As soon as Qiao Xiachu came out, she found Shen Anwan lying on the ground, vomiting blood non-stop.

"What's going on?" she exclaimed.

When she ran over, the medical team had already put Shen Anwan on a stretcher and ran towards the medical room.

Lao You was also very worried.

He didn't know what happened to the Death Squad outside.

After Shen Anwan and his group left, they kept in touch with Lao You at first, but not long after, they seemed to be attacked by something.

After a while, Lao You cut off contact with them.

He was also in a hurry, several times he wanted to take someone to rescue them himself, but was restrained by Rong Huaiyan.

Under the red mist, the line of sight is almost zero. Once someone is ambushing, there is absolutely no chance of winning. If it is really in danger, it can only be... life and death.

Lao You turned around in a hurry.

Half an hour later, seeing that the team's oxygen tanks had been exhausted to the extreme, under such circumstances, Shen Anwu hadn't come back yet, I'm afraid it was a bad luck.

He was so depressed that he had given up.

Unexpectedly, at the last moment, a voice of collapse came from Shen Anyu's walkie-talkie: "Commander, save, save me——"

Unable to control himself any longer, Lao You put the oxygen tank on his back and opened the door.

As soon as the door was opened, Shen Anwan was already standing at the door.

None of the team members behind him came back...

Lao You didn't care so much, so he directly brought Shen Anwan in.

What happened to them outside, no one knows.

Qiao Xiachu also rushed to the medical room with them, intending to wait outside for news, but Doctor Liu from the medical team said: "Miss Qiao, come with us, we don't have confidence without you."

Unknowingly, Qiao Xiachu successfully gained the trust of all members of the medical team.

After being called, Qiao Xiachu went in directly.

After carefully examining Shen Anwan's injuries, she found that his body had been hit by something, and then he fell hard on the ground, causing a fall injury.

Several bones in his body were broken.

After all this, even if he completes the bone setting, Shen Anwan will not be able to engage in his profession in the future...

Qiao Xiachu felt quite sorry.

He is still so young, he will not be able to do any heavy work in the future, and if he encounters a more serious natural disaster, he may not be able to carry it through.

"Miss Qiao, do you know how to set bones? There are a few drugs that are not enough. If an operation is performed, the patient may not be able to survive the later anti-inflammatory period." Dr. Liu said bitterly.

Too many people died.

Too much.

Even though he is a doctor, he is used to seeing life and death, but along the way, he still feels shocking.

Qiao Xiachu nodded.

She said, "Let me try."

In the Emperor's Classics, there is a method of touching the bone to continue the connection. She has learned it, but she has never tried it. Now under this condition, she can only be a dead horse as a living horse doctor.

Qiao Xiachu gritted his teeth and went up.

Comminuted fracture of the leg bone.

Hand bones are no exception...


With a soft sigh, she began to feel the bones for him, pushing up the broken bones one by one, then arranged them, and then fixed them with plaster.

After some movements, her sweat soaked her clothes twice.

But right now, I don't care too much.

After finishing the work, it was already five or six o'clock in the afternoon.

As soon as Qiao Xiachu came out of the medical room, she fainted from exhaustion and fell straight down. Fortunately, Rong Huaiyan, who was guarding the door, hugged her.

Men feel distressed.

He said, "I'll take you back to rest."

With that said, Rong Huaiyan picked up Qiao Xiachu and took her back to the room of the three of them.

After she lay down, he and Qiao Mobai stood by.

Qiao Mobai took out the brown sugar from the small cabinet in the room and poured her a cup of brown sugar water.

After resting for a while, Qiao Xiachu came back to his senses slowly, and after taking a sip of brown sugar water, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he said to the two: "Let me have a good sleep and sleep until dawn, no one is allowed to disturb me! "

"You sleep peacefully, I'll keep watch!" Rong Huaiyan said.

Qiao Mobai was naturally not far behind.

The two guarded Qiao Xiachu together.

This time, she was really exhausted, didn't eat anything at night, drank a bowl of brown sugar water, and fell asleep directly, sleeping in a dim light.

When she woke up again, it was already the afternoon of the next day.

Upon waking up, Qiao Xiachu looked up and saw Qiao Mobai lying beside him, and Rong Huaiyan's eyes fell on him: "How are you? Are you feeling better?"

She nods.

Just when she wanted to get up, he reached out to help her: "Don't worry, if you haven't eaten for a day and night, your blood sugar will be low. Get up slowly, or you will feel dizzy."

Qiao Xiachu didn't get up and continued to lie down.

"How is Shen Anwan?" She pressed her dry lips and asked.

When Rong Huaiyan heard this, his expression was gloomy, he turned around to pour a glass of water, and said to her: "You don't care about yourself, you will ask someone else as soon as you wake up."

He held her waist with one hand and handed her the cup.

Qiao Xiachu took a sip of water, and his stomach growled instantly.

Her cheeks instantly turned red.

"Eat first, and I'll tell you in detail when you're full," he said.

Seeing that the door was closed, Qiao Xiachu took out a bowl of preserved egg porridge with lean meat, a plate of chopped kiwi fruit, and a boiled egg from the space.

I am really hungry.

She ate the porridge, and he peeled the eggshells for her.

Crush the egg and pour it directly into the porridge. The egg yolk was broken and the porridge turned yellow. She picked up the spoon and ate one bite after another, not forgetting to eat a piece of soft kiwi.

After eating and drinking enough and clearing up the trash, Rong Huaiyan handed her a towel and asked her to wipe her face well.

After she finished wiping, he took the towel very easily and hung it on the wall again.

Rong Huaiyan asked, "Is it better?"

"Well, it's comfortable."

Qiao Xiachu couldn't wait to ask: "What happened outside? Shen Anzhen was attacked by something, did he see it clearly?"

Rong Huaiyan couldn't help teasing her: "You are just a worrying life. You take care of so many things every day. Be careful and grow old quickly."

However, he didn't tease her either, knowing that she was impatient, he narrated what happened.

On the contrary, Shen Anwan woke up earlier than Qiao Xiachu.

Early in the morning, he groaned twice. After the medical staff went in, they found that he had opened his eyes and directly shouted to see the commander of the base.

Then, Lao You rushed away hurriedly.

Lao You directly asked him what happened at that time.

Shen Anwan had a guilty look on his face.

He said: "It's terrible outside. There is a group of crazy cows with red eyes and huge horns. They attack people when they see them. They seem to be able to track us through the red mist and shoot at us directly. The top of the horn—"

When he thought of that scene, he shuddered all over.

Many comrades-in-arms were directly pierced by horns, like dumplings, being strung together.

He remembered Qiao Xiachu's words all the way, and ran wildly with his legs free.

The red fog is too thick, and the line of sight is basically 0

He went on a rampage, passing through many streets, and he didn't know where he ran. The mad cow behind him chased him all the way to the vicinity of the underground city.

Seeing that he was about to arrive, when he slacked off, he was knocked over by a mad cow, stepped on the air, and fell from the roof of a building.

Oxygen tubes fell.

If it wasn't for his fate, he just happened to land at the entrance of the dungeon, I'm afraid he would end up like the other people...

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