"Rong Huaiyan, I don't allow you to die, I don't agree, did you hear that?"

Qiao Xiachu roared frantically.

She didn't care about being invaded by the toxin, and directly tore the worms on his body with her hands, digging up the carrion one by one until blood flowed out.

Blood is black.


Qiao Xiachu's mind suddenly reacted.

Red mist is poison.

How about fighting poison with poison?

She didn't care so much, and took out the black water from the space, and wiped it towards the uneven wounds dug all over his body, smearing his whole body black.

"You can't die, you can't die..."

Qiao Xiachu muttered repeatedly while applying the potion.

The vault has a small space and poor capacity, so she took out the oxygen tank directly from the space.

She gasped and repeated the movement.

Originally, I was alone, and my body was dug into pits, but unfortunately there was no bleeding, the blood seemed to be blocked in the body, and it never leaked out, only white liquid...

She knew that the liquid would not stop until the poison of the red mist was detoxified.

What should I do?

How to do?

Qiao Xiachu tapped his head, thinking about countermeasures.


There is an "Akabane" formula for internal use, which is in the Poison Classics. She has ginseng for hundreds of years in her space, and she has purified the ginseng water, which is completely usable.

She needs more medicine.

Concentrated, Qiao Xiachu began to configure "Akabane".

The medicines that Akabane needs are all highly toxic, and they need to be processed again and again. If the people who prepare them are not careful, they will be poisoned to death.

She put on a gas mask, gloves, and started making medicine.

Failed once, tried again the second time.

After failing three times in a row, on the fourth time, he finally succeeded in producing Akabane.

She walked up to him with the medicine.

"Huaiyan, Akabane is very poisonous. If the ratio is wrong, it can't save you. I'm not sure how much it takes, so I can only try my own risk..." Qiao Xiachu said in a low voice.

don't want--

Rong Huaiyan, who was trapped in his body, was anxious to cheat the corpse.

Roaring, shouting, one after another.

Even his hair was trembling, resisting, opposing.

Qiao Xiachu held several pills in her palm.

She looked at the man whose cheek had been dug out, his lips were frighteningly black, lying lifeless, motionless, as if dead.

"Huaiyan, I said I won't let you die, so you can't die early. You said you love me, I hope you can... live to love me..." she said.

After finishing speaking, Qiao Xiachu leaned over and leaned in front of him, pressing her soft lips against him.

She doesn't know what a deep kiss is.

But when her lips lingered, her heart was filled with deep love, and... the determination to die.

"Huaiyan, if I fail, let's die together. Although it is cruel to Mo Bai, if you are gone, the world will lose half of its color. I will only live in pain. You must not You are willing to suffer so much, right? So, let me accompany you..." she whispered.

She doesn't understand affection.

When you understand, the love is so deep.

Qiao Xiachu took off his protective clothing and mask, walked directly to the door, and finally gave him a deep look, with grief, despair and determination in his eyes——

"Huaiyan, if you say goodbye forever, you must remember me in the next life. I allow you to love me."

After speaking, she stepped out without hesitation.

As soon as she went out, the red mist engulfed her.

Qiao Xiachu instantly felt a piercing pain from the inspiration of the sky, the torture in her memory, despair pierced her heart hard like a sharp knife.


Do not.

She no longer knows what pain is.

Maybe it's numbness.

The next second, when she rushed back to the room, she swallowed Akabane in one gulp.

I don't know if one is enough.

Due to limited time, she only made 7 pills.

When Akabane swallowed it, Qiao Xiachu instantly felt dizzy, his knees softened, and he fell to the ground hard, almost unable to hold Akabane in his palm.

She braced herself with all her strength, whispered to herself: "You can't be dizzy, you can't be dizzy——"

Once passed out, Huaiyan will die completely.

When the poison of the red mist enters the body, people will not die soon, until the body is completely destroyed by the poison, and the heart is bitten to pieces, then they will die completely.

She used black water for Rong Huaiyan to stop the poison from spreading.

But how long he can live, she can't be sure.

Sweat soaked her clothes, there were no worms on her body, no rot, just white pus...

She was so stiff that she couldn't move.


She forgot that the poison would paralyze her body.

"Huaiyan, Huaiyan..." she called.

At this moment, despair engulfed her heart like a big net.

I have to eat another Akabane.

Try a little harder.

Qiao Xiachu's brain was about to break free, but he couldn't move his body at all.

Her eyeballs moved, she stared at Rong Huaiyan who closed her eyes in front of her...

Are they dying here?

She couldn't save him in the end?

"Huaiyan, I, I can't save..."

A low whisper, like the sunset in the last days, with a trace of sadness, a trace of helplessness, and heartbreak.

Rong Huaiyan, who was lying motionless on the ground, had two lines of tears streaming out of the corners of his eyes...

At the moment Qiao Xiachu gave up, a thought floated in her mind, and when she thought this way, she did the same.

"Xiaoheixiaobai, come out—"

When she left the dungeon, she conveniently took them into the space.

With a thought, the two kittens moved out of the space ranch.

After Xiao Hei came out, he felt the danger instantly, and kept "meowing" at Qiao Xiachu.

It seemed panicked, terrified.

Qiao Xiachu said to Xiao Hei, "Give me the medicine in my hand..."

Her tongue also started to become stiff, and if it was a little later, she might not be able to speak.


God must bless her, so that Xiao Hei can understand what she said.


Xiao Hei called out.

Then, it ran to its owner in small steps, picked up a red feather in its mouth, and pushed the red feather into her mouth like she usually fed it.

The moment the pill entered his mouth, Qiao Xiachu suddenly found that his arm could move.

The stiffness in the body is still there.

But this can no longer hinder her action.

The white liquid on the skin is still flowing...

When Qiao Xiachu was thinking about how much medicine to give, she saw Xiaobai holding a red fruit in her mouth. Under her sight, a cat's paw fell on it, and the red fruit was smashed into pieces.

Juice ran on her skin.

In an instant, she found that the white liquid stopped flowing...

Red fruit is not eaten, but used to smear?

Thinking of this possibility, Qiao Xiachu suddenly looked at Rong Huaiyan, and she found that the skin under his neck was no longer bleeding white liquid.


Red fruit is not eaten, but smeared.

I see.

I see.

Qiao Xiachu couldn't restrain her excitement, she fused a red feather to Rong Huaiyan, fed it to him, then stripped off his whole body of clothes, and directly smeared the red fruit all over his body.

Even if it was a wound, he didn't let it go.

"Huaiyan, Huaiyan, you will be fine, you won't—" She stared at him intently, for fear of missing a second of the accident.

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