Qiao Xiachu walked up to the Death Squad carrying a cloth bag.

She glanced across the crowd.

If this mission is successful, it may reduce the alienation of animals and reduce the great crisis in the dungeon.

She had talked with Rong Huaiyan before, and it had always been a hidden danger in her heart.

Of course she hoped The Expendables would succeed.

"Here is a small bottle. Everyone gets a small bottle. Unless you are injured by the poisonous mist, don't take it lightly," she said.

Then, Qiao Xiachu took out a small glass bottle from the bag, which contained a red liquid, as thick as blood, and it was impossible to tell what it was.

When Shen Anwan took the small bottle, he said, "If you don't succeed, you will be benevolent!"

Qiao Xiachu shook his head.

She said in a cold tone: "If you can go back to the dungeon, you must come back, because if you die outside, you will also become food."

"Yes. We must do our best to come back alive!" Lao You urged.

Shen Anwan nodded vigorously.

He gets it.

If members of the Death Squad die outside, it will increase the difficulty of the base, and maybe Rong Huaiyan or Qiao Xiachu will be sent out to rescue him in the end...

At that time, not to mention fighting for credit, it will already be regarded as adding burden to the base.

Rong Huaiyan walked over, stood in front of Qiao Xiachu, and said to them: "Everyone takes a batch of miniature bombs from me. If you can't recover the body, just blow it up."


The Death Squad answered in unison.

After receiving the bombs and putting away the medicine bottles, everyone carried oxygen tanks, food and weapons, and waited at the gate, waiting for Lao You to open the gate of the base.

A group of relatives and friends are saying goodbye behind.

Lao You said: "Everyone go back, I'm going to open the door, there may be poisonous fog coming in."

He had enough protection, but the others didn't.

The residents of the base also watched. Seeing this situation, they naturally knew the severity of the red fog, and turned back to their houses one by one.

Lao You opened the door, let them out, and then hastily closed the door.

The red mist outside was approaching the dungeon.

As soon as the door was opened, red mist came in.

Rong Huaiyan immediately sprayed with a musket.

They can't leave yet.

The oxygen tube of Shen Anwan and his team lasted for half an hour at most, and then they had to come back to change their clothes and oxygen, so they had to stay by the door all the time.

Qiao Xiachu was also a little uneasy.

She crushed the red fruit and packed ten servings.

But the effect of Hongguoguo is unstable, whether it can save lives is another matter.

She glanced at her watch, and after explaining to Rong Huaiyan, she turned and went to the medical room.

Erhei has already come out, he is recuperating in the ordinary ward outside, one hand is crippled, it is already an established fact, he is unusually optimistic.

Qiao Xiachu visits him every day.

Ever since he left the critical illness, she tried every means to get him food, chocolate, juice, cake...

Zhou Jiaomei and Hu Guang are by Erhei's side almost every day.

An accident happened to him too, and Zhou Jiaomei's mood gradually stabilized.

She said, "Dad, we can now see that we are our own father and daughter. You are not afraid, what else should I be afraid of?"

Now, as long as she is emotionally stable, she will not cause harm to those around her.

Hu Guang has listened to Qiao Xiachu's advice and has been leading her to train to control brain waves... Although there is no progress so far, it seems to have found a new direction.

This is undoubtedly a great joy.

Erhei looked at the girl beside him kindly, and said with a smile: "We are all alive, and living is everything. There is nothing more precious than this, right?"

Zhou Jiaomei's eyebrows and eyes brightened.

She hummed repeatedly and said with emotion: "Everything is due to Sister Qiao. She is the savior of our father and daughter. I must repay her in the future."

Hearing this, Er Hei's heart was incomparably warm.

He proudly said: "Of course, she is the eldest daughter I recognize, and you are the younger daughter, both of whom are the closest and dearest to my Zhou Daban."

Even though Qiao Xiachu is not related to him by blood, but this father-daughter relationship, he has decided that it will never change for the rest of his life!

"I heard Uncle Hei chatting with Jiao Mei from a long distance away. Don't just talk useless things. Everything will be fine in the future. I can see you every day when I open my eyes. That's the most important thing." Qiao Xiachu said with a smile.

She was carrying a can of yellow peaches.

"Wow, canned—"

Erhei's eyes lit up.

He drools.

I have to say that this year, not to mention canned food, even a sip of sugar water is the best thing. I didn't expect Qiao girl to keep the canned food.

"I'll take a sip..." Erhei was greedy, looking at Qiao Xiachu flatteringly, for fear that his daughter would reprimand him, saying that he ate too many sweets, which was not conducive to the recovery of the wound.

Yesterday, he accidentally ate the whole of a large piece of cake.

Qiao Meier scolded him a lot.

He pursed his lips, and he still recalled the sweetness of the cake in his mind...

Qiao Xiachu chuckled.

She said: "I just brought it for you to eat. It's only serious if you get better soon. It didn't mean that you ate badly yesterday, but you ate so much at once. How can your weak stomach bear it?"

If he doesn't eat enough for a long time, he eats coarse food, and eats too much in one go, so much nutrition that his stomach can't absorb may even make him have a fever.

At a time like this, this kind of thing must not happen.

Qiao Xiachu twisted it, but the can was not opened.

She took out a knife, pried the lid, released the air, twisted it lightly, and the lid opened.

Qiao Xiachu divided the can into several portions, and each person ate a piece.

Canned yellow peaches are very sweet, the meat is soft and glutinous, and the soft taste fills the mouth, which brings a strong sense of satisfaction and is very pleasant.

Erhei's right hand was tied up, and now only his left hand can move, but it is still not the hand for eating. It is very inconvenient to eat, so Qiao Xiachu chopped it with a knife, and then used an iron fork to fork it for him to eat.

Qiao Xiachu said: "Uncle Hei, you should practice eating with your left hand in the future."

In the doomsday, it is impossible for someone to take care of him personally... This is a helpless situation.

Erhei chewed the sweet yellow peach, picked up the bowl, took a sip of the sweet syrup, and said with a smile, "What's the problem? When we were training, we practiced double guns. My left hand has always been very good, but It hasn't been shown before."

Isn't Yang Guo on TV also with a broken arm?

He has so much virtue and ability that he can be like the ancient knights, this is a happy event to put gold on his face.

From now on, he will be called Doomsday One-armed Prawn.

The people around him laughed when they heard him making fun of himself.

"That's right, Yang Guo still has a big eagle. In the future, my dad will raise one too. I'll take you flying—" Hu Guang laughed.

"Fuck you, Big Diao, I think your sand sculpture is quite suitable, so you can take me flying in the future." Er Hei yelled at him.

The two teased each other, and everyone in the room laughed.

At this time, Qiao Mobai hurried over from outside the door. As soon as he came in, he saw several people laughing and making a fuss, so he suppressed his panic and pulled Qiao Xiachu away.

"Sister, let's go—" he said eagerly.

Qiao Xiachu realized that something was wrong, and quickly let go of her feet and ran wildly.

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