In The Last Days Of Natural Disasters, 100 Million A Day Is Frantically Hoarding Goods

Chapter 228 Sister-In-Law, Brother Darong Has Been Poisoned By Red Mist, And Wants To See You For Th

Qiao Xiachu ran wildly.

When she rushed to the red dot in one breath, used the rechargeable fan to blow away the red mist, and saw the figure lying on the ground, she completely collapsed.

"Huaiyan, don't, don't—"

She yelled, tears burst into tears.

Rong Huaiyan just lay on the ground, motionless, without any reaction, the clothes behind him were punctured, and the red mist had already invaded his body.

The protective clothing that originally had his name written on it was so damaged that his body could barely be seen.

"Huaiyan, Huaiyan, you said you will be fine, you must go back to the base, you can't leave me alone, you can't be so cruel, I finally put you in my heart, so I want to part like this, I don't want it, woo woo Woo-"

Qiao Xiachu burst into tears.

For the first time, she completely lost control of her emotions, and felt the pain that went deep into the bone marrow, just as deep as the pain when she lost her brother...

When Erhei and Hu Guang rushed over, they were also shocked on the spot.

"How did this happen? Da Rong, Da Rong—" Erhei rushed over, shaking the figure on the ground frantically, wishing he could jump up on the spot.

"Rong sir, you, you have always had a big fate, how could something happen, I don't believe it, I don't believe it's true." Hu Guang yelled and wanted to take off Rong Huaiyan's protective clothing and see Rong sir's face with his own eyes.


A thunderbolt suddenly exploded into his ears.

Then, a wave of wind and waves blew towards them, almost blowing them away.

The red fog was blown away.

At this time, a figure walked in the wind and waves, walking towards several people step by step.

"Presumably a few of you are important officials in the dungeon. When you first went to the ground, the young people you sent out were not enough to look at, and I have already cleaned them up. This time is not bad. The one at your feet is called What's the matter, she is quite capable, and killed many of us, but she is still too soft-hearted, and even wanted to save a pregnant woman, but in the end the protective clothing was cut."

The person who came was wearing thick protective clothing and a helmet on his cheeks, exposing his tough face.

The man didn't bring an oxygen tank, he seemed to have a circulatory system that could filter the red mist and only absorb oxygen... This is a proper high-tech product.

In a general environment, who would have this strength! ?

"Who are you?" Erhei looked wary.

Hu Guang has already raised his gun and aimed at the man in front of him.

The teammates behind him also raised their guns.

The other party swept away the red mist, and they finally saw clearly.

The man chuckled.

He said: "My time is unlimited, but it's different for you, at most half an hour. I want to kill you, there is no counterattack at all."

Erhei said in a deep voice, "Then what do you want to do?"

As soon as they came, they killed the people at the base.

If such a vicious and vicious person is not eliminated, how can the safety of the dungeon be guaranteed.

The man looked proud.

He seemed to be examining the low-end people: "You have been in Feng'e City for so long, haven't you noticed that many residents here have clean homes, didn't you find it strange at first?"


Qiao Xiachu had already guessed.

Something was wrong with her all the time.

There are no traces of damage to the items in the city, whether it is the items in the houses or the people in the city, except for a few houses, and the houses on the lower floors have dead people, and the houses on the upper floors are very clean...

The villa in the city was also very weird last time.

And mad cows...

"You all made this up? Could it be that the poisonous mist was also created by you?" Qiao Xiachu stood up abruptly and waved his fist at the man.

The man smiled smugly.

He said: "Then I don't have that much skill. It's just that Feng'e City is located in a remote place with a sparse population. Our Fengyun Group's technology station was built at the intersection of several cities. After the flood broke out, our data detected anomalies. Just search for contacts everywhere, and poach batch after batch of labor.”

Everything was fine.

The science and technology station was built in an uninhabited area around the area, and the food reserves were usually sufficient. As soon as the extreme cold period is over, they dig fields outside and start to be self-sufficient. At the same time, with soilless cultivation, the entire site has sufficient food and the labor is obedient.

Until Lao You and a group of survivors broke into Feng'e City.

The technology station has several detection towers in the city and a remote monitoring system.

They found that Lao You was a democratic leader, leading the survivors to do construction and planting, and there was a group of capable generals in the city who brought back weapons and food...

Ever since, the people in the station couldn't sit still.

They have applied to return to the city.

As the head of the science and technology station, Mao Moping did not allow the people to defect, directly regarded this behavior as betrayal, and executed them secretly.

The weapons in the technology station were originally looted from Feng'e City.

Once someone wants to go back to the city, the armed forces in the station are unstable, and the trouble will be big.

Therefore, Mao Moping discussed with several high-level officials to eradicate Lao You and his party, and robbed them of food, weapons and living supplies.

When the time comes, let's see who dares to fight against him!

When the red mist came, they were unprepared at first, but after they reacted, they began to study the equipment to block the red mist.

Before that, a group of cows raised in captivity in the station were poisoned and suffered heavy casualties. However, a few cows survived tenaciously, but their eyes turned red. After hunting one, it was found that their bodies were very poisonous.

Therefore, Mao Moping released the drone, drove the mad cows to Feng'e City, and guided them to attack the people who came out of the dungeon. Unfortunately, since that time, the people in the dungeon have completely lived in slums.

Naturally, they won't leave the station easily until they have researched reliable equipment.

Until yesterday, the station researched this set of nano inner loop battle suits that can block the red mist. He couldn't wait to put it on, tried it a few times, and decided to lead the team to attack the dungeon after making sure it was safe.


Erhei's watch arrived at the scheduled time.

He anxiously said: "You guys hurry up, I'll stop them, I'm a cripple anyway, death is not a pity, if you don't leave, you won't be able to go back."

15 minutes have passed since I came out.

time is limited.

They also have to withdraw to the dungeon.


Erhei aimed at Mao Moping with one shot.

At that moment, the opponent's wind suddenly stopped, and the figure standing in front of them just disappeared into the red mist, and the bullet hit nowhere.

But the other party's voice exploded.

"All of you can't escape. Now that I've come out, I'm going to get rid of you, break through the dungeon, and take away all the supplies, hahahaha——"

The sharp voice carried a hint of malice and playfulness.

"Huaiyan, I'll take you away—"

Qiao Xiachu squatted down, and went to pull the man lying motionless on the ground, completely silent.

She turned off the fan, and quickly entered the space when the thick fog was blowing in her face.

Just as Qiao Xiachu went to grab it, a hurried voice came from beside his ear.

"Sister-in-law, come with me quickly. He is an old horse. Brother Da Rong deliberately lost his watch. The other party has a detection device. You should also throw away the watch quickly, or they will locate you."

Awang's voice came from the red mist.

When he broke through the red mist and came to her, he had a glass cover like Mao Moping's on his head.

Qiao Xiachu was overjoyed.

She said: "And Uncle Hei, Hu Guang and the others—"

Awang anxiously said: "Sister-in-law, it's too late, brother Da Rong is very dangerous now, maybe, maybe he won't live long, he wants to see you...for the last time."

Brother Da Rong had a watch on his body, revealing their location, and a group of people burned the willow tree. On the way back to the city, the enemy's artillery fire directly blew the kestrel into ashes.

In order to hold back the enemy, the old horse also wrestled with them for a while.

It's just that the enemy is too cunning to throw out a pregnant woman. Lao Ma's heart softens for a moment, and finally the pregnant woman pierces through the protective clothing that Brother Rong put on him...

In the end, Brother Da Rong fought with a senior general of Mao Moping and killed the enemy forcefully, but the other party returned to the light before dying and used his last bit of strength to cut through Brother Rong's protective clothing.

The red mist has invaded...


Qiao Xiachu's heart is like riding a roller coaster, with ups and downs.

She spread her legs and followed Awang.

After a while, Awang led Qiao Xiachu all the way to the front of a bank, and went through the hall to the deepest vault.

The door was locked.

Rong Huaiyan was inside.

Qiao Xiachu rushed over, slammed on the iron gate, and shouted: "Huaiyan, Huaiyan, it's me, open the door quickly, open the door, don't separate me with the lock again—"

Awang took a deep look at her.

Then, he rushed into the red mist without looking back.

He was going to rescue Erhei, Hu Guang, and his teammates. This hood was taken off from the enemy's general, so he could breathe freely without fear of the red mist.

Just die, no big deal.


Qiao Xiachu mechanically slapped on the iron door.

Her oxygen tank was almost exhausted, and if she didn't change her clothes and change her oxygen again, she would die.

"Huaiyan, open the door, I can't breathe, let me see you, okay?" She shouted loudly towards the door with all her strength.

In the past and present lives, she finally fell in love with a man, and finally wanted to join hands with him for the rest of her life, but he just walked away when she wanted to let him into her heart?

How could this be?

She doesn't allow it, she doesn't allow it! !


The big iron gate opened.

Qiao Xiachu was exhausted and short of breath, but he stood up with all his strength, and then quickly entered the iron gate.

Once inside, it's dark inside and you can't see anything.

Qiao Xiachu took out a full radio lamp from the space, and after turning it on, everything in the room was clear at a glance.


Qiao Xiachu's vision blurred.

She took off her hood and rushed towards the man leaning against the wall.

"Huaiyan, Huaiyan, you can't die, you can't leave me—"

Rong Huaiyan took off his hood, and sat on the ground motionless, with white liquid bubbling all over his body, and he was in pain.

But he wasn't dead yet, he gritted his teeth and persisted.

The lip was bitten by him, and it was full of black blood.

The nematodes crawled out of the body one by one, and had already drilled out of the protective clothing.

His face was dark, and his lips were black.

Upon seeing her, Rong Huaiyan looked weakly at the woman in front of him, and said in despair: "Qiao Qiao, yes—"

"Don't say it!"

Qiao Xiachu roared frantically.

Big tears fell down.

She stood up abruptly and shouted at him: "You said you would always be with me, always be with me, you liar, you cheated me of my heart, do you just want to leave like this?"

In the next second, she desperately tore off the protective clothing on him, began to pull the nematodes without saying a word, then took out the saber to disinfect, and then dug up the carrion for him...

Rong Huaiyan smiled weakly.

Does it hurt?

Maybe it hurts.

However, no amount of pain can compare to heartache...

He wanted to stop her, don't waste his efforts.

But his body was already stiff and he couldn't move at all.

At this moment, 110,000 people in his heart don't want to abandon her, and don't want her to live alone in the last days and suffer, but he has no strength, no strength at all.

He wanted to touch her head with all his strength and wipe away the tears from her face.

But he has never been so powerless in his life, and he can't even realize this small movement...

"Jojo...I love you."

He used all his energy for the rest of his life to tell her the most ordinary but most sensual love words in the world.

"I don't regret meeting you in this life. If there is another life, I hope to meet you sooner. Even if it's the last life, it doesn't matter. Let me protect you from the beginning..." He said forcefully.

Tongue started to stiffen.

It is already an extravagant hope to make another note.

His pair of iron eyes, with black tears hanging down, looked at her weakly and powerlessly, looking at her, as if he wanted to melt this woman into his soul and take him away together...

Never thought that he would leave in this way.

Now he must be ugly. When Qiao Qiao thinks of him in the future, he will always be ugly with bugs all over his body, and he can't leave a good picture.

This is his greatest regret.

"No, no, did I tell you to go? I don't agree, I don't agree!" Qiao Xiachu looked crazy, and his eyes became terrifying.

In the next second, she took out all the red fruits in the space.

One, two, three, four...

Like crazy, she stuffed the red fruit into his mouth, but his tongue and muscles were stiff, and the fruit couldn't be stuffed in at all.

Rong Huaiyan's whole body, except for a beating heart, was as hard as a corpse.

He was still conscious, he couldn't speak, couldn't move his eyes, and couldn't even finish swallowing. He listened to her cry of collapse, and fed the red fruit again and again in vain... Desperate like a trapped animal.

My heart hurts, it hurts.

He wanted to reach out, to let her stop struggling and stop doing useless work.

He is hopeless.

let it go.

"Rong Huaiyan, as I said, you have to live a long time to be worthy of me, otherwise you are a scumbag." Qiao Xiachu said viciously.

She kept stuffing red fruits.

The fruit was crushed by her, and the juice flowed into his mouth, drop after drop.

But most of the fruit flowed onto his neck, into the wound she dug open...

Qiao Xiachu knew it was pointless to do so.

Hongguo can't resist the poison of red mist at all...

But she couldn't stop.

It seems that as long as you stop, you will collapse and die again.

The horror of dying cannot be experienced by living people.

"Huaiyan, don't go, okay? I beg you, please don't go, don't leave me—"

"The sun in this doomsday is not warm, the air in the doomsday is not clean, and the people in the doomsday are not good. Do you have the heart for me to suffer alone? Can you bear it?"

Qiao Xiachu tried her best to hold back her sadness.

She wanted to dig out that painful heart.

It hurts so much.

It hurts all the time.

She was numb before, but now at this moment, she is alive again.

The suppressed emotion was reborn like a dead tree, but unexpectedly, at the moment of rebirth, he was about to die again.

Rong Huaiyan's heart was broken when he heard her cry.

His soul roared and tore through his body.

May be physically imprisoned.

Can't move.

Qiao Qiao, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I left you alone in this desolate and terrifying end of the world... It's my fault, if there is an afterlife, he is willing to bear all punishments.

He loves her very much, so much that he is willing to sacrifice his life for a small wish.

ps: I'm a little tired today, so I'll add 6,000 more, let's add more tomorrow and the day after tomorrow

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