"Help me, save me, Professor Joe—"

Many people around saw Qiao Mobai and frantically called for help.

They don't want to die.

Even the red mist poison can find a solution, this is just an ordinary virus, it will definitely not trouble him, he will definitely be able to save the dungeon.

One is already dehydrated.

He was crying on the spot weakly, begging Qiao Mobai all the time.

Five or six people around him also rushed over.


A middle-aged man knelt at Qiao Mobai's feet and begged, "Professor Qiao, you are the most powerful person. If even you can't save everyone, we can only wait for death."

Desperate, painful, but unwilling to give up, their strong desire to survive made them all full of tears, eagerly waiting for Qiao Mobai's answer.

Plop, plop.

One, and another.

The infected patients knelt down one by one, begging Qiao Mobai to save their lives.

They don't want to die.

I don't want to die.

A girl next to her was only in her teens. Under the baptism of one disaster after another, she opened her cloudy eyes and begged: "Brother Qiao, if the medicine is not enough, I beg you to save my mother, I, I give up……"

She had given up hope.

The dungeon was sealed off.

Many of the medicines in the city are used to treat the soldiers. Even if there are medicines, plan to use them. I am afraid that there are not many left. When she was a few years old, she was locked in a high-rise building and never went out.

For so many years, she followed her parents to wander and escape, until now she lived in the dungeon. She felt unprecedented peace, and even hoped to spend the rest of her life here.

If it is impossible to save, it can be regarded as a disguised wish fulfillment.

When the others heard her words, they mourned silently.

Who doesn't know reality.

Qiao Mobai is not a fairy.

Even if he has the technology, it is impossible to make medicine continuously.

However, at this time, people like Qiao Mobai, Qiao Xiachu, Rong Huaiyan, and Erhei Huguang are like a ray of light in the doomsday, shining on them, making everyone feel that human beings still have hope to overcome disasters and can In the ruins of the doomsday, find a way to rebirth...

"Wuwuwu, I don't want to die, but I know better that if I don't die, everyone will be affected, so please don't hesitate, commander, and practice humanitarianism."

"Commander, please execute!"

"I don't want to hurt my family, they still have hope of living."

Some people heard what the doctor and the commander said, knowing that there was no hope for them. After struggling desperately, they cried everywhere, and gradually woke up amidst the crying.

Commander Erhei is not the only one who is willing to die wholeheartedly.

They are ordinary people without noble souls, but at this moment, they are not willing to drag down their relatives, a group of doomsday comrades who are not relatives but are better than relatives.

If they are retail investors, they may be desperate to survive.

But from the beginning to the end, Lao You was unwilling to give up on them. He led them to trek through mountains and rivers, endure all kinds of hardships, and leave opportunities to those who can survive. This is the idea that Lao You deeply engraved in their hearts.

Jomo's eyes were moist.

He excitedly said: "Give me time, I will definitely find a way, it will definitely work."

People don't necessarily have to rely on instruments in desperate situations.

He can use his experience to find some different medicines...

At this time, Lao You was supported by someone, and he staggered and walked over with a haggard face. When he saw the seriously ill person, he said with all his strength: "Now, please go back to the ward. No one is allowed to come out until the medicine is found. , since you want to leave the opportunity to the people around you, don't act rashly."

"Commander, woo woo woo—"

The girl is crying.

She covered her face with grief, tears streaming down her face.

When she cried, others shed sad tears.

Amidst the howling, the medical staff pushed them into the ward, and then sealed off the ward.

The air circulation system in the ward is not connected to other places, so it is safer to stay inside instead, but for the medical staff, the risk is still the greatest.

For the first time, Qiao Mobai realized that without his sister, without any external force, and relying entirely on himself, would he be able to complete this difficult task?

After thinking about it, he walked towards the area where a group of poisonous molluscs were located.

Looking at his lonely back, Lao You felt uncomfortable.

There is a lack of medical care and medicine.

Really running out of ammunition.

How else could he save them?

A heart full of great pathos, and mourning for the fate of man...

In Feng'e City.


The sound of cannonballs came one after another.

Zhou Yingsheng said angrily: "This Haiping, a liar, actually deceived us. We must find him, and if I don't kill him with my own hands, I, Zhou Yingsheng, will not give up!"

When he came out, he quite trusted Rong Huaiyan.

Unexpectedly, not long after entering the red mist, the dead liar threw a powerful explosive at the robot, directly blowing up three robots, and using the red mist as a cover all the way, he insisted on running away.

Lao Gong stood up and said: "This man is not an ordinary person at first glance, he is full of murderous looks, he doesn't look like a small person who is willing to be in the first column."

Zhou Ying was furious.

He yelled, "You know he's a liar, and you still haven't reminded me, are you trying to kill everyone?"

At this moment, if it wasn't for the red mist and everyone was wearing protective shields, he would have slapped him long ago, and it would not be an exaggeration to beat Lao Gong to death to vent his anger.

Old Gong said: "Station Master calm down, since we are already like this, why don't we launch a bombardment of the dungeon and proceed as originally planned!"

Zhou Ying agreed angrily.

It's just that they didn't expect that when they gave the order, they heard the sound of shelling around them.

Someone has attacked them.

The red mist filled the air, and it was impossible to see where the enemy was, so they could only shoot indiscriminately.

Fortunately, Lao Gong is very familiar with Feng'e City.

Under his leadership, the team finally rushed not far from the dungeon.

They had surveyed the entire area of ​​the dungeon before, and also found several entrances and exits of the dungeon. As long as there was wind flow detected, they would basically order the robot to carry the boulder and block all the exits.

Therefore, it is only necessary to wipe out the firepower teams on the ground one by one, and the dungeon can be completely wiped out.

Zhou Yingsheng said viciously: "Damn it to death, I will let these bastard grandchildren die without a place to bury them!"

Lao Gong: No, they have graves.

This is called a worthy death? !

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