more gentlemanly. He came out of the pasture clean and free of any poop. .

Xiaobai is still soft and cute.

It rubbed its owner's feet with its small head, and then lay beside her, as well-behaved as a child.

Qiao Xiachu took out two cat litter boxes, a litter box, and two cat food bowls from the space.

After she fed the cat, Qiao Mobai came over and said, "Sister, this red fruit is still very powerful, especially the vines, which don't need light. You can try it and see if it can be planted in space."

"it is good."

Qiao Xiachu cut the vines of Hongguoguo from space, and after hearing Qiao Mobai's analysis of the effectiveness of Hongguoguo, he also wanted to plant a batch of them artificially.

Ice mushrooms cannot be cultivated artificially.

In the consumption again and again, there is not much left.

Fortunately, a batch of red fruits came, which can be regarded as a seamless connection.

This thing can be called a timely help.

"The red fruit is too inert. When I was doing experiments, if the dose of toxin in the mouse body was too high, the red fruit would block itself, and it would only work when the residual poison provoked it. Whether the red fruit has other effects, I have not studied it " Qiao Mobai said.

Experiments are not complete.

The red mist came too suddenly.

They haven't brought out the equipment of Feng'e City yet.

Recently, he has nothing to do.

Qiao Xiachu looked cautious, and said, "We don't want to leave the dungeon unless we have to. The red mist is too poisonous. If it weren't for the base's blood bank, Uncle Hei might have disappeared."

In her previous life, she was also lucky enough to escape the red mist.

But at that time, she was different from her present life.

Refugees in shanty towns have been starving for years, and then look for food everywhere. They grow in the ground, run in the water, dig in the soil, and stuff anything into their mouths.

Their bodies are like mobile poison depots.

When the red mist fell, the refugees had strong resistance.

On the contrary, the well-to-do wealthy families and the residents of the base have almost no resistance in the face of the red mist. As long as they are infected, they will definitely die.

She was "bitten" by the red mist, that kind of piercing pain, and the bugs that came out of her arms, as if something had entered her body, bit by bit...

Enduring the powerful pain, she dug open the scar, forcefully pulled out the worms, and squeezed out the rotten flesh bit by bit. The soul-piercing feeling had already been deeply engraved in the bone marrow.

After the red mist passed, she developed a problem of frequent coughing, and her body's immunity was also weakened, so that when the catastrophe struck later, she had a harder time than anyone else.

But in the end it was not quite a few years...

"Of course I won't leave, it's just too idle, doing nothing will make me uncomfortable." Qiao Mobai said.

He has to continue researching to cure the virus.

This project cannot be stopped.

I hope that one day, he will have the opportunity to make this thing flourish and bring blessings to his sister and brother-in-law.

Qiao Xiachu took out a box of backgammon, a box of chess, and a box of go from the space.

"If you're bored, go find someone to play chess with. The dungeon also has sports grounds, where you can go to exercise. Life is endless and sports are endless," she said.

If it was someone else, she wouldn't bother.

But Qiao Mobai is different.

He is her younger brother.

Ding dong.

The doorbell rang.

When she opened the door, she found Qiao Linmei with red eyes outside, so she put her into the room and asked, "What's wrong?"

Qiao Linmei cried, "Sister, the commander's arm is gone... Woohoo, I couldn't help, I was organizing the evacuation."

Every time there is danger, they organize women and children to evacuate to a safe place. This is the first task of all of them, so as soon as the red mist comes, Qiao Linmei rushes to the front line.

After she finished her work, when she heard about Erhei's injury, she felt sad for a moment, and couldn't help but shed tears.

Shen Anwan told her not to cry in front of Qiao Xiachu.

When a catastrophe strikes, people's nerves are tense, so don't transmit negative energy.

But she still couldn't help it.

When she was sad, she only wanted to find Qiao Xiachu and Qiao Mobai and cry hard.

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