In The Last Days Of Natural Disasters, 100 Million A Day Is Frantically Hoarding Goods

Chapter 241 Please Mr. Huang Turn Off The Self-Explosion System

"Then Mr. Huang, please turn off the self-explosion system of the technology station first." Qiao Xiachu said to Huang Ben.

Huang Ben took a deep breath.

He took a step, walked to a group of the most inconspicuous cabinets, opened the cabinet door, and then scanned his irises, there was a roar, and then he heard the sound of gasping.

Not long after, a set of pages appeared on the main console of the technology station, and a line of words appeared in red font: Warning, the self-explosion system has been shut down!

As soon as Qiao Xiachu saw this line of writing, she finally let go of her hanging heart.

She was secretly excited.

As long as the biggest crisis is resolved, others can make persistent efforts to clear all the crises of the technology station in one go.

Qiao Xiachu took out the remaining oranges and won Huang Ben's full trust in one breath. Under his one-stop operation, he even replaced Zhou Yingsheng's hand mask when he entered the technology station.

In this way, once Zhou Yingsheng returned to the technology station, he would not be able to re-enter.

Qiao Xiachu was very happy.

She said to Huang Ben: "I don't need anything, I just want to ask if there are any unnecessary gold and silver things here, and you can control the rest freely."

Huang Ben shut down the killing robot project that was being launched at the base, and all the technical personnel jumped up and down with excitement.

I like to be a robot, but it doesn't mean I like to build a killing machine.

Huang Ben was taken aback.

He has gold, and Mao Moping also likes such tacky things, so when recruiting personnel to enter the technology station, all kinds of rare treasures are applied for entry, as if hiding a big warehouse.

"There is this one, but it's useless..."

"Just leave it to me."

Huang Ben couldn't help laughing.

She is really a girl, she actually likes such useless things, it would be more practical to change a few oranges, but thinking of her coming to the door with a bag of oranges in one go, her skill is really amazing, she should not be an ordinary girl .

He walked to a drawer, rummaged through it, and took out a key marked with the serial number of the room, and handed it to her, "I can't remember how much. If it's not enough, I still have 20 catties of gold over there." ..."

Of course, he hoarded gold because the project needed it.

"That's not necessary, Director Huang can keep it for himself." Qiao Xiachu couldn't help but said happily.

She accepted the key, and then said to Huang Ben: "Next, Mr. Lao Huang will deal with the residents on the second floor. Whether to go or stay, everything is up to Director Huang."

Huang Ben was stunned.

He doesn't like power struggles and has always been an honest man.

Unexpectedly, one day he would be able to stand at the pinnacle of power and be in charge of the life and death of a technology station.

"I believe you can handle it well." Qiao Xiachu said.

Huang Ben smiled.

This girl is really compelling.

At this time, every move is very calm, and it seems that she is unremitting, but from her stance ready to attack at any time, her muscles ready to go, and her eagle-like eyes, it is invisible to give birth to cowardice. energy.

He shook his head and said with a smile: "I can't even imagine what kind of person can deal with you girl. Well, I will deal with this matter myself."

If Qiao Xiachu was aggressive and directly seized control, he would definitely stand by.

If they are all wiped out, some people will resist, and some people will hide a lot of weapons.

It's all included, and many people have three hearts and four hearts. They don't have any loyalty at all. Basically, they take refuge in the front foot and betray the back foot.

It is a dilemma to advance and retreat.

Unexpectedly, she directly entrusted this difficult task to herself.

She figured she knew this group of people well.

In this game, he lost to this girl.


"Success. I'll go now." Huang Ben said.

After finishing speaking, he turned around and went downstairs.

Qiao Xiachu smiled with satisfaction.

As soon as she entered the third floor, she found that the entire scientific and technological team, headed by Huang Ben, was basically very cohesive. No matter how noisy the subordinates were, Huang Ben couldn't move, and the momentum of the others was suppressed.

This person hides his secrets and doesn't like to show off.

Even if she entered the science and technology station and ate at the door, he didn't move. He was just minding his own business from beginning to end, without even looking at her.

Being pulled out by her, he was also hiding his clumsiness and acting very stupidly, but she still saw through this trick.

If this kind of person really wants to confront him, he will be eaten in all likelihood.

She advances by retreating.

The only way to control the situation is to push him out.

It now appears that she won the bet.

Huang Ben brought a batch of air shields developed by the technology station to the second floor, and used a circular speaker to inform the VIPs of the technology station: "The head of the technology station has stepped down. Now there are two choices. The first is to become a prisoner of the technology station." , Second, take your things, hold the air mask, and leave immediately!"

Among the VIP guests on the second floor, there are many spies and relatives of Zhou Yingsheng, as well as his downlines. None of these people can stay, and they can only wait for most of them to leave. If there is any stubborn resistance, they will be killed immediately.

Although the killing robot should be used to deal with foreign enemies, but when he chose to seek refuge in the dungeon, the VIPs on the second floor collectively became their enemies.

The VIPs on the second floor were all stunned. They couldn't believe it at first, but when the killing robots appeared one after another, they knew that the situation was over.

Unreconciled, angry, resentful... All kinds of emotions came to my heart, but facing the special team led by Huang Ben, I finally had to accept the reality.

Packing up their bags, some people wish they could take away their mattresses, but with limited physical strength, they have no choice but to give up.

A group of people packed up their things, put on protective clothing and air masks, carried their backpacks, suitcases, plastic buckets and other daily necessities, and lined up into the red mist one by one...

Looking back, it became unreal for the technology to stand in the red mist, and it was engulfed by the red mist as soon as it came out. They felt an indescribable suffocation and depression.

Especially when the door of the science and technology station was closed, a large number of people cursed Huang Ben for his death.

Huang Ben heard it.

He doesn't care.

If the curse is useful, he will curse every day, and curse the heavens to return to the prosperous age. Can it be realized?


He turned around and went back upstairs. Following the cheering colleagues in the station, he opened the base's material warehouse and released the people on the first floor.

The entire technology station was engulfed in excited cheers.

Qiao Xiachu is also very happy.

Baby of a house! ! !

Everything is sold out at a high price, not one tens of billions in total, but two tens of billions.

She squinted and smiled, stretched out her hand, a white jade bracelet entered the space, then raised her hand, a tall jade statue, put it away, raised her hand and then raised her hand...

All the rare treasures in the room entered the space.

In order to avoid the sudden upgrade of the space, which would catch her off guard, she sealed it with plastic film before collecting it, so it took a long time.

When she came out again, she found that the technology station was full of people, and the first person standing in front of her was the boy who opened the door for her and Huaiyan before.

"God, she is the god who saved me!"

The residents on the first floor, when they heard that it was the outer space god who rescued Ah Guang, all of them widened their eyes and gathered on Qiao Xiachu, wanting to see if she was an alien or an alien...

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