Qiao Mobai naturally also saw the scar on Rong Huaiyan's cheek, and guessed that his brother-in-law must have been poisoned by the red mist.

But people who are obviously poisoned can't survive.

Brother-in-law how...

Qiao Mobai followed her sister again and again, and went back to her room together.

He narrated the doubts in his heart, and after knowing what happened from Qiao Xiachu, he was shocked and said: "I didn't expect that the direction of our research was still wrong. This time I brought Xiaoheixiaobai, these two cats are very good, you Let it out, let me reward them well."

I didn't think Xiao Hei was useful before.

My sister spends so much time, energy and money raising them.

But it can save lives at critical moments.

Not bad.

He wants to raise this pair of black and white impermanence well.

When Qiao Xiachu left the vault, he sent the two cats into the space. Now that his younger brother wanted to see Xiaoheixiaobai, he let them out.

Qiao Xiachu closed the door and focused on refining Akabane.

This kind of detoxification medicine, which is taken orally, should be refined in batches and stored up, the more the better.

"Sister, do you think we can handle it this time? The technology station is about to hit us, and we have no power to resist." Qiao Mobai said with a worried expression.

Lao You panicked.

He brought a new batch of new recruits in the city, all of them were disabled soldiers or women and children, how could they participate in the battle.

This group of people can't do without training.

But the lack of people in the dungeon is so short that Shen Anwan can only train them.

Shen Anzhen recovered from his injury fairly well, but he couldn't use his strength, so he could only use his mouth to train newcomers. In this way, the team's combat effectiveness was really vulnerable.

Qiao Xiachu shook his head and said, "If this continues, the dungeon will not be able to stay, and it will be breached by the technology station tonight."

The fact is also as she expected.

The team led by Erhei and Hu Guang, under the attack of the new round of killing robots, has already shown signs of disastrous defeat, retreating step by step, even if there are explosives, but the opponent is not afraid of the red mist, and is not afraid of death, just like a mad cow Launch an attack towards the crowd, completely unstoppable.


A blast of thunder severely knocked over a group of people.

Someone's oxygen tank exploded, and someone's protective clothing was torn by shrapnel.

Wu Yang poured down an enemy.

"Commander, we have suffered heavy losses, let's retreat, let the commander negotiate peace with the technology station, we are not their opponents, we are purely cheating!" Hu Feng, a young staff officer beside him, shouted.

Erhei also wanted to retreat.

But once the troops are withdrawn right now, the technology station is bound to press on every step of the way, and the entire dungeon might be blown up by then.

The reason why they didn't launch a fierce attack was that the technology station couldn't determine where the materials in the city were hidden, and was worried that they would set off a fire and blow up the materials with them.

That's why I always wanted to break through the dungeon through the front door.


Rong Huaiyan came from the red mist, saw the battered Erhei in the tent, and said: "Killing robots are nothing to be afraid of, they are just a bunch of programming. I will catch a robot and recommend someone to hack into the other party's system." .”

As he spoke, he said to a young man outside the door, "Come in."

Not long after, an immature and honest young man laughed a few times, lifted the plastic sheet, and slipped in cautiously.

This plastic tent was temporarily set up by Erhei and his team. The area is not too big, but it can reduce the damage caused by the red mist to everyone.

The red mist in the tent was blown away, but everyone still wore protective clothing.

"His name is Liu Can. My new friend is a professional hacker. His skills were amazing in the golden age. Before the end of the world, he was caught by me." Rong Huaiyan said.

The reason why Liu Can followed the team all the way was because before the end of the world, he attacked the relevant departments, and Rong Huaiyan led the team to capture him and throw him into prison.

After the rules of the last days were completely broken, the prisoners in the prison ran and scattered. Liu Can also ran into Rong Huaiyan by accident, and followed him all the way.

It's the end of the world, and Rong Huaiyan won't catch him, so why not just take him along.

It just didn't come in handy before.

"Hey, I'm just sensitive to procedures. Well, I'm powerless, and I won't do you any harm, hey—" Liu Can scratched his head and said.

Even though it was the end of the world, when he thought of his background, he was still worried that everyone would look at him differently.

Erhei didn't say anything.

He immediately said: "Hurry up, hurry up, transform these robots, if you can make them turn against each other, that would be great."

These robots are also awesome.

Generally speaking, robots are tools, but I didn't expect to become criminals who took up arms here.

The rules are out of order and anything can happen.

Rong Huaiyan said: "Okay, I'll set off now, you don't have to follow, set off alone, so they won't detect my location, sneak attack is only suitable for fighting alone."

He has two ice mushrooms.

It just happens to be able to lower the body temperature, and then it will be able to avoid the robot's infrared electronic eyes.

Once he entered the opponent's attack range, it would be absolutely fine to "hunt" one back.

An hour passed.

Qiao Xiachu has continuously refined 80 Chiyu, and she directly gave them to Qiao Mobai.

She said to her younger brother: "Take it out, and everyone who is poisoned by the red mist will be given one and a half, no more, so that they won't lose their lives, but they won't get better immediately, otherwise it will be too nasty." God, it will arouse others' suspicion of us."

"it is good."

Qiao Mobai has no objection.

He even got rid of the succulent poison in the well, and now Lao You has full confidence in his ability, if it is his own credit, no one will feel against the sky.

It's just a little unfair to my sister.

But if he can protect his sister in this way, he will not be "modest", and he will take the credit directly.

When he brought the medicine to Lao You, Lao You was so excited that he jumped up on the spot.

"My treasure, you are really the koi lucky star bestowed on all of us by the heavens. You are a gift in the snow, what else can't you solve?" Lao You jumped up and down, extremely excited.

After the drug was dispensed, the people who had been poisoned by the red mist poison and were on the verge of death gradually became able to breathe and move their bodies. Even though white fluid flowed from their bodies, the stiffness had faded and they were slowly recovering their physical strength.

"Wow, I can talk now."

"Woooooo, not dead, not dead—"

Many people started to stand up and stepped on the nematodes on the ground with all their might.

Looking at the new fighters standing up one after another in the room, Qiao Mobai couldn't help sighing that the tenacity of human beings is really unimaginable. Even if they encounter natural disasters or man-made disasters, there are still so many people who don't give up, don't abandon, Let's face the darkness together and fight side by side together.

The future belongs to those who work tirelessly.

It must be so.


Qiao Mobai went back again, and Qiao Xiachu refined a new box of Akabane. She handed the box to her younger brother and said, "I'm going out to fight, you take it well."

"What? Don't, don't—"

Qiao Mobai's face turned pale with fright.

This time, he had narrowly escaped death, and he couldn't imagine what he would encounter next.

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