Until a week later, on a peaceful day in the dungeon, a strong big mole broke through the concrete wall and broke through a weak opening with its body. When it got in, the people in the dungeon realized that the magic attack of the red mist had become stronger. up.

The mole has wicked eyebrows, and its teeth are particularly sharp. When it bites a worker, it makes the worker roll all over the ground. When he reacts, his arm becomes stiff, and pus is constantly flowing from the wound. , In just a few minutes, the symptoms of red fog poison appeared on the skin.


Although Erhei was "bitten" by Hongwu before, Qiao Xiachu said that the poison was not contagious, but seeing nematodes growing on his body with his own eyes, the itchy and painful fear that made him feel uncomfortable still lingered.

The dungeon was originally a sealed environment.

Depressing and boring.

Emotions can quickly become contagious once someone starts to get sick.

It didn't take long for countless people to run around, bumping into people, and a stampede almost happened. Fortunately, Erhei led the patrol team to disperse the crowd in time.

As soon as he saw the maddened Mole, he drew his pistol and fired twice.

Unexpectedly, the mole's fur is harder than cowhide, and after two shots, it can still jump around and sprint towards them madly, and its eyeballs turn red.

This mole has become a beast.

The patrolmen shot one after another and killed the mole.

As soon as the mole died, its body emitted an unpleasant stench, as if it had rotted instantly, softening into a puddle of mud, which was creepy to watch.

This picture is too exciting.

The patrol team called the medical staff, and after they were disinfected, they packed the corpses in plastic bags and threw them into the furnace in the dungeon, burning one of them to ashes.

When Qiao Xiachu heard the news, she was shocked.

Unexpectedly, the mad cow is safe, and the mole is still the same as in the previous life, becoming ruthless and starting to attack by smelling people.

Who would have thought that such a timid animal would have a cruel day.

Lao You directly asked the patrol team to be on duty 24 hours a day, stuck in every corner, and firmly guarded all blind spots in the city.

Compared to the well-organized underground city, Zoucheng's fifth base began to collapse.

They didn't build the dungeon in time before, and they didn't move the materials in, so they started digging the underground passage, and finally got the materials.

But those passages directly opened up a path for the moles. Following the scent, they quickly entered Zoucheng's underground cave and launched a frenzied attack on the people inside.

For a time, there were countless casualties.

In addition, the death condition is very terrifying, which directly frightened many people, feeling that they were swallowed by nematodes, and their skin was scratched off by themselves.

The wounds of a group of people were quickly infected, and there was not enough medicine. For a while, there were more bone burial places in the dungeon, and they were buried with soil before there was even time for cremation.

And this batch of unprocessed bones has become a happy place for moles.

Zou Cheng soon entered an endless loop.

Wang Yinghui was also very busy, frowning every day, a lot of hair fell out, and he aged several years overnight.

Instead, it is an air-raid shelter and becomes the safest place.

The heavy fog ravaged every corner of the land, eroded all breathing animals and plants, and quietly changed the habits of countless animals and plants.

Just like when Qiao Xiachu accidentally found a red plant growing in a corner of the dungeon, he was shocked.

"What is this?" Rong Huaiyan asked.

At first glance, it looks like a rare succulent.

Milky, fluffy, without leaves, but one after another, red meat balls roll in circles, and you want to reach out and touch them when you look at them.

Qiao Xiachu glanced around and found that there was no one and no monitoring, so he moved a bottle of 84 disinfectant water from the space and poured the whole bottle down.

She also poured 84 on all the corners a few meters away.

"Is this thing poisonous?" Rong Huaiyan asked.

Qiao Xiachu nodded vigorously.

She said: "This kind of thing is very poisonous. As long as it is in the area where they sow seeds, almost no grass will grow. All the flies and mosquitoes that come flying will be poisoned to death. A piece of flesh covered by a fingernail can poison a big man to death."

I don't know what it is.

There are no botanists who analyze and study the new plants in the apocalypse. Only people who are hungry can know whether they are poisonous or not when they catch them and eat them.

Survivors use their own stomachs to test themselves for drugs.

"Then how can it grow in the ground?" he asked.

Are there any other growing conditions?

In case of encounter, large-scale disinfecting and excavation must be carried out to prevent people from eating it by mistake, so wouldn't it be troublesome?

Qiao Xiachu said: "This kind of fruit grows cutely, and it attracts people with its beautiful appearance, but they grow very fast and do not need sunlight. As long as there are willow trees that are alive and eroded by the red mist, they can grow. .”

I'm afraid there is such a willow tree on the ground.

If the willow trees are not cut down, their seeds can invade the water source and pollute all the water.

"We have to go to the ground and cut down this tree." Qiao Xiachu gritted his teeth.

The water in the dungeon wells will not be drinkable for at least a week.

When Rong Huaiyan heard it, he, who was always as calm as a chicken, was in a moment of confusion at this moment.

"I'm going to notify Lao You now, and let him broadcast the radio throughout the city, so that everyone temporarily stops going to the well to fetch water." After he finished speaking, he hurriedly ran away.

Qiao Xiachu destroyed this poisonous flesh.

She turned around and went back to the house, found Qiao Mobai and asked some things.

Qiao Mobai was also shocked when he heard it.

Now all the laws of plant growth have exceeded the knowledge system they have learned, and most of them have become unpredictable, which is really terrible.

He can't wait to go back to the ground and carry the instrument down.

Even if you can't determine the species, at least you can study the elements, judge whether they are poisonous, and then formulate a doomsday plant manual based on their growth characteristics...

Qiao Xiachu left him a large pile of food and water, telling him not to open the door easily, let alone let anyone see the supplies hidden in the house.

Qiao Mobai naturally agreed one by one.

He said worriedly: "Sister, don't go. My brother-in-law is here. They go to cut down trees. Isn't that all right? I'm really worried about you going outside."

Qiao Xiachu whispered: "I know, but only I can change his protective suit and oxygen tank in time, and, I suspect..."

In the end, she didn't express her doubts.

After all, it was just a doubt in her heart.

It doesn't matter if you don't say anything.

When the siblings communicated in low voices, the broadcast outside had already spread, and everyone became nervous, afraid to go to the well to fetch water, and some who had no water stored panicked.

At this time, Rong Huaiyan had already changed his equipment and came to say goodbye to them.

When Qiao Xiachu said he wanted to go together, he disagreed fiercely.

"No, you tell me, it's just to cut down trees. For this kind of task, I can lead the team myself. You are not allowed to follow." He said firmly.

With that said, he closed the door and pointed his finger at the password on it to set it.

Qiao Xiachu slapped on the gate.

"Rong Huaiyan, open the door, open the door—" she called.

Outside the door, Rong Huaiyan remained unmoved.

He said loudly: "In an hour, I will ask Hu Guang to come and open the door."

Qiao Qiao was hurt too deeply by Hong Wu.

He didn't want her to fall in love with the scene again and open the wound in her memory!

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