I have to say, what a correct decision it was to build the dungeon in the first place.

The fifth base far away in Zoucheng.

When the red mist fell, some people were digging holes, some lived in air-raid shelters, and some were planting crops and engaged in production outside.

Wang Yinghui also heard rumors that there would be a very terrible disaster, and only people could live underground. Although he couldn't be sure what it was, he still asked people to dig the dungeon, but the start of construction was a little late.

Halfway through the digging, a red mist descended.

He organized the evacuation of personnel, but a large amount of supplies were still on the ground.

The people who hid in saw their relatives and friends being swallowed by the red mist, and screams came to their ears one after another. The heart-piercing shouts were like a sickle cut in their hearts, which hurt their hearts.

One by one.


Some people watched their relatives lying in front of them and wanted to pull them, but they saw nematodes growing on their bodies, and white liquid flowed out, but their bodies were hard and not dead...

The despair that goes deep into the bone marrow is like a huge net, ruthlessly washing over people's hearts.

They thought that after the extreme heat and extreme cold of the flood, the earth has returned to normal, and human beings can also recuperate. When it becomes more stable, maybe the country will be re-established...

Unexpectedly, Hong Wu was caught off guard.


Under this poisonous mist, people had no power to fight back, and they all fell down one by one.

No one dared to go up, even if the supplies were trapped on the ground, no one dared to take them. Even Wang Yinghui felt very headache, and planned to dig a hole in the ground, digging through the underground world step by step, and then bring the supplies back from the ground.

Of course, it's not just people who have this idea.

Those passages, not long after, became lore passages...

However, this is the fifth base separated by a mountain.

In Feng'e City, all materials were transported to the underground city immediately, and the construction in the city was all available. After the residents moved into the underground, it began to officially operate.

The production of production, whether it is weaving cloth to make clothes, or making shoes, or using waste, began to produce large quantities of protective clothing.

At the beginning, I don't know who suggested it. It was suggested to collect the waste in the city and transport a batch of machinery and materials to the next door Water Lotus City to make protective equipment in the future.

This offer is great.

Seeing that everyone is actively producing protective equipment, Lao You finally feels a little relieved in his heart.

Rong Huaiyan told him to prevent water resources from being polluted, and to reserve water resources in advance to prevent poisonous smog from entering the ground in time.

This work is naturally on the agenda.

But protective equipment, he faintly felt that it was very necessary.

At that time, if every household had protective equipment and encountered red mist, even if it played a negligible role, it could reduce deaths on a large scale.

So many compatriots who died outside, no one collected their corpses, just the corpses would cause an unpredictable crisis.

If there is a chance to return to the ground, the corpse must be disposed of.

At the beginning, the mutated mice, locusts, bats, etc., didn't just feed on the corpses, and the changes in the natural environment turned them into fierce beasts.

In case the wild boars and poisonous snakes on the mountain enter the city one after another and eat the carrion with red mist poison, a group of adaptive animals will become fierce beasts again... The underground city will not be safe anymore.

So he is always on guard, and has been urging everyone to make protective equipment, and then selected a group of death squads, preparing to let them enter the surface to see if the protective clothing can resist the red mist.

When Shen Anwan proposed to join the team, Lao You refused.

After all, there are not many people in the advance team who can make a move. Even if Shen Anyu is still young, he is still the heir of the old horse.

Although the words are rough, the reason is not rough.

Shen Anhui insisted on his philosophy.

He said to the old lobby: "If Feng'e City is a city where everyone can live and work in peace and contentment, there is no need for our advance team to exist, and we can't keep raising our waste. I need to grow up and make myself stronger, no matter how dangerous it is , have to try, this is the spirit passed on to me by the superior advance officer!"

He insisted on being a member of The Expendables.

Lao You was helpless.

Finally, he nodded in agreement.

Shen Anzhen is a young man with a more lively and stronger spirit than others. If he can become an outstanding captain of the Death Squad, it may be a chance.

This task has to be done by people.

No matter who was sacrificed, it would be a powerless and helpless loss to the base.

Qiao Linmei originally applied to join.

But this time Lao You refused to agree.

This is not because she is Qiao Xiachu's younger sister, but because there is a captain and a deputy captain in the advance team.

That whole advance team is gone.

He disagrees!

Qiao Linmei was so angry that she found Qiao Xiachu and asked her sister to help persuade Lao You.

When Qiao Xiachu heard this, he also disagreed.


This time, Qiao Linmei was completely stunned.

She doesn't understand.

Even Shen Anwan can become a member of the Death Squad, why can't she?

Is it because she is a woman?

Qiao Xiachu said: "How can you resist the power of the poisonous mist? Without quick reflexes and strong appeal, you will die if you go up!"

Shen Anwan is different.

Anyway, Qiao Xiachu doesn't care about him. He wants to grow up. Whether he can stand the test is his personal business.

But Lao You's decision, she subconsciously judged that he was wise.

After she went to see the protective clothing made by the base, as well as protective shields, oxygen cylinders, etc., she thought it was quite good.

Maybe the red mist took away too many people.

The workers at the base worked very hard, and the quality of the protective equipment passed the standard, almost as good as the ones she bought.

Sure enough, talents emerge from desperate situations.

The time the oxygen tube can be used is also limited. According to the amount used, the effectiveness of the protective clothing is almost stuck, and she doesn't need to secretly remind her.

A week later, The Expendables was formed.

Shen Anyu is the team leader, with a total of ten members!

The first batch of protective equipment is also on the line.

Lao You personally distributed supplies to the Death Squad.

Whether it is protective clothing, masks, oxygen tubes, or food and drink, almost all the best things from the base are taken. Everyone even received ten rock candies, a can of instant noodles, three sausages, A pack of spicy strips.

Before leaving, he said: "Each of you has an identity card on your body. I hope you can return safely. If you die unfortunately, you will be the heroes of the base, the ten warriors of our Feng'e City!"

Just as Lao You gave the order to open the gate, Qiao Xiachu jumped over the crowd and walked up.

She swept towards the ten members, old or young, with a serious face, and said, "Warriors, I will give you a small gift. Don't move, let alone touch, unless it is an emergency."

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