Qiao Xiachu followed them silently along the traces on the ground, and finally came to a large shed artificially built in the city.


Movement is heard ahead.

Mao Moping's curse also sounded.

"Trash, I can't do this well, what's the use of raising you?"

Some people seem to have insufficient batteries.

The fan was pulled over, but it couldn't be used.

Mao Moping was very angry.

He said coldly: "Ambush here, that woman will definitely come over, and then find a chance to pierce her protective clothing and poison her."


A group of people obeyed the command and acted.

Mao Moping directly carried Awang, lifted the plastic sheet outside, and got in.

This plastic shed was built by Lao You back then, and a lot of soil was filled inside, and the plastic was also brand new from a store in the city.

The red mist fell suddenly, and no one was in charge here.

But the red fog inside the greenhouse is obviously much lighter.

After Mao Moping went in, Erhei, Hu Guang, and several comrades lay motionless on the ground.

Except for Erhei and Hu Guang, the others had already lost their breath after being stabbed through the heart by Mao Moping.

The reason why he kept Erhei and Hu Guang was because they were obviously in a commanding position and should have a certain prestige in the dungeon, so he kept them.

After breaking through the dungeon, he planned to shoot the two of them personally in front of the whole city, that would be fun.

"You know, I caught another one of your people, look, just this guy, killed our commander, put on our hood, I caught him personally, took off the hood, just like you, A bunch of rookies!"

"He still fired at us, trying to avenge you, but unfortunately, he suffered a crushing defeat, a crushing defeat."

Mao Moping smiled smugly.

He was satisfied.

In the apocalypse, someone at the technology station made him unhappy and killed a few people, but he didn't feel the slightest bit.

But the feeling of catching people in the red mist is so exciting.

Especially when they caught Ngawang, they told him that his superiors had been poisoned, and he went mad to kill them, but they finally caught him.

Mao Moping witnessed the despair in Awang's eyes when his hood was taken off, and the people around him were laughing, not to mention how happy and fulfilled they were.

As soon as he talked about the process, he babbled, like a blunt knife cutting flesh, irritating Erhei and Hu Guang severely.

Erhei wanted to kill him.

But he couldn't move anymore, and it was very difficult for him to stare, let alone shoot.

He looked at Mao Moping angrily.

"Hahaha, let me tell you a bigger surprise. There is a woman who called this Awang just now. She will be here soon. If we catch her later, we will definitely enjoy it. Don't worry."

Mao Moping was very excited.

He opened his mouth and laughed like a demon.

Erhei and Hu Guang were furious.

Their noses kept sniffling, but they couldn't move at all.

During the battle, their oxygen tanks were not enough after all, so they were subdued by them, and their protective masks were removed...

As soon as he heard Mao Meping's vicious thoughts, Erhei wanted to stare him to death with his eyes.



Beasts are not as good as——

For the first time, Erhei hoped that the magic attack would take effect.

The eyeballs kept turning and turning.

He wanted to remind Qiao Xiachu not to come to rescue them, they were already corpses, with only two moving eyes left, don't be impulsive.

Mao Moping knew he was cursing himself.

He smiled and said: "You know? I have been a spoiled child in the eyes of others since I was a child, and I can accept curses from people around me every day. No matter what you scold, it's a pity that you are lying down and I am standing, hahahaha -"


Thieves proud.

Just when he was excited, a ground-shaking explosion shook him severely.

The shed was blown to pieces immediately.

Mao Moping was shocked.

"This woman is crazy. She must be crazy. If she blows up the shed, won't she worry about killing her own people?" He raised the bazooka and fired a shot at the place where the fire was fired.

If you can't see it, attack indiscriminately.

As long as it's not aimed at himself, it doesn't matter.

One shot after another.

The whole place was bombed to rubble.

He laughed loudly: "Come on, come on, I will blow you up immediately, turn you into ashes!"

Unfortunately, what he didn't know was that Qiao Xiachu was right behind him.

You can't stay in the space for too long at a time, at most 2 minutes, so she goes in several times for 1 minute at a time. Although it is dangerous, but during the tens of seconds she stays outside, she hides her body in the red mist, Still no problem.

"Mr. Mao, your mouth smells so bad."

Mao Moping heard a complaint.

He fires like crazy.

After sweeping wildly for a while, he roared: "Are you dead? Did the explosion kill you?"

Time was silent for ten seconds.

He thought that Qiao Xiachu was killed by the bomb and was enjoying himself.

"Mr. Mao, your face is really ugly."

The voice changed direction again.

Mao Moping exploded.

He fired again in this direction.

Thinking that this evil goddess was haunted, he changed to a submachine gun and swept around him 360° without any dead angle until all the bullets were shot.

The moment he swept wildly, Qiao Xiachu had already left his side, rushed to Erhei and Hu Guang in one breath, and fed two red feathers into their mouths respectively.

She has no more medicine in her hands.

No more medicine! ! !

Awang's legs were broken, as were his arms...

He lay there dying.

Qiao Xiachu hid in the red mist, and had already planted a row of shields around them, and some bullets were directly thrown out.

She rubbed the red fruit again, and smeared it on Erhei and Hu Guang.

Of course, she couldn't wipe off all the inconvenient places. She could only put on the protective clothing for the two of them after roughly smearing them, and then put on the two glass covers pulled from the corpse.

In order to lure Mao Moping, she had to throw grenades outside.

Race against time, nothing more than this.

Fortunately, she won.

After Mao Moping was exhausted and the bullets were exhausted, a figure stood behind him, aimed at his helmet, and shot directly...


The glass cover was shattered.


Mao Moping screamed wildly.

He wanted to smoke his pager.

But in the next second, a bullet pierced his wrist.

The red mist invaded him instantly.

He couldn't do anything except scream, and lay down on the ground.

A wind blows.

The fan he brought suddenly reappeared for some reason, blowing wind.

Directly blow away the red mist in place.

There were three figures standing in front of him.

Erhei, Hu Guang, Qiao Xiachu.

Erhei stepped forward with a kick, aimed at his forehead, and stomped hard.

Hu Guang was not idle either.

He cut Mao Meping's body crazily with one knife after another.


After Mao Moping screamed, his throat became stiff and he couldn't move anymore.

He looked at the three of them with pleading eyes.

Unfortunately, no one will sympathize with him.


Erhei pierced his heart with a knife.

The red mist makes life impossible, but it can't die for a while.

Can't wait for the people from the Science and Technology Station to catch up, if they also develop an antidote, wouldn't it be cheaper, this damn bald stationmaster!

Worried that he would die, Erhei aimed at him and fired several times.

"Uncle Hei, I'm out of medicine, Ah Wang...he..." Qiao Xiachu said with difficulty.

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