

Something sticky is coming out of it.

After taking a closer look, Rong Huaiyan stretched out his hand to pull Qiao Xiachu, and the two of them focused on the gap between the closed door and found blood flowing out.


Qiao Xiachu frowned slightly.

She took a closer look, and found that the door was suddenly opened a crack, and someone was shouting inside.

"In the front, this stinky boy wanted to escape, but I caught him and threw him into the zoo of the technology station to feed the tiger, Mad, the lifeless thing——"

Accompanied by the sound of swearing, there were also beatings with electric batons and miserable cries of pain.

Qiao Xiachu gave him a deep look.

"Don't look at me, just look at me - beat him up."

The two looked at each other, and then pulled the crack of the door, but they didn't expect to open the door.

The moment the door opened, two tall men in uniforms froze for a moment. Just as they were about to press the alarm button next to them, Rong Huaiyan and Qiao Xiachu, one left and one right, rushed up.

The fighters who have been pampered at the technology station have been pampered for many years. Regardless of speed or physical fitness, they are no longer the opponents of Rong Huaiyan and Qiao Xiachu.

Plop plop.

The two fell at the same time.

Qiao Xiachu rushed over to treat the boy lying on the ground.

When the boy saw her, there was a bright smile on his blood-stained face.

His mouth was full of blood, and the corners of his mouth overflowed as he said: "God, it must be a savior sent from outer space. Their weapons are on the fifth and sixth floors, and the console is on the seventh floor. Be sure to turn off the attack system of the technology station. They want to bomb The dungeon is coming, hurry up, or it will be too late—"

Qiao Xiachu found that there was no fatal wound on the boy's body, but a heavy blow to his chest, which cannot be recovered in a day or two, so he pretended to take things from his backpack, took out a small branch of iodophor and a bottle of mineral water, and said to him: "Then find a place to hide first."

"Okay, okay, thank God, thank you! Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo-"

The boy took the medicine and water excitedly, unbelievable that he could still drink clean water.

I can't even dream of it.

As soon as Qiao Xiachu and Rong Huaiyan entered, they found that the environment was really extravagant. Whether it was the internal construction or the various high-end equipment visible to the naked eye, it was dazzling.

He took out a signal jammer.

As soon as it was thrown out, the two people lying on the ground were quickly dragged to the bathroom, and after changing their clothes inside, the corpses were directly put in the space temporarily by Qiao Xiachu.

Wait until you get out before throwing away the corpse.

After changing their clothes, as soon as the two came out, there was no problem at all.

Traveling in this place uses the work card in hand, displaying the card all the way, and then passing directly to the sixth floor, above which is the main control room of the entire technology station.

The new webmaster is inside.

It is still a bit difficult to get in.

"What should I do? Look at the big iron gate ahead, you can't get in, there is an iris recognition system." Qiao Xiachu said.

According to the boy's reminder, if the console on the seventh floor is forcibly broken into, the self-destruct system of the entire station will be triggered, and the entire technology station will be bombed to the sky.

If it doesn't work, everyone will die together.

Rong Huaiyan scanned left and right, and said: "Don't worry, look, isn't there a senior general over there? He should have gone in to report the news."

The two quickly disappeared.

When the two of them press a button, the front video call opens.

"Station Master, are we going to launch a first-level bombing? Are we going to bomb the dungeon?" A general asked.

In the video, Zhou Yingsheng was furious.

He said: "This group of old and cunning things hide their supplies so tightly that they can't find their weapons at all, so blow them up."

Blast! ! !

Rong Huaiyan and Qiao Xiachu were stunned.

Just when the general was about to give orders to his subordinates to load explosives, Rong Huaiyan quickly stepped forward and saluted: "Sir, I know where the supplies in the dungeon are hidden—"

As soon as this was said, Zhou Yingsheng, who hadn't hung up yet, asked the camera: "Which team are you in? How do you know where the supplies in the dungeon are?"

Rong Huaiyan took his time.

He picked up his sign and quickly scanned it at the camera, then calmly said: "Because I have a brother who participated in the construction of the dungeon, and he stole something, and it is this."

As he spoke, Rong Huaiyan took out a fixed-point high-power explosive from his trouser pocket.

This thing is not available in the technology station, and it looks quite unfamiliar.

"This explosive is extremely powerful. Once it is detonated, the effect is no worse than TNT, but their arsenal is innumerable." Rong Huaiyan handed it over.

The general scanned carefully.

He looked shocked and said: "How did you get it? Why didn't you report it before? From that team, let your superiors come over—"

Just when there was a stalemate in the situation, the door of the main control room opened abruptly.

Zhou Yingsheng came out from inside.

He said excitedly: "Is this thing real? Are you sure you can get a lot?"

Rong Huaiyan nodded.

He had many injuries on his cheeks, imperceptibly weakening his uniqueness. Standing in front of Zhou Yingsheng, the danger was greatly reduced and his aggressiveness was reduced.

"Report to the station master, yes, I still have a lot." Rong Huaiyan said.

Then he took out another, and another.

Three in a row, Zhou Yingsheng was a little convinced.

Compared with Mao Moping, he is a little greedy. He always wants to hold all the treasures he can hold firmly in his palm, so that he feels very safe.

As soon as he saw the dynamite in his hand, he wanted to keep it for himself.

"Old Gong, you all collect your things together. This time I will personally command the team to go to the dungeon and take them down!" Zhou Yingsheng vowed.

"You lead the way, oh, by the way, what's your name, which team are you in?" Zhou Yingsheng asked.

Rong Huaiyan said calmly, "My name is Haiping, and I'm in the No. 1 column."

Column One!

Zhou Yingsheng glanced at the generals beside him and asked, "Isn't the No. 1 column going to suppress the riot?"

"Yes, station master." Old Gong said.

Rong Huaiyan said: "When my superior was chasing the fugitive, he accidentally let the fugitive open the door, and was poisoned by the red mist, so the body was thrown out."

Anyway, make it up.

After leaving the technology station, they will not be in charge.

Zhou Yingsheng nodded.

This time the underground riots were quite serious. Like mad dogs, they rushed towards the outside like mad dogs. So many people were mobilized, but a large number of people were still brought out.

The first floor is full of people.

The gate was also activated.

He had received an alarm here, but the signal was interrupted for a moment. When the communication was restored, there was blood everywhere on the ground. Someone should have rushed to the door.

What Rong Huaiyan said made Zhou Yingsheng believe it.

Old Gong next to him asked suspiciously: "Station Master, I should go and investigate?"

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