Zhou Yingsheng looked impatient.

The reason why he can stand out from the crowd is that he dares to think and act. Since he has what he wants, he will act immediately, otherwise there will be no day for him to stand out.

The weapon that Rong Huaiyan took out was genuine.

The Feng'e City team couldn't produce such high-end goods.

He was sure of it.

The Science and Technology Station was originally made of robots. In order to transform the service models and engineering models into killing robots, they fiddled with gunpowder everywhere.

However, the scientists on the site were not weapons experts at first. These things were made by relying on Lao Gong and his team's understanding of weapons.

Didn't he rely on his own adventurous spirit to surpass Lao Gong and become the stationmaster of the technology station?

"Let's go, let's change our equipment now and dispatch immediately." Zhou Yingsheng said.

Lao Gong couldn't believe it.

Yingsheng was too confident this week, he was fooled by Rong Huaiyan's few words, and if there was something wrong with this person, it would be too late for him to regret it.

The sky is full of red mist outside, even if a group of scientists in the station invents a protective shield, it will take about two weeks to research the antidote.

There's no need to be in such a hurry to catch up.

It's not too late to call again a few days later.

But Zhou Yingsheng couldn't wait.

He was also worried that the people in the dungeon would dig a hole and run away, transferring all their weapons. They would not get any benefits by then, so it was better to start as soon as possible.

Zhou Yingsheng's urgency, coupled with Mr. Gong's attitude of not wanting to take responsibility, made the matter so absurdly decided.

"You go and organize the second column to set off, and take this sea with you by the way." Zhou Yingsheng said.


With a gloomy face, Lao Gong left the seventh floor with Rong Huaiyan.

Qiao Xiachu, who was hiding in the dark, added a ice mushroom.

Even when Zhou Yingsheng went out, he always held a remote control in his palm.

He looked aggressive on the surface, but it could be seen that he was very suspicious. He didn't relax his vigilance just because he heard the weapon, and kept silently watching every move outside.

Qiao Xiachu has no doubt that once she and Huaiyan attack, the opponent will definitely choose to die with everyone.

The place is also very strange.

No one outside could enter the main control room, as if Zhou Yingsheng was bound to the console. After two groups of people came, basically no one entered.

At first, she still felt strange, until she was lying on it, found a Xiaoqiang, threw it at the door, and a laser grid appeared at the door.

Xiaoqiang was sawed into powder in minutes.


This is too perverted.

It seems that wanting to enter the control room is not an ordinary difficulty.

She had to choose another way.

If Rong Huaiyan's trip goes well, he can take a large part of the team out of the technology station, and relieve her a lot of pressure.

Thinking of this, she decided to go to those researchers.

Mao Moping is the first phase of the webmaster, if he can change the webmaster, there must be a way to crack it.

Thinking of this, Qiao Xiachu immediately went downstairs.

The third floor is the research staff studio.

She has a card on her body, all the way in, it is naturally unimpeded.

After scanning around carefully, she found that no one paid attention to her, so she went out, and when she came back again, she held a bucket of braised beef noodles, a sausage, and a pack of spicy strips in her hand.

There is also a fresh egg.

Qiao Xiachu tore open the package on his own, broke off the sausage and threw it in, and put the spicy strips together. When the boiling water was put in, the aroma dissipated instantly.

Crack the egg again, pour it into a cup, connect it with a cup of boiling water, take out a bag of brown sugar, and put a whole bag in it!

The soul-stirring aroma seduces a group of staff who are typing on the computer.

They are the closest.

Seeing that it was almost done, Qiao Xiachu opened the lid, took out a plastic fork, and put the noodles into his mouth.

Chi slip.

Chi Liu——

The aroma hit everyone's taste buds at an instant speed, and some people swallowed dryly.

"Comrade, do you have any more noodles? I can exchange a large-capacity USB with you..."

"No, no, I will change it for you with an electric hair iron, a high-tech product, as long as you bring it with you, you can change your hairstyle if you want."


A group of people tried their best to exchange instant noodles with Qiao Xiachu.

Naturally, there are more and more people watching.

Qiao Xiachu smiled and shook her head.

She said to everyone: "I tell you, my sister has 200 boxes of instant noodles, 100 boxes of self-heating pot rice, sausage, ham and spicy sticks, piles and piles, just ordinary things, she doesn't like it very much, unless there are big ones. valuable."

After speaking, she took out her pocket again and took out a bright green cucumber.

Hang Chi.

Qiao Xiachu took a bite at it.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

Fresh cucumbers!


Damn, this stuff is only available in plantations, and the entire technology station is only available to the station master and the leader and other high-level personnel. They basically eat some unnutritious coarse grains.

People on the second floor eat compressed biscuits.

Those on the first floor eat rice bran...

As far as coarse grains are concerned, they are already top-level configurations.

Judging from the woman's dress, she is at most a managerial staff, at best eating some compressed biscuits.

But she ate instant noodles with ham, spicy strips, egg drop, and cucumber!

This is already the way the gods eat.

How can you be so extravagant...

Everyone's saliva flowed all over the place.

They looked eagerly at Huang Ben, the head of scientific research at the science and technology station, and begged, "Director Huang, you should go and find a way to get some food."

Huang Ben did experiments before and had a lot of gold on hand.

There is no woman who doesn't like this thing.

Maybe it can be replaced...

Huang Ben shook his head: "What if she doesn't like gold?"

Just after Qiao Xiachu finished throwing away the garbage, he turned around and said in surprise, "What, gold? I like it, I always like it. If you want to change it with me, I can ask my sister for some. If you have any questions, here Say--"

Qiao Xiachu looked mysterious.

Everyone also understands.

In the last days, food is the way of heaven.

Whoever has food hangs out with him.

She ate the extravagant meal in one breath, it is impossible to deceive people, otherwise she would definitely eat it one by one, and she would not eat it all in one sitting, and looking at her radiant face, she must have been raised by eating a lot of good things .

When Huang Ben saw the beautiful woman, he was a little at a loss.

There are also female scientists in the science and technology station, but it is good if they are not bald.

Seeing a beautiful woman at this moment, Huang Ben subconsciously feels unnatural.

Qiao Xiachu smiled at him.

Hang Chi, Hang Chi.

Huang Ben felt his heart was about to jump out.

He was hooked by Qiao Xiachu's sleeve just like that, and he forced himself out of the room.

As soon as he came out, he said stupidly: "You, what are you going to do..."

What are you doing?

Of course he took out his head!

It goes without saying.

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