Qiao Xiachu couldn't cry.

After experiencing too much suffering, her body and soul were dry. No matter how sad or painful she was, she couldn't shed a single tear, only silent numbness.

The last time I shed tears was when Qingya left...

No matter how sad she is, the inertia of her body will drive her to move on.

At this moment, seeing Qiao Linmei who was crying so loudly, she felt a little bit of envy in her heart.

"Uncle Hei will be fine." Qiao Xiachu said.

When she said that, Awang rushed over and said to the people at the door: "Sister-in-law, the commander is awake, he wants to see you, you go over quickly."

Upon hearing this, Qiao Xiachu raised her legs and ran towards the door.

Behind him, Qiao Mobai and Qiao Linmei quickly followed.

Medical room.

Erhei was lying on the hospital bed, with one arm wrapped in a white bandage, immobilized and unable to move his body, but as his condition stabilized, the ventilator was quickly withdrawn.

He was pale and lying in a sterile ward.

As long as you go in, you have to wear protective clothing, but the medical conditions at the base are limited, so under normal circumstances, except for the attending doctor, no matter how much they want to see him, other people can only visit him through the glass.

Rong Huaiyan didn't want any accidents to happen, since Erhei woke up, after he heard Erhei's words on the walkie-talkie, he asked Hu Guang to take Zhou Jiaomei to see him, and let them all leave.

He has been guarding the door.

Even when Lao You came over, he just took a look and was blown away by him.

Qiao Xiachu came over, and Rong Huaiyan went up to meet her.

"How's it going?" she asked.

Rong Huaiyan looked relaxed, and comforted her: "Uncle Hei is awake, the walkie-talkie is on over there, you can talk to him, he's still in good spirits."

Qiao Xiachu picked up the walkie-talkie, looked at Erhei lying in the ward through the window, and called softly, "Uncle Hei..."

Called by a nurse in the intensive care unit, the intercom switch was turned on.

Erhei's voice came from the walkie-talkie: "Girl,...thank you for saving my life. If it wasn't for you, I would be separated from you."

Losing a hand is nothing compared to dying.

Life is here, everything is here.

Life is lost, no matter how deep the feelings are, they no longer exist.

Qiao Xiachu's eyes were moist.

She wanted to protect him as much as she could during this difficult and dangerous journey, but at that moment, she really realized her own powerlessness.

The toxicity of the red mist is too strong.

"Uncle Hei, don't you blame me?" Her voice choked.

Inside the glass window, there were tears in the corners of Er Hei's eyes, and his eyes were red. On a cheek full of vicissitudes, there was bubbling sadness. Hearing her words, tears flowed down the corners of his eyes.

His voice was wet, and he tried his best to pull out a weak laugh.

"Silly boy...you are already very good, better than anyone else, don't force yourself, Uncle Hei is deeply proud of having you as a girl..."

There is a piece of chocolate hidden in Erhei's pocket.

He still remembers it.

"Girl, there are chocolates in my clothes. Don't lose them. When I get better, I have to eat them. They are treasures given to me by my niece. Don't let them go to waste." Er Hei said.

"it is good."

Qiao Xiachu's nose was sore, and a tear flowed from the corner of his eye.

She feels better.

Being affirmed and tolerated by loved ones is really an indescribable power.

She has never experienced it.

But now she knows what it's like...

Sour and sweet.

Qiao Xiachu picked up the walkie-talkie again, and said into the microphone: "Uncle Hei, I still have a lot of chocolates. When you get well, I will give you one piece every day, as well as cakes, tea and milk. I will make milk tea for you, okay?" ?"

"Okay, okay. Uncle Hei is waiting."

After Erhei said this, he was already a little tired.

Qiao Xiachu told him to take a good rest and come out to talk about the old days when he recovered.

Erhei agreed.

After some conversation, Qiao Xiachu turned off the walkie-talkie, looked at the man beside him and said, "It's good that Uncle Hei gets better soon, I'll prepare something to eat for him."

She is happy.

Rong Huaiyan brushed her hair and comforted her: "Don't put too much pressure on her. If it wasn't for you, Uncle Hei might be gone. How can ordinary people be able to resist the red mist."

Qiao Xiachu hummed.

"Go back to rest, recharge your batteries, and wait for the red mist to recede. I don't know when this disaster will end, and whether it will be mixed with other crises. We must protect ourselves." Rong Huaiyan said.

The red mist is so poisonous, if there is a storm, the poison will flow into the groundwater along the rainwater, and everyone in the base will face a terrible crisis.

This is what they have to face.

There is a reservoir in the underground city, but the main source of water comes from the deep wells in the city, and there is no disinfection measure for the well water. There is a well every other distance, and the residents can carry it by themselves.

Security is still a test.

Hearing his words, Qiao Xiachu remembered that the red mist lasted for about eight or nine months in her previous life. During that time, almost all residents were unable to go out, and many, many people died...

The shantytowns stink every day.

Many people, like moles, dug burrows and gradually got used to living in caves. When the red mist dissipated and walked to the ground, many people were almost blind.

Qiao Xiachu also hid in the cave to avoid that terrible period.

At this time, the comparison is who usually hoards more grass roots and bark. If the rations in the mouth are not enough, the burrow will become their grave.

"The crisis of water sources is not that big. Although the poisonous fog is very poisonous, the cleaning ability of the surface is very strong. The toxicity of groundwater is not so great, and everyone needs to get used to this kind of toxic thing, because in the future Times can be tougher..." she said.

Poisonous smog is just one type of disaster, and if you get over it, you get over it.

But the scary thing about Hongwu is that it changes the genes of a group of animals, causing many animals to mutate, becoming bigger and ugly, and aggressive towards all animals and people around them.

"The gate of the base is very safe." Rong Huaiyan said.

The entrance gate was obtained by him from Fengsha City. It was the heavy metal gate that Wang Xiaofeng used to protect the supplies. Even bombs might not be able to blow it open.

Ordinary animals will definitely not be able to hit it.

Qiao Xiachu shook his head.

It's not that simple.

But after thinking about it, I felt that I was too pessimistic.

Now that the red mist has just fallen, there are only one or two mountains nearby, and the animals in the mountains have been caught in sevens and eights, and not many are alive.

It shouldn't be as dangerous as the previous life.

I hope everything is because she thinks too much.

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