Rong Huaiyan changed into protective clothing.

Everyone wears one set and carries one set, and two sets of oxygen tanks.

Half an hour is too short.

From going out to finding the willow tree, cutting it down, and coming back... it takes at least an hour.

There is a vault on the side of the road in the city. When the protective clothing fails, they can go to the closed gold curry inside to change clothes. It is completely sealed and there should be no red fog.

Rong Huaiyan was looking for gold and silver before, went in early to explore the way, and also used some means to find out the password.

"Why are you doing this? My sister-in-law is as capable as you. If you do this, she will definitely be angry with you." Hu Guang stood beside him to dissuade.

Rong Huaiyan's eyes were firm.

He said lightly: "Just treat me as selfish, and I don't want her to occupy all the brilliance."

She is so good.

Once the fame spreads...he doesn't want her to be a bullseye.

This is the end of the world, not the prosperity.

"Okay, then I'll open the door for her then." Hu Guang said.

He originally wanted to go with her, but Zhou Jiaomei's head has been aching sharply for the past two days, and he wondered if she was using her brain too much.

Perhaps they were too nervous and overly speculative about the crisis.

Rong Huaiyan took Lao Ma, Awang, and Kestrel, put on their equipment and oxygen tanks, and set off.

Lao You exhorted and exhorted ten thousand.

"If the mad bulls in the city attack again, don't fight, come back immediately, take your own life as the most important thing, everyone is the treasure of the base! I can't afford to lose, and the base also needs you." He said.

"Commander, don't be so nervous. We just went to chop a tree. We brought a chainsaw and a lighter, and it will be done in a few minutes." The old horse said with a smile.

Lao You is getting more and more annoying.

But very cute.

They occasionally joked with the leader.

"That's right, it's just chopping down a tree and you'll be back in half an hour." Kestrel also vowed.

Only Ngawang's nerves were tense.

He had seen Erhei's hand cut off, the shocking pain was too shocking.

It's a pity that human beings don't even have the chance to take revenge on nature.

"You take Mobai to the well to see, you still have to find a way to exterminate the poisonous species as soon as possible." Rong Huaiyan said to Lao You.

Otherwise, just thirst can kill people from thirst.

"Well, I see, this time we must come back together!" Lao You said.

Lost a lot of people last time.

Lao You's heart aches when he thinks about it.

Rong Huaiyan nodded, and after Lao You opened the door, he led the team out.

Time passed by every minute and every second.

Qiao Xiachu's seconds are like years.

She believed in Rong Huaiyan's ability, and knew that he was not a weak chicken, but when is this, he is not a god, so it is impossible for him to be invincible.

"Sister, don't be so anxious, my brother-in-law is lucky, and he will return safely." Qiao Mobai said.

Qiao Xiachu was restless.

Her eyelids kept twitching.

There is always a feeling that something bad is going to happen.

But when she thought about Murphy's Law, she forcibly diverted her attention, tried not to think about the bad side, took a deep breath, and said, "Okay, I don't think about anything, everything will be fine."

She hugged Xiao Hei beside her.


Xiao Hei jumped suddenly, jumping up from her arms, as if frightened.

Qiao Xiachu's heart skipped a beat.

She glanced at her watch, and half an hour passed... I don't know what's going on outside, whether Huaiyan has cut down the willow tree and retreated smoothly.

At this time, the outside door slowly opened.

Qiao Xiachu and Qiao Mobai stood up one after another and rushed out.

"Don't get excited, don't get excited, I just found out that Huaiyan locked you in the house, don't worry, Huaiyan has already contacted me just now, they cut down trees and set fire to the willow tree, by the way Fangyuan Disinfectant water has been sprinkled within a 100-meter range, and the work has been completed, ready to come back." Lao You comforted.


Qiao Mobai cried out excitedly.

He grabbed Qiao Xiachu and said with a smile: "Sister, you see what I said, you were too nervous, nothing happened, it's safe."

Qiao Xiachu's heart slowly fell to the ground.

She said silently: "It's fine, it's fine."

"I came here to find Mobai to study the solution to the water source." Lao You said.

When he heard that the water source problem was solved, Qiao Mobai fell silent.

The machinery in the research room has not been transported... Isn't he a clever woman who can't cook without rice.

Qiao Xiachu thought for a while, grabbed Qiao Mobai, and whispered something in his ear, Qiao Mobai immediately said: "Well, I will go and have a look with the commander."

There are a lot of simple tools for experiments in her space, as well as some chemicals, which are all stocked up for Mo Bai every time she goes out.

Just no big equipment.

After entering the house, she packed a bunch of supplies, put them into several big bags, and stuffed them together for Qiao Mobai.

Qiao Mobai and Lao You carried their bags and went to the well together.

As soon as they left, Hu Guang pinched his nose and said with a smile: "Sister-in-law, don't be angry with Sir, he also wants to protect you, he has no evil intentions."

Under normal circumstances, Rong Huaiyan hardly stopped his sister-in-law from doing anything.

He is firm this time, and he should be worried.

Qiao Xiachu said with a straight face: "It's a pity that there is no keyboard, otherwise it will definitely be reserved for him."

Upon hearing this, Hu Guang scratched his head foolishly.

"My family's Jiaomei has never used it on me..." he said.

Jiaomei has a headache for the past few days, and every time she is depressed, she lies on the bed and doesn't want to talk. He and Erhei will find ways to tell her some "touching" jokes to tease her.

Several times, Jiaomei managed to force a smile, and said weakly: "Your jokes are very funny, don't work so hard, I'll just rest for a while."

Joke failed!

The two big men looked at each other, so they had no choice but to accompany her silently.

At this moment, a guard at the door hurried over and said to Hu Guang: "Second Captain, Captain Rong was attacked, he asked for help—"


Qiao Xiachu's face darkened instantly.

She went back to the house in minutes, quickly put on the protective clothing and mask, went to the base to get a tank of oxygen, and then ran all the way towards the gate.

Hu Guang and Erhei were not idle, and changed into protective clothing every minute.

Zhou Jiaomei was sitting in a wheelchair, she turned the wheel hastily, and said loudly: "Hu Guang, Dad, you must come back safely, promise me, okay?"

Tears filled her eyes.

Worry unnecessarily.

Every separation in the doomsday may lead to another eternal life.

She had a heart hanging in her throat.

"We will definitely be back."

Hu Guang and Erhei vowed to make up their minds.

Whether they can come back or not, their hearts are always with Jiaomei.

But when Huaiyan was attacked, they had to go.

There is no doubt.

Qiao Xiachu opened the gate and was the first to rush out.

She pressed the emergency button on the watch, and saw the red dot on the top that had not moved, her heart was tense, and she wished to rush to his side in a second.

"Joe, wait for me—"

The one-armed prawn behind him yelled loudly at her.

He knew that Qiao Xiachu and Rong Huaiyan had a pair of couple watches, and they wore them on their wrists every time. Darong even joked that it was on each other's heart.

Therefore, he had to follow behind Qiao Xiachu.

Hu Guang, and the team behind him, followed closely one by one, for fear of losing contact with the team due to the thick fog.

Stretching out his fingers, his hands were engulfed in red mist.

The world outside was dead.

There is no life at all.

The big trees growing in the red mist deformed one by one, and grew into strange shapes, and the originally solid houses were smashed to pieces by animals, and when they stepped into the red mist, they stepped on concrete blocks...

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