Qiao Xiachu didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

She said: "I'm not a god, I came from the underground city."

In this battle, the dungeon suffered heavy losses, hurting the vitality of the city, not to mention the loss of a few generals, and more than half of the residents in the city were killed or injured.

When the red mist passed, no one participated in the reconstruction work.

It would be a good thing if this group of residents could be recruited.

Lao You must be very happy.

But she would not make the decision for Lao You, she just revealed her identity on the spot.

A group of people were excited.

"I'm very envious of the underground city. Feng'e City was originally our home, but we were fooled here by the science and technology station, and the result was to serve them as a cow."

"Yes, I am willing to join the dungeon."

"I don't know if this beauty can introduce me to the dungeon. I can do whatever I want, as long as I don't get imprisoned like a mouse."

"All struggles are for freedom."

Where there is oppression, there is resistance.

In the face of natural disasters one after another, everyone just wants to live well in these difficult days, and has no other pursuits.

But it was obvious that the last requirement would be deprived by Zhou Yingsheng.

Zhou Gou has already planned to destroy them.

They could hear clearly.

Qiao Xiachu also understood.

She said: "Everything is up to our commander, and he will decide when the time comes. I am going out to participate in the battle now. Zhou Yingsheng has led the team out. If we attack the dungeon, it will be troublesome."

She was just about to leave when Huang Ben stopped her.

Huang Ben walked up to her, handed her a tablet, and said, "This batch of robots was reprogrammed by Zhou Yingsheng. The protective wall is so strong that ordinary people cannot invade. There is only my entrance. You take them with you." Bar."

Huang Ben explained the rules in detail.

There is only one last chance to modify the permissions of these robots.

There are more than 20 killing robots standing behind him.

Once Qiao Xiachu presses her handprint, this group of robots will completely belong to her!

Qiao Xiachu was ready to move.

Once it becomes her only mechanical assistant, wouldn't it be nice to put it directly at the door to help her guard the door without having to put up space in the future?

As soon as she thought of this, she agreed.

"Thank you, Mr. Huang. I will never forget your help this time. When the war is over, I will definitely repay you," she said.

She lacked everything, except food.

If Huang Ben wanted it, she could exchange it for food at that time.

She wouldn't take advantage of him for nothing.

Huang Ben smiled and shook his head.

He said: "At the end of the day, helping each other is nothing."

Thinking of Zhou Yingsheng taking a large number of people out, he also brought a lot of weapons, and even took away 30 killing robots, he said: "Be sure to pay attention to safety, his number of killing robots is not low."

Qiao Xiachu nodded.

The stakes are great.

Zhou Yingsheng must have confidence to attack the dungeon with confidence, otherwise he would not have gone out so recklessly.

If they didn't catch him this time and wiped out this group of people, wouldn't Awang's death be in vain?

"Then you can put on this set of protective clothing first. You don't need to consume oxygen tanks, and you don't have to worry about participating in the battle. There are 10 sets in total. You can let the robot carry them first and give them to your teammates." Huang Ben said again.

On the side of the road, there are several large boxes of protective clothing.

These things are hard to buy.

Qiao Xiachu couldn't help but take a deep look at him, and said sincerely, "Brother Huang, thank you."

Huang Ben blushed immediately.

He looked embarrassed and said: "I'm 35 this year, you can call me uncle."

old people.

Qiao Xiachu chuckled.

She is not young either.

It's been a few years since the end of the world.

She said: "Then I will set off. When I return triumphantly, I will definitely take you to see the commander."

After Qiao Xiachu changed his clothes, he ordered the robot to carry the box and walked out of the technology station all the way.

The group of people behind were extremely worried.

Ah Guang said with enthusiasm: "She is my goddess, waiting for the goddess to triumph, I will be her apprentice, let her teach me to fight the enemy on the battlefield."


The people around her slapped her on the forehead: "Which kind of battlefield are you going to, you have to fight."

Ah Guang shook his head.

He said: "No, no, the short war is for peace."

People like Zhou Gou, if they don't beat them until they vomit blood, will they stop fighting?


They will fight all the way until the dungeon is destroyed, until everyone dies at his feet!

The people present fell silent.

They understood that what Ah Guang said was true.

Zhou Yingsheng and Mao Moping are the same kind of people, and everyone knows their dispositions clearly.

Huang Ben said silently: "I hope this little sister won't disappoint everyone."


"How? Any news?"

Lao You was in a hurry.

From time to time, there was a sound of bombing above the dungeon, and sand, stone and dust rolled down one after another. If this continues, the entire dungeon will collapse.

But they couldn't get out.

The gate of the city was blocked by boulders.

It should be that the bastard at the technology station took a step ahead, found a new batch of robots, rolled a huge stone, and blocked the exit tightly.

At the beginning, Rong Huaiyan also said, don’t just build one exit, you can’t put all your eggs in the same basket, who knows that this group of people has a high level of technology, even if they detect the rest of their exits, they are also blocked. .

If they want to go out again, there is almost no way to recover.

Now, unless the boulder is pushed away from the outside, the people inside can no longer get out.

In case the people at the technology station bombed repeatedly and turned the entire city into ruins, the dungeon would also collapse under the huge impact.

Lao You was in a hurry, trying to contact Erhei, Rong Huaiyan, and Qiao Xiachu all the time, they had two radios with them.

But so far no contact.

This is really killing ah.

"Commander You, a kind of earthworm appeared in the city. I don't know what happened, and it ravaged everywhere. After being crawled over, many people developed herpes all over their bodies, vomiting and diarrhea. The death toll was as high as 20, and it seemed to be contagious..." The doctor Sweating profusely in anxiety, I hurried over to report.

Lao You's eyes darkened.

He nearly passed out.

This is a leak in the house and it rains all night.

One wave of ups and downs and another wave of ups and downs.

The problem of the science and technology station has not been solved, and a new problem has emerged inside.

"Quickly, go find Mobai and call him over. Everyone else should put on protective clothing and masks. No one should take off their protective equipment until the city gate is opened," Lao You said.

During the period when the technology station was not attacked, he organized the people in the dungeon to rush to work overnight to barely make batches of protective equipment, otherwise there would not be enough for now.

Thinking of this predicament, Lao You was really devastated.

When Qiao Mobai got the news, he immediately put on protective clothing and a mask.

After he went to check the places where the earthworms were, he found that the sticky liquid contained infectious viruses, and he immediately said as if he was facing a formidable enemy: "The patients must be treated in a centralized manner. The entire dungeon will be destroyed."

When Lao You heard this, he straightened up and fell down.

"Commander You—"

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