After Qiao Xiachu came out with the robot, he put all the robots and protective clothing into the space one by one, and then ran all the way, so that the journey was faster.

When she looked around for buildings in the city, she looked for signs on the walls, followed the buildings one by one, and finally found Erhei and his party behind a botanical garden.

There is a plastic tent here, and a bunch of people are crowded inside.

Qiao Xiachu released the robot.

She took out the protective equipment again, and then issued the signal sound agreed with Erhei all the way.

"Guji, Guji—"

As soon as he heard the sound of the connection, Erhei became excited.

"Girl, is that you?"

Erhei's voice came from the tent.

Qiao Xiachu smiled and said, "Isn't it me? I want to come in and bring you something nice."

With that said, she rushed into the tent step by step.

Many people fell into the tent.

In order to cut off several robots at the technology station, they fought with them, and were injured by the robots in the end, destroyed the protective clothing, and were poisoned by the red mist.

Qiao Xiachu shook his head.

She handed a bottle of medicine to Hu Guang, and said, "Two pills for each person. These are given to me by Mobai. This is the last bottle. Cherish it."


Hu Guang took the medicine and subconsciously followed her orders.

In every battle, she remained calm in the face of danger, made correct decisions, and helped the team win. Hu Guang's respect for her was no less than Rong Huaiyan's.

Qiao Xiachu said to the two gangsters: "How many people have fighting power?"

Erhei shook his head, and said pessimistically, "Including me, there are only 12 people left, and the rest are wounded."

When Qiao Xiachu heard it, didn't this just match the protective clothing she was wearing?

What a coincidence.

She said to Er Hei: "Then put on protective clothing. Now each of us must do our best to keep Zhou Yingsheng and his bastards on the land of Feng'e City forever, and use his blood to pay homage to the dead comrades in arms."

As she spoke, she ordered the robot to carry the protective clothing in, and then taught the group how to wear it.

With this batch of equipment, they don't have to carry oxygen tanks, let alone worry about having to stop forcibly to change clothes and oxygen tanks during the battle.

This time, they want to kill the enemy quickly!

"Sister Qiao, you are so awesome, you can get all of this." A young man said with admiration.

"Yeah, isn't this from the technology station? Did you really get in?"

"Even the robots have been brought back. Isn't this the search of the technology station?"

A group of young people rushed to her, expressing their admiration for her.

Qiao Xiachu waved her hand.

"It's not all due to me, it's a kid in the base who opened the door for me and Huaiyan, forget it, I'll tell you about this matter after Zhou Yingsheng is settled," she said.


"When the triumphant return, I want to listen to sister Qiao tell a story."


Every teenager is excited.

They are about the same age as Shen Anzhen, even if they encounter many crises and baptisms, the young people are still passionate, which does not detract in the slightest.

Erhei said seriously: "When is it, you are still joking, you will go to the battlefield soon, life and death battle, you can't be careless."

He didn't want to be so harsh.

But the more severe it is to kill the enemy in battle, the lower the casualties will be.

The fighters in his hands are getting less and less, less and less...

How could Erhei not be heartbroken?

Qiao Xiachu said: "Let's go out then, the others find a safe place to rest temporarily, and it won't be too late to return to the dungeon after the crisis is over."

She didn't know that the dungeon was blocked by a boulder.

Erhei is clear.

The botanical garden area is relatively safe at present.

He said: "It says there are wounded, stay where you are."

Several people struggled to get up and wanted to fight with them, but Erhei refused.

"In your current situation, you are no longer able to fight. The most important thing is that there are no more protective clothing. It is useless for you to go, and I will take care of you when the time comes." Er Hei said.

A group of young people lowered their heads one after another.

Fighting again and again, they grow up and understand that the boss is gone, and the safety of the dungeon must be provoked by them. Overnight, their sense of responsibility is overwhelming.

Seeing this, Qiao Xiachu was also secretly happy.

The dungeon cannot be without armed forces, and Huaiyan cannot always fight alone. If the young man can mature quickly, it will definitely be a very good thing for him.

She said: "You just listen to the commander. After you recover from your injuries, you will be needed for the safety of the dungeon in the future."

Upon hearing this, several people fell silent.

They secretly gritted their teeth. One day, they will not let the commander or Miss Qiao down...

"Okay, let's go to support Huaiyan now, and we must keep these turtle grandchildren in the city forever!" Er Heifei said.


All the soldiers who were ready to go had firm eyes, and their eyes gradually became brighter.

Qiao Xiachu rushed out first.

The dense fog filled the air, and it was impossible to see the figure in front of it, and it was impossible to tell the direction, but there were robots scouting ahead, and the safety factor increased exponentially.

After a while, they arrived at the main battlefield in the city.

In this area, Zhou Yingsheng originally wanted to command the troops to bomb the dungeon, but who knew that Rong Huaiyan was like a mouse, making holes and dropping bombs everywhere, which caught them off guard several times and had to turn their guns. Hunt him down.

The remaining killing robots are very powerful.

This batch is upgraded to the second generation, with a sense of touch to avoid obstacles, and a sense of heat to shoot accurately. As long as they see Rong Huaiyan, they will fire crazily.

Several times, when there was no movement, they thought that Rong Huaiyan had been killed, but unexpectedly he appeared from another place.

Lao Gong ordered people to check and found that Rong Huaiyan had buried a large number of fake dolls in the city. After he personally lured the robots, he jumped into a trench...

This ghostly place has been dug in a mess, all the houses have been blown up, and it doesn't take much effort to make trenches.

Rong Huaiyan used his own strength to consume their artillery fire!

"Turtle grandson, turtle grandson—"

Zhou Ying scolded angrily.

He said viciously: "Didn't he just want us to bomb the dungeon? He is always alone, so don't let him lead you by the nose. Next, let's continue bombing the dungeon and kill them. See how arrogant this bastard is." What kind of energy is there?"

After finishing speaking, he gave an order to Lao Gong to start the fighter plane and feed the bombs.

After getting the order, Lao Gong immediately issued the order.

The fighter planes were launched one after another, and after leaving Zhou Yingsheng's circle, they flew into the sky and directly dropped a large amount of explosives.


Bombs were bombing wildly.

The dungeon is trembling.

Frantically dropping slag and sand, many residents in the city were directly buried by the falling sand, and there was no more sound...

Buried, maybe in the next bombardment.

Lao You ordered some residents to search and rescue, and the rest were concentrated in the stadium. Like everyone, he wanted to live and die with the dungeon at any time!

"I, I'm not afraid..."

"There's nothing to be afraid of, it's all about death."

Looking at each other, seeing a light in each other's eyes, that's called... relief.

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