Tech Station.

"Station Master, our army of killer robots has been wiped out—"

A technician carried a tablet and hurriedly rushed into the resplendent hall to report the situation ahead.

Standing in front of the big screen, Zhou Yingsheng said with a grumpy face, "What's going on? Isn't this the flagship product of our technology station? How could it be wiped out?"

The last days are their own camps. The places they occupy, their connections, and cutting-edge technology are already very powerful existences in this world.

There are still people who beat their products!

This is simply unbelievable.

If they want to find an entry point, at least they have to get a robot.

How could a robot be hunted by humans with its powerful detection ability, quick response, and sensitive temperature sensing?

"Station Master, someone has hacked into our system, it should be the other party's robot that caught us..."


Zhou Yingsheng slapped the table hard.

He was about to explode.

Who is not afraid of death when riding a horse, and die with their robots?

"Station Master, what should we do now? Are we going to send people to drop bombs on the dungeon manually?"

When his subordinates asked, the irritable Zhou Yingsheng calmed down slowly.

This is the immediate priority.

Once the dungeon cannot be conquered, many people in the technology station will turn their backs.

Mao Moping pressed too hard.

Human servility is not suppressed, but the heart of resistance is suppressed.

As soon as he thought of this, he ordered his subordinates: "Mobilize the first column and stand by. I want to conduct an aerial survey of the dungeon. If I can't find the location of the supplies, I will order the drones to drop bombs indiscriminately."


The fire team immediately began to move.

As soon as the team assembled, the ordinary residents in the station began to feel dissatisfied.

"The hairy dogs are gone, and another Zhou dog comes, and it's endless."

"I hope the dungeon will win and rescue us all."

"If I knew the people here were so perverted, I shouldn't have come to the science and technology station. It was supposed to help each other in the last days, but I didn't expect to be a slave."

"Zhou Dog of Tiansha, go to hell!"

A group of people complained and cursed.

Except for the ordinary residents who are planters, plumbers, etc., half of the people are basically hunted to death by Mao Moping, who does not want to produce supplies, and uses robots to hunt them alive.

The horror and cruelty of the scene are hundreds or thousands of times more terrifying than natural disasters.

Mao Moping never returned, and the residents in the station cheered secretly.

But now that the team is assembled, they can probably guess what it is for.

One of the young people stood up and said, "Why don't we open the outer door of the technology station, once people from the dungeon sneak in, they can come in directly."

Young people still have blood.

As soon as he said it, the others agreed.

"But Ah Guang, how do we get to the first floor?"

"That's right, we can't go up to the first floor."

The thief Mao Moping couldn't see them, so he rushed the people who originally lived on the first floor to the basement, and kept them in the dark place like pigs and dogs.

Every day, in addition to regularly distributing some feed, as well as rice bran and the like, everyone receives a small packet, regardless of their life or death.

The grandmother who was crowded by the door said that she heard Maogou say with her own ears that she wanted to witness the dark side of human nature, and watched the people in the underground warehouse become lunatics, attacking each other, and cannibalizing each other...

Its viciousness is evident.

The residents who were squeezed out into the ground were not originally wealthy. When encountering this kind of natural disaster, even if some people starved to death, there really was no scene of mutual harm or cannibalism.

Every time someone dies, they attack wildly, wave after wave, until the people above transport the body out for burial, whether it's cremation or something, it's better than rotting in this damn place.

A Guang said: "They blocked all the passages, but if we work together and attack the exits together, and take advantage of the fact that they are going to fight now, find the right opportunity to rush out, maybe we can find the outer door."

The technology station is a solid one.

Closed like a gourd.

If the outer door is not opened, outsiders cannot come in.

The walls here are very thick, and it takes a lot of effort to blow up a hole with a bomb. Even if the flood hit, the science and technology station did not enter the water.

How can outsiders get in with a copper wall and an iron wall?

"Let's go together."

"it is good."

"Ah Guang is right. This week, a dog is not much better than a hairy dog. He killed several people as soon as he took office. He is afraid that he will die in the future. It is better to help the people in the dungeon."

"Yes, I worked hard."

As soon as Zhou Gou was mentioned, a group of people shared the same hatred.

Taking advantage of Zhou Gou forming a team, they will take the initiative to attack. When Zhou Gou is caught off guard and can't take care of both ends, it is tantamount to avenging their relatives and friends.

The first floor of the Science and Technology Station is for all the armed forces, the second floor is for VIPs, the third floor is for scientific research personnel, the fourth floor is for planting areas, the fifth and sixth floors store various supplies and materials, and the seventh floor is for the leadership.

Originally, the negative first floor was for daily necessities.

Over the past few years, it has been slowly consumed and gradually emptied.

After the heavy fog came, Mao Moping emptied the first floor and put the laborers underground.

When the people on the first floor were madly attacking the exit, Zhou Yingsheng yelled angrily when he heard the news: "Shock them to death with electric shock, what's the trouble? Do you think the people in the underground city are awesome? Wait until I find out." Kill them, and turn around and teach these bastards a lesson."

Zhou Yingsheng was originally a close friend of Mao Moping.

All his management abilities are in the same line as Mao Moping's, so he took advantage of Mao Moping's remaining prestige and took the position of station chief in one go.

Hearing the disturbance on the first floor, he subconsciously chose to suppress it by force.

A group of people frantically attacked the exit.

The team that was supposed to be dispatched was also delayed because of this incident, so they insisted on guarding the exit and frantically beat the people who came out with electric shock rods.

The underground people were used to being beaten, and they were not afraid when they saw this scene, they sprinted frantically, and even kept Ah Guang in the inner circle, pushing him madly outward.

The fighting was fierce.

There were screams, howls of pain, and the sound of electric shocks hitting people's bodies, all of which could be heard endlessly.

When Qiao Xiachu and Rong Huaiyan rushed over, they found that there was no entrance to this place, and it was tightly fitted. Unless the door was opened from the inside, the vajra iron door could not be opened at all.

Doesn't breaking through with force mean sending yourself to someone's gun?

"What should I do?" Qiao Xiachu asked.

There are not many ice mushrooms left.

They won't last long.

Once it is scanned by the electronic eyes of the technology station, it is over.

Rong Huaiyan looked around, released a drone detector from the system, and let it fly.

"We must find the entrance and disintegrate them from the inside in order to minimize the damage." He said solemnly.

The dungeon has been hit hard again and again, and it can no longer afford casualties.

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