
The wounded were sent inside one by one.

The medical team is almost overwhelmed. Even the nurses are used as doctors. One person greets dozens of people. He either treats the gunshot wounds of the wounded, or helps them pull out bugs and squeeze carrion...

The scene is very spectacular.

If it weren't for the better ventilation ducts in the city, I'm afraid the whole passage would be filled with unpleasant smells.

Since Rong Huaiyan and Qiao Xiachu were not at the base and lost several generals, Lao You promoted Hu Guang and Qiao Linmei to be the team captains.

The technology station is not easy to mess with.

Mao Moping was unpopular in the station. He never went back outside, and the signal light connected to his clothes went out. The technology station basically determined his life and death.

Therefore, a high-level executive at the technology station rose up in an instant, took control of all matters in the station, and quickly led the team to the front of the dungeon, bombing for several days.

The dungeon trembled.

The gate was almost blown down, and a big hole was blown in the open space above.

Lao You panicked.

He quickly led the residents in the city, and tried every means to fill up the hole above, and filled up the cracked gaps with glue, so that the red mist did not seep into the ground.

But there was still a lot of red mist flowing in through the gap, and everyone was scared to death.

Lao You led people to the front line, sprayed the red mist with water, dissolved it, and covered it with plastic film.

The red mist cannot seep into the ground, otherwise it will pollute the water source.

For a time, the dungeon was caught in a dilemma.

This terrible situation was not relieved until Erhei and Hu Guang came back from the outside.

The residents of the dungeon saw that the place was constantly being bombed. If this went on, everyone would have to finish the game.

Therefore, no matter the young and strong, or the old and weak, women and children, all signed up to participate in the battle, wanting to rush to the front line and die with the people at the technology station.

Lao Ma, Kestrel, and Awang are all gone, and they are all in the hands of the technology station.

Qiao Xiachu and Rong Huaiyan didn't have any news either.

For them, not entering is death.

Lao You was also very emotional.

At the critical juncture, he and Erhei selected a group of young and strong juniors and asked them to join the young team. In the incident, everyone has experienced the feeling of being attacked.

The second gangster said: "The weapons are in your hands. The newcomers will follow the team and see how they use them. You can use them as you like. Anyway, don't point your guns at your own people, and don't blow up bombs in your own trenches. That's fine." gone."

See death as home.

No more than this.

Of all the young people who went to the battlefield, none of them thought of retreating.

Because... there is no way out.

To step back is to die.

Why not die on the run?

Lao You didn't want the soldiers to suffer, so he told everyone not to fight hand-to-hand if they could, and to use up their weapons as much as possible. Anyway, the firepower in the dungeon is quite sufficient.

Rong Huaiyan led the team several times and harvested batch after batch, but there was not enough talent.

Erhei and Hu Guang also had the same thoughts.

They are reluctant to "flower" people, so they throw bombs desperately, but this is so, the newcomers are reckless, and they don't know what to do, and they suffer heavy losses for a while.

What makes the science and technology station even more hateful is that their station chief, Mao Moping, is no longer there, so they directly send killing robots to fight Erhei and his party.

How can a person stand against a machine.

Batch after batch of wounded were transported into the city, and the manpower of the entire dungeon was suddenly one-third, and if they couldn't resist the front line, they would be completely occupied by the technology station!

Lao You was so anxious that he couldn't sleep for several days.

Erhei and Hu Guang gritted their teeth to resist, but they were already at the end of their strength, and they were about to be broken by the opponent's firepower team, and they were all in a hurry.

The distance from breaking the city is all in one fell swoop...

In life and death, many people are mentally prepared to sacrifice.

At the same time, Qiao Mobai is also very anxious every day.

He hadn't heard from his sister and brother-in-law for several days. Erhei and Hu Guang told him that they were safe and nothing would happen for the time being.

But the red mist outside is extremely poisonous.

Who can resist it?

He was naturally flustered.

I have been guarding the gate, brought a small horse, and guarded the entrance all the time, wanting to see which group of people has my sister and brother-in-law...

Qiao Linmei came back from the outside a few times, seeing him like Shou "sister" Shi, she couldn't laugh or cry.

She told him to go back and have a good rest, so that when his sister came back, he would fall asleep right where he was.

Qiao Mobai disagreed.

He had nothing to do anyway.

After researching out a solution to the poisonous meat last time, he purified the wells in the dungeon, which was considered a solution to a crisis, and he was completely idle.

So, he kept guarding the door.

Until among the new group of people, when Qiao Xiachu and Rong Huaiyan appeared together, he was the first to rush up, and excitedly said to Qiao Xiachu who was wearing a mask: "Sister——"

Just as Qiao Xiachu was about to go over, he was pulled back by the man behind him.

She couldn't help laughing and slowed down her pace.

The man kept dragging her hand, even when Qiao Mobai came over to check her physical condition, Rong Huaiyan held him tightly and refused to let go.

Until then, Qiao Mobai felt something.

He held his mouth and said: "Yo, yo, my brother-in-law and my sister are like glue, so you don't want me as a younger brother? Anyway, I'm kissing."

Qiao Mobai was not used to being suddenly ignored by his sister.

With a sullen face, Qiao Xiachu stomped her feet and said, "Mobai, what nonsense are you talking about? Who doesn't want you anymore, and you still eat your brother-in-law's dry jealousy?"

Qiao Mobai crossed his arms.

He said with displeasure: "Hehe, I'm just jealous, he holds you in his hands, how can anyone be so overbearing, I look at my sister, he won't let you go."


Qiao Xiachu took off the hood with one hand.

She patted Rong Huaiyan's arm, and said angrily: "Okay, we're all back, we're going to get busy, don't be so sticky anymore, the safety of the dungeon is the most important thing right now."

Although the words were the same as before, but at this moment, Qiao Qiao's cheeks were glowing, her eyes were full of spirits, and when she looked at him, she also had a touch of affection, but it was different from the cold and cold her before...

Rong Huaiyan's heart was warm.

He smiled and said, "Okay, then I'll go find Erhei right now, and after we take down the technology station, maybe we'll find a way to disperse the red mist in the future."

"Okay, then you must protect yourself," Qiao Xiachu said.

She has to speed up her pace and refine a batch of Akabane.

Right now the battle is tight, with heavy casualties, whether it is the poisoned by the red mist or the wounded, the entire dungeon is everywhere, this situation will not last for long.

Once an infectious disease breaks out, the dungeon will be taken over directly.

She is also a little anxious.

If they don't take down the technology station, how can they be worthy of their dead brothers.

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