In The Last Days Of Natural Disasters, 100 Million A Day Is Frantically Hoarding Goods

Chapter 236 I Will Never Give Up If The Dungeon Does Not Collapse

Qiao Xiachu grabbed Qiao Mobai's shoulder and said, "They have killed so many people, they deserve retribution. If they are not brought down, how can they be worthy of the dead soldiers?"

Especially when she watched Awang's tragic end on the spot, how cruel the situation was.

When she and Rong Huaiyan came back, they didn't encounter any crisis along the way. It was the last few ice mushrooms that escaped the local detection all the way, otherwise it would be difficult to return to the city.

Rong Huaiyan said that the advanced technology of the science and technology station, which can produce protective clothing and hoods for the internal circulation system, shows two points. First, there are sufficient internal resources, and second, there are enough scientific and technological talents.

For these two points, we must win this site.

When natural disasters come, talents and materials are first-class good things. Mao Moping's arrogant and perverted character must be unpopular in the station.

Bringing their talents over and exerting a little means can basically be used by the base.

Qiao Xiachu wanted to go to the technology station to see if there was anything that could be used, and then she refined a batch of Akabane, in case Rong Huaiyan and his party were poisoned, they could be treated immediately.

His body could no longer be injured, and being repeatedly exposed to toxins would really destroy his entire internal circulatory system.

She didn't want to see that day.

So, Qiao Xiachu persuaded the terrified Qiao Mobai, saying: "Take the medicine and don't go out for now. As long as you are here, you can stabilize the morale of the army in the rear and let them go to the battlefield without fear."

There is medicine to cure, which is the spiritual core of a fighter without fear.

"Okay. I'll listen to my sister."

Qiao Mobai nodded vigorously.

No matter how much you worry, it's useless.

Stabilizing the rear is also an equally important matter.

So, after Qiao Xiachu left the dungeon, Qiao Mobai would occasionally appear in front of the poisoned people to comfort them, telling them not to worry, he had a way to treat them.

When this scene appeared, the sluggish atmosphere in the entire dungeon was finally relieved, and everyone who had no hope for the future rekindled their belief in fighting.

"The dungeon won't fall, I will never give up!"

"Yes, my heart will always be there."

"I joined the battle to make the war end one day sooner."

Lao You was very excited.

He seems to have seen hope, the hope of the underground city to regain its strength, and the hope of human beings out of the doomsday...

With three hopes of the same goal, they must do their best to end the war.

By the time Qiao Xiachu walked out of the dungeon and came to the area where the artillery was noisy, the situation had already turned around.

"Wow, wow, that's amazing, the killing robot turned around."

"Wow, I'm so touched."

"We are finally not slaughtered cattle and sheep."

The crowd surged.

Waves of new fighters were so excited that tears filled their eyes.

Hacker Liu Can looked proud.

He snapped his fingers and said excitedly, "It's done, I've hacked into their system and implanted a virus into the robot. In the next ten minutes, the robot will not attack us."

ten minutes!

Erhei and Rong Huaiyan immediately grasped the important point.

"Okay, let's attack quickly, rush over at the first time, and shut down all the robots." Rong Huaiyan said.

He himself captured a robot.

In addition to setting the program, this robot has a set of switch valves on the body. As long as this switch is pressed down, it is basically impossible to fire gunfire.

Although the robots are all programmed, they can't stand up to a large number, and they are not afraid of death. When they sweep across the area, their lethality is still quite large.

"Okay, attack with all your strength." Erhei gave an order.

He led the crowd into the red mist and headed towards the robot. As soon as he got close to finding the switch of the robot, he forced himself to shut down and let the killing robot go offline directly.

With the joint efforts of everyone, the first line of defense of the technology station was completely broken.

Just after the robot shut down, Erhei led the team to the periphery of the technology station.

Red mist filled the air.

The line of sight was blocked, and the team still relied on the sound to advance all the way here. Using infrared thermal sensors, they barely scanned to the site of the technology station.

But before entering, ten minutes had passed.

Compared to the inside of the site, someone has already known that they came in, maybe there are other high-tech weapons, if they are bombarded to the sky, it will be troublesome.

Therefore, Rong Huaiyan said: "How about this, Qiao Qiao and I will go in and have a look first, and if there is any progress, we will come back and ask you to go in together."

Qiao Xiachu also agrees.

But Erhei and Hu Guang were still worried about them.

"Wouldn't it be very dangerous if they have black technology?" Second Black said.

Who knows what unconscionable things this kind of person will create, just like the mad cow last time, if a few weird mutant animals come, it will be enough.

"Uncle Hei, there is no choice now, if you don't go in, you have to go in." Qiao Xiachu said.

Rong Huaiyan also nodded in agreement.

He just wanted to quickly lay down the technology station to see if there were any gold, silver and jewelry items, and it would be great to give Qiao Qiao an upgrade space. If he could stay in the space for a longer time, it would be perfect.

Qiao Xiachu didn't know his little thoughts, if he knew, he must hug him and give him a big kiss.

Ever since the two of them started talking about each other, now she doesn't feel disgusted by some intimate behaviors from time to time, and even wants to take the initiative to have a wave...

I don't know if this is the mind of a normal person.

Anyway, she is.

"OK then."

Erhei was also quite helpless.

However, these two fought side by side, sometimes stronger than a team. He was worried, but he had an inexplicably strong confidence in the two.

Rong Huaiyan said: "You are almost running out of oxygen, first pull a set of plastic sheds on the spot."

Fighting under the red mist is so annoying.

All of them brought protective clothing, masks, oxygen tanks, and checked in a set of tools for building a plastic shed, as well as a fully charged automatic fan.

Try your best to drive away the red mist, and then fight again.

Many people are pure newcomers, and it is very difficult to bring them along.

Erhei is also considered a veteran general with a lot of experience, but in the face of this war, he is also thankless and suffers heavy losses.

"Don't worry about us, I will take care of them. You and Qiao Meier put safety first. If there is any mistake, you should retreat immediately." Er Heifei said.


Rong Huaiyan nodded.

After experiencing this life and death, he cherished his life even more.

Cherish your own life, and cherish Qiao Qiao's even more.

The feeling of parting from life and death, I don't want to come back again.

If it was possible, he would wish that Qiao Qiao's space would be upgraded crazily, and the two of them would live in the space forever.


Rong Huaiyan stretched out his hand, grabbed Qiao Xiachu, and said: "You must hold my hand tightly, you can't lose it all, you understand?"


Qiao Xiachu couldn't help laughing.

She put her hand into his palm and said, "Don't be gross, let's go."

The tone was reproachful, but the eyes were filled with brilliant brilliance, full of sweet bubbles.

The two looked at each other and smiled, then held hands, shoulder to shoulder, and walked bravely and fearlessly into the red mist.

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