Rong Huaiyan just lay there quietly, motionless.

He didn't recover immediately after taking the medicine and applying the red fruit like her, and even now, there is no sign of waking up.

Qiao Xiachu raised her heart in her throat.

He's been poisoned too deeply, for too long.

It's not like she took Akabane for the first time.

He was first smeared with black water, and the black water is also poisonous. After entering his body, he couldn't bear the second red feather, so she only gave him one.

Could it be that the dose is not enough?

But the wound on his body had already started to bleed red.

White pus no longer oozes from the skin.

Even if there is residual poison, it should not be much.

"Huaiyan, you'll be fine, you won't abandon me, right?" She choked up.

At this moment, she was completely helpless.

What should be used, she used it all.

What can be done, has been done.

What else could be done to wake her lover up?


Qiao Xiachu lay down and leaned against him, like a helpless bird, nestling in his arms, feeling his cold body, listening to his beating heart.

It seems that this is the only way to not be too desperate.

"Huaiyan, I never thought of possessing someone, never wanted to spend the rest of my life with someone, you are the first and the last. There will be no more..."

"If anything happens to you, I will never forgive you, never."

She would hate him, hate him to death.

Just when she was helplessly shedding two lines of tears, a hand slowly reached out to wipe away the tears from the corners of her eyes, with a dry and rough voice: "... Qiao Qiao..."

A "Jojo" seemed to reach her heart and hit her soul.

Qiao Xiachu sat up abruptly, his gaze scraped across his face like a knife, frighteningly sharp.

"You, are you awake? Are you okay? Are you—"

She was incoherent and didn't know what she was going to say, but a voice was jumping in her mind called... "Hope".


The man has a strong nasal voice and weak eyes.

But he still responded to her with all his strength.


In the next second, Qiao Xiachu hugged his head and sat there crying bitterly.

She cried heart-piercingly, crying terribly.

Rong Huaiyan didn't move.

He still couldn't move, but his sweetheart was crying, and he was about to die of anxiety. He wished he could rush over and hold her tightly in his arms, never to be separated for the rest of his life.

"Jojo, I, I won't die, you saved me..."

Rong Huaiyan was at a loss like a child, he didn't know how to comfort her, he couldn't move, he could only talk in a panic... nonsense, nonsense only to her.

Qiao Xiachu burst into tears, her tensed heart slowly relaxed.

She looked up at him, her eyes red and swollen.

"The toxins on your body cannot be completely removed, but I can't give you another red feather, so I can only give you a little red fruit every day to remove the residual toxins for you." Her throat was dry and sore.

I'm dumb from crying.

The injuries on his body were too serious, and he was dug into holes. This injury alone would kill him.

"I'll hang you with salt water, and you must take antibiotics, otherwise your wound will be very dangerous if it becomes infected." Qiao Xiachu said.

As she said that, she took out a shelf from the space, and there were also antibiotic potions such as head cannon.

Although I have never learned injections, I have learned acupuncture and moxibustion.

Find another blood vessel for him, and after several times of puncturing, he finally managed to put the drip on.

"You stay here first, I'll go find Uncle Hei and Hu Guang first." Qiao Xiachu said.

For the sake of safety, she put several bottles of oxygen tanks, which can basically last for five or six hours based on the time.

If the door does not have a password, it can only be opened from the inside. There is an emergency power supply inside the door, and the power is sufficient.

Rong Huaiyan told her the password and asked her to reset the door password.

Qiao Xiachu did as he said.

Fortunately, there was a set of energy storage batteries inside the door. When she checked the password, she found that the battery was quite sufficient, so after closing the door, she changed her equipment and went out boldly.

In the red mist, there was a strong smell of fresh blood.

This time, she didn't need anyone to guide her way. She smelled the smell of blood and quickly found the first group of people.

Lying on the ground lifeless is the soldier of the dungeon.

One, two, three...

The scene was very shocking.

The enemy is simply killing them.

What hatred, what resentment?

Qiao Xiachu was filled with grief and indignation.

She holds a few groups of grenades in her palm, and if anyone dares to get close, she will directly blow him to death.

"Mao Moping—"

A mournful cry reached his ears.

Qiao Xiachu listened carefully, and found that it was Awang's voice, and quickly let go of her feet and ran over.

The red mist blocked the line of sight, making it difficult to see the figure clearly.

But she still sprinted without hesitation.

"Awang, it's me. Is there anyone around you?" Qiao Xiachu called tentatively.

Then, she quickly dodges into space.

The space can stay for 2 minutes.

During this time period, she can see with her eyes.

Just can't move.

"Hahaha, there is a girl, where are you? Turn on the fan."

The red mist was blown away by a gust of wind.

In an instant, Mao Moping with equipment appeared in front of him.

There were several subordinates around him, who held Awang hostage, took off his hood, exposed Awang to the red mist, and let him be swallowed by the red mist...

These perverts!

Qiao Xiachu's eyes were bloodshot.

She wished she could rush out and blow them all up.

But not impulsive.

Awang is still in his hand.

A minute passed.

A minute and a half passed.

Qiao Xiachu was a little anxious.

She was too close to them, too close.

As soon as you go out, you will expose yourself to their sight.

Just when she was racking her brains to think about countermeasures, she heard a report from several subordinates: "Station Master, we have searched within a radius of 100 meters and found no signs of living people."

"Turn off the fan. This woman must not be far away. Let's keep chasing her. She must be looking for Zhou Daban. Let's take a shortcut." Mao Moping ordered.


The red mist blocked everyone's sight.

Stuck at 2 minutes, Qiao Xiachu was ejected by space.

As soon as she landed, she hurried towards the red mist.

Along the way, the black blood from Awang's body dragged a black line on the ground, and the opponent's methods were so cruel that he would drag him on his leg, dragging his flesh and nematodes all over the ground...

Qiao Xiachu bit her lower lip tightly, her eyes were moist.


She clenched her fists and vowed to kill them!

No longer afraid of the red mist, Qiao Xiachu became more courageous.

There are not many red fruits, and they cannot be cultivated artificially, but the number is still enough. If necessary, even if she takes off the hood, she must give them a heavy blow!

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