Qiao Xiachu smiled and stared at Huang Ben intently.

Huang Ben was a little overwhelmed and forgot his purpose for coming out.

In other words, he didn't know what he did from the beginning to the end.

This was the first time he was approached by such a beautiful girl.

He was a little hard to accept.

Qiao Xiachu said: "I'll treat you to a strawberry first, this is the rarest treasure."

As she spoke, she took out her pocket and took out another bright red strawberry!

Huang Ben was dumbfounded.

Just when he was wondering, the strawberry was stuffed into his palm, and under her urging voice, he foolishly ate... the strawberry.


Juice filled the mouth.

Sour and sweet.

Very delicious.

How long has it been since I had fresh food.

He doesn't even remember it himself.

From the time they entered the technology station to the present, they have not left for many years. They basically work intensively every day. They used to eat, but now they basically eat coarse grains.

But it is also limited to coarse grain meatballs.

Sometimes it's still musty and sour...

For the first time in several years, he ate strawberries, which he disliked the most in his heyday, and tears welled up in his eyes.

He looked at Qiao Xiachu and said with a serious face: "Whatever you want, just say it straight, as long as the big guys can eat fresh food, I, Huang Ben, will go all out."

Mao Moping is perverted enough.

It's a week's work, and it's not much better.

He wasn't a fool either, he could see through Qiao Xiachu's intentions at a glance, but he didn't know if it was an equivalent exchange.

Qiao Xiachu clapped her hands lightly.

She likes talking to smart people, and Huang Ben is one of them.

"Fresh. I can help you achieve your goal, it depends on whether you can help me." Qiao Xiachu said.

As soon as these words came out, it was Huang Ben's turn to be shocked.

There are quite a few people in the technology group.

If she can let everyone eat fresh food, at least it proves that she has a strong backer behind her, and I'm afraid it's not weaker than the technology station.

Does she want to...

"This?" He tapped the sky.

Qiao Xiachu pursed her lips and nodded slightly.

"!!" Huang Ben.

Really bold.

Wild enough.

Huang Ben's eyes gradually cleared up, and he said with burning eyes: "If you can fulfill your promise, I will do everything, this will not trouble me."

Peaceful renditions are the best.

There is no need to fight or sacrifice, and everyone can get a shelter.

"Okay, deal!" Qiao Xiachu smiled.

She said to Huang Ben: "Well, let your people wait first, I'll get a batch over, and when you finish the task, I'll move the rest over."

"Good, good, good."

Huang Ben said three times in one breath.

He's had enough of the commander's wimpiness.

In the last days, if you don't want to survive, you want to study some weapons and want to fight wars all day long. Isn't there not enough people who died in natural disasters?

If the girl came from outside, he agreed with both hands and feet that they harvested the technology station.

Qiao Xiachu nodded.

She went out for a while, went directly into the bathroom, waited in it for more than ten minutes, and when she came out again, she took out the signal jammer that Rong Huaiyan gave her, and wherever she went along the way, there was signal interference.

When he reappeared on the third floor, he was already carrying a big snakeskin bag in his hand. When he opened the bag, there were orange fruits in it.


"Ma Maye, it turned out to be a fresh orange——"

"Moved, moved!"

A group of people rushed over and surrounded Qiao Xiachu.

They have been imprisoned in the scientific research station, and all their thoughts are on scientific research. In fact, they are very transparent in dealing with people and things, and they don't think too complicated.

Now, seeing Qiao Xiachu appear with oranges, he was naturally full of praise for her.

Huang Ben saw her keep her promise, although he found that she had been in the bathroom for a long time, and could not find her when she came out again, he vaguely guessed that she might have a companion in the station.

He walked up to her and said, "Then it's time for me to keep my promise."

Huang Ben took out an instrument.

He said, "Let's go."

From the video surveillance system, Huang Ben saw Zhou Yingsheng leading the team out of the station.

So, he directly carried Qiao Xiachu all the way to the seventh floor, and after some precise operations, he opened the alloy door on the top floor.

This door was originally designed by him.

All the secrets are in his hands. Zhou Yingsheng obtained Mao Moping's iris data by using a technology of the VIP on the second floor, so he gained control of the technology station in one fell swoop.

But this has always been a trick.

"Okay, the door has been opened." Huang Ben said.

After finishing speaking, he turned around and was about to leave, but Qiao Xiachu grabbed his arm.

"Mr. Huang, as long as you are willing, you can join our dungeon. Mr. You has never monopolized supplies, nor is he divided into classes. As long as you work hard, you can get food. Give everything—" she said.

Give it all? !

Huang Ben was stunned.

In this world, is there such a command?

how can that be possible?

"Everything I say is true, you can witness it with me." Qiao Xiachu warmly invited.

Huang Ben and his team are all scientific researchers, and they are attacking areas that are not found in dungeons. They are all a group of high-end elite talents. If they can successfully attack, it is naturally the best.

Qiao Xiachu said: "As you can see, the fruit I'm carrying is the last batch. Our commander asked me to bring it without hesitation, so you know he is definitely not a stingy person."

Huang Ben's heart was moved immediately.

"Once you do something, our commander will not interfere, and there will be no oppression. The main thing is to survive in this last world, and we don't like war." Qiao Xiachu said again.

This remark became the last straw that broke the camel's back.

Huang Ben hurriedly said: "In the control room, if you don't have the fingerprint of the station master, if you activate any button, the self-immolation system in the station will be detonated."

Qiao Xiachu narrowed her eyes.

She smiled and said, "Then Mr. Huang must have a solution."

Huang Ben nodded confidently.

He said: "I have participated in all the systems here, and there is nothing I can't handle, including shutting down the self-explosion system of the technology station. I am also the sole owner of the ultimate unlocking system."

Even Zhou Yingsheng didn't know the inside story.

Huang Ben was one of the major shareholders who invested in the technology station with his technology. It's just that the end of the world has come and Mao Moping is the only one.

These secrets are sunk.

Qiao Xiachu looked excited and said gratefully: "I believe that your companions, as well as all survivors, will be grateful to you. It is a great thing to end the war one day earlier and fight against the red mist together."

Huang Ben nodded deeply.

This is the greatest ideal in his heart.

Fight against natural disasters together, isn't it delicious?

According to calculations based on a large amount of data, the red mist is not the final destination in the last days. There are frequent phenomena in the sky, and many things are beyond the scope of scientific explanation.

Science has begun to fail, and people still don't work together, how can they survive?

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