When Qiao Xiachu heard this, his eyes suddenly changed.

She said: "Cows are not so adaptable? How could this happen?"

And there is a fatal problem.

Generally speaking, no matter at what time, the number of cattle is limited. Generally, farmers do not use cattle to plow the fields. If there are a few cattle, they are basically large-scale farmers.

It's been a few years since the end of the world, and the farmers' cattle must have been eaten up long ago. How could there be so many mad cows?

This is very strange.

They also appeared together in Feng'e City.

Before the red mist, the advance team had searched the entire city long ago. The people in the city had basically moved in an orderly manner. It was definitely an empty city, and no huge herd of cattle was found.

Very weird.

Qiao Xiachu said: "I have never seen a live cow in my previous life. Even if there are survivors from other cities, no one has mentioned the mutated cow. It only looks like mice, cockroaches and locusts... a group that was originally extremely strong in survival. .”

"Isn't it? Something is wrong."

Rong Huaiyan naturally knew it too.

Therefore, Lao You is also thinking about how to deal with it.

The red mist interferes with people's sight. Once attacked by a mad cow, there is almost no chance of winning. If the protective clothing is punctured, let alone half an hour, even a minute.

It is obvious to all that the toxicity of the red mist is so strong.

For a while, Lao You was also thinking hard about countermeasures.

Before there is no good solution, Lao You doesn't want to let anyone out, that's like going to death!

"How did he decide?" Qiao Xiachu asked.

"Lao You reminds everyone to be safe and not to be impatient. In a short time, the dungeon should be safe, and we will no longer send teams out alone." Rong Huaiyan said.

Qiao Xiachu remained silent.

She didn't think of any good way.

In the previous life, when the red mist fell, everyone lived in a cave, and almost no one dared to go out alone, or go outside to do things.

Everyone was so hungry that their heads and eyes were dizzy, and they could only "consume" internally.

"Don't worry about it, there are so many people in the dungeon, it's not your responsibility alone, you've already done enough." Rong Huaiyan said.

Reason, she understands.

It's just that once natural disasters and man-made disasters come, and others are struck by lightning, they will suffer.

If you can prevent it, it is better to prevent it naturally.

Qiao Xiachu said: "Then you must lead a team to guard several entrances to prevent them from rushing into the ground, and don't miss any weak openings."

She remembered that there was a kind of mole that adapted to the red mist after eating the poisoned water, and its body became very ugly, but its teeth grew old and aggressive. They kept digging holes and invaded humans cave...

The howling of being bitten to death by moles made their scalps numb.

Even if they leave the ground later, the survivors will doubt whether they will be attacked by moles, and each of them has been thinking about it for a long time.

There is a cave next door to Qiao Xiachu, and a familiar person was dug through by a mole.

At that time, she heard the screams for help, her scalp was tense, she kept digging the soil with her fingers, digging holes frantically, her fingers were cut and bleeding, and she didn't care about anything...

Rong Huaiyan hugged her lightly, with a gentle voice that came slowly from the top of his head: "Don't be afraid, it's all in the past, it won't happen, now I have me, Mobai, Uncle Hei, so many people are with me You, will get through it."

Qiao Xiachu snuggled into his arms and nodded softly.

She just remembered the deep-seated fear and fright, as if experiencing it again, until she felt the temperature of his body and the generous embrace, she slowly pulled away from the memory.


Those past are the things of the previous life.

On this day, she didn't go out, so she fed the cat in the house, played two games of chess with Mo Bai, diverted her attention, and observed the growth of the red fruit along the way.

It has to be said that these mutated fruits really cannot be cultivated artificially. Even if there is space and black soil, vines can grow, but they cannot bear fruit.

Eventually, she gave up too.

The function of Hongguoguo has not been fully explored. If it is only for the effect of removing residual poison from the body, then she can use the herbs grown in the space to make a similar prescription.

In comparison, the red fruit looks tasteless.

Qiao Xiachu no longer carefully cultivates Hongguoguo.

After such a break, she literally turned into a super big salted fish in the dungeon.

No work, no visits to the medical room.

When she is free, she follows Qiao Mobai to the sports field to play ball, or to the library to read books, and sometimes to do a set of Tai Chi.

Very leisurely.

The material reserve of the base is quite sufficient. During this period of time, almost anyone who goes to work can receive a certain amount of food from the material reserve.

Not limited to dried sweet potatoes and dried fruits, there are also noodles, rice, and even instant noodles for everyone...

A barrel of old sauerkraut, even with the sourness of feet, has become the object of looting at this time, after all, it has a good taste.

Qiao Xiachu has sauerkraut made by himself.

If she wants to eat sauerkraut noodles, she cooks it herself. She can eat as much sauerkraut as she wants, and she doesn't have to worry about the smell of her feet.

During this process, Shen Anwan never left the medical room, but Erhei recovered very quickly.

As soon as he came out, he began to practice holding chopsticks with his left hand, shooting, dressing and undressing, and even put one hand on the ground to do dozens of push-ups.

Old and strong.

Originally, he slowly cultivated a loose body, but he insisted on training a whole body of tendons.

He smiled when he met everyone and said, "Very good, from now on I will be the number one left-handed person in Feng'e City, who dares to compare with me?"

Seeing that he was in high spirits, Zhou Jiaomei was also in a good mood.

Her legs are inconvenient, but the strength of her arms has become stronger. Sometimes, one hand can crush the back of a chair.

The most exciting thing is that Zhou Jiaomei has already controlled her abilities.

Sometimes she can control the body of the mouse on the ground with precise force, and only when she wants it to run can it run.

Although this kind of strength is not enough to knock down a big man, as long as she adjusts it, it can stimulate the number of heartbeats of others...

Once someone wants to hurt her, the gangster's heart will not allow it!

Zhou Jiaomei excitedly said: "I want to thank my elder sister Qiao very much. She opened up a cheat for me. Although I lost my legs, I have an extra pair of omnipotent hands!"

Seeing that her heart is slowly opening up, Hu Guang is naturally the happiest person.

He hopes that one day he can develop a black technology, a mechanical exoskeleton of that kind, and still have a chance to stand up and walk, no matter how bad it is to sit in an electric wheelchair like now.

The peaceful days passed by another month.

Qiao Xiachu counted the days until the red mist dissipated, hoping that this depression dominated by the poisonous mist would pass away soon.

that would be great.

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