Qiao Xiachu walked up to Awang, frantically removed the nematodes, squeezed out the carrion, smeared his wound with black water, and smeared his neck with red fruit to soften his throat...

She looked at Awang and said guiltily: "Awang, I'm sorry, we will take you back to the dungeon. I have developed the medicine, and I will give it to you as soon as possible."

In memory, Awang has always been Erhei's capable little follower.

Erhei had an accident, he was more anxious than his own son, even though Uncle Hei had no son.

Awang was finally able to speak.

He looked at Qiao Xiachu intently, and said with a wry smile, "Thank you, sister-in-law, I'm already...to no good...don't waste your precious medicine."

The hands and feet were completely smashed by Mao Moping.

Muscles and bones were severed.

Rao is that Qiao Xiachu has a pair of miraculous hands, and saved him like he saved Shen Anyu, but he will be like a useless person in the future, and he needs to be supported by others to survive.

That kind of life is not what he wants.

Not to mention the end of the world.

He didn't want to drag the people around him while he was dying!

Qiao Xiachu turned her face away.

Her eyes were moist and she didn't know what to do.

All his meridians were cut off, even if he was saved, his hands and feet would not be able to recover in the future, and he would have to lie down for the rest of his life, relying on others to take care of him...

"Commander, please give me a good time." Awang begged.

He has always regarded Erhei as his father.

I don't regret being with the commander in this life.

Erhei loves him and pities him, always takes him by his side, and gives him the trust and favor that others cannot enjoy. He feels that such a short but brilliant life is enough.

Life is like this, what regrets there are.


Hu Guang knelt beside him and said to Er Hei: "Dad, let's take him back to the base, I can take care of him, he is my brother, we can't leave him behind!"

Many people died on this trip.

Old Ma, Kestrel, now it's... Awang's turn.

His heart ached.

Unexpectedly, the people around him left one by one.

There is no room for even the slightest retention.

This deep bone marrow pain is too uncomfortable.

Erhei gritted his teeth, unable to bear it.

Ngawang is his right-hand man!

"Commander, can I call you father?" Awang said.


Erhei burst into tears instantly.

He tilted his head back to keep the tears from streaming down his face.


Awang shouted hard.

His eyes fell on Erhei, with deep and moving eyes.

"Father, you definitely don't want your son to live in the abyss, live in the dark, and we will become enemies after all our love is exhausted. Please give Awang a little dignity and let me die well, okay? I am A soldier, I am honored to die like this!" Ngawang pleaded.

This is his last wish!

Erhei raised his gun.

"don't want--"

Hu Guang rushed over and hugged Erhei.

Qiao Xiachu stood up silently, with his back to them, feeling terribly uncomfortable.

She couldn't bear to see this scene anymore.

Erhei burst into tears, streaming down his cheeks.

He aimed at Awang's heart, and said softly: "Awang, if there is an afterlife, you will be my own son and let me take good care of you."

May this friendship go straight to the sky and through eternity——

There was a shot.

A cry.

A satisfied smile.

Young life came to an abrupt end.

But he went to death without a trace of regret.

In order to prevent Awang from being devoured by wild animals, Qiao Xiachu picked up a pile of dry branches beside Awang and set him on fire.

Erhei and Hu Guang saluted one after another.

Farewell, comrade.


On the way back, the three of them were silent.

Has been desperately walking.

Walk like hell.

The red mist is pervasive, and the sky cannot be seen clearly. Wherever one enters one's eyes, there is endless red, as bright as blood, as if it wants to swallow everything, and even the pain will be taken away...

They secretly made up their minds to avenge Ngawang.

Destroy the technology station!

Qiao Xiachu asked them to go back to the dungeon quickly and guide the residents in the city to prepare for the battle. Seeing that Mao Moping hadn't come back at the science and technology station, they might lead a team to launch an attack.

Erhei naturally knew the battle situation.

He wanted to go pick up Rong Huaiyan with her.

But Qiao Xiachu refused.

"Huiyan is seriously injured now, unable to move, and unable to participate in the battle. If he encounters the enemy, I am worried that he will rush up desperately, so in the city, it is safe. Don't worry, I collected their oxygen masks , enough for us to use." She said.

"it is good."

Erhei didn't say anything more.

Both he and Hu Guang are uncomfortable, especially the thighs and buttocks...

Qiao Xiachu gave them 20 red fruits, telling them to cherish them, crush them and apply on the skin to clean up the last residue.

Both Erhei and Hu Guang were stunned.

They never expected that in a short period of time, she would develop the antidote for Hongwu...

The two of them secretly thought that this secret must never be revealed, no matter who came to ask, they had to grit their teeth and resolutely refused to admit that they had been poisoned by the red mist.

"Don't worry, this secret is rotten in our stomachs, I don't even know how to say a word of coquettishness." Erhei said.

Hu Guang also nodded.

In this matter, his attitude is consistent with that of Erhei.

Qiao Xiachu nodded.

"Next, you guys are going to have a duel with the technology station. Huaiyan and I may not be able to help him. His injury needs seven days of recuperation. After seven days, I will take him back," she said.

The two nodded in agreement, and then left resolutely.

A fierce battle is inevitable.

If it wasn't for Qiao Xiachu this time, they would all be in Mao Moping's hands.

What they have to bear, they must carry the burden on their shoulders.

Qiao Xiachu turned and went back to the vault.

When he got back, Rong Huaiyan had already fallen asleep, and the medicine was emptied, but fortunately, it was automatically locked after the drip was finished, and his blood was not drawn back.

Qiao Xiachu lay beside him.

At the beginning, he couldn't find a way, so the dose of medicine given to Rong Huaiyan was small, but left the residual poison in his body, so he couldn't move freely.

She fed Erhei and Hu Guang two red feathers at one go, and they recovered faster.

But as long as Huaiyan is alive.

The residual poison is always cleared away slowly, give his body a room for relief, let him have a good rest.

This time, she really freaked out.

At that moment, she realized that she had let him into her heart unknowingly, but she didn't react.

"Huaiyan, let's live well until the end of our lives, okay?" Qiao Xiachu said softly.

She grabbed his arm and clung to him.

The joy and satisfaction that she had never had before slowly rose in her heart.

Rong Huaiyan woke up from a deep sleep.

A strong sense of peace of mind and steadfastness slowly diffused from my heart.

His treasure was lying beside him, closer than ever...

He wanted to hug her, he thought about it all the time, as long as he regained his consciousness, there was only this thought in his mind, which lay across the tip of his heart and couldn't be shaken off.


His voice was hoarse, with a touch of passion.

For those who have experienced both life and death, every second of life is so beautiful.

Apart from embracing her and wasting his life together, what could be happier and happier than this...

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