In The Last Days Of Natural Disasters, 100 Million A Day Is Frantically Hoarding Goods

Chapter 245 This Is The Core Secret Of The Technology Station

When Qiao Xiachu and Erhei's team came over, the robot swept across the fighter planes in the sky and raised their guns one after another, aiming at the fighter planes and attacking with maximum firepower.

At the same time, one after another unmanned fighter jets lifted off from the ground, and after a while, they rushed towards the fighter planes ahead in a collision manner.

The enemy fighter plane is manned, and when it sees the drone, it will naturally fire and shoot it down.

A group of pilots laughed and said: "This drone is not suitable for the battlefield at all. It is just for fun. Money is not burned like this."

But the warplanes have not diminished.

Every fighter plane is a fighter plane rushing towards the technology station in the posture of moths to the flame.

Until the gunpowder was blown out, they seemed to understand.

The tactics used by the enemy are wheel battles, dragging them to death!

When the pilot sent a signal to the ground requesting to land, they found that they could not communicate with the ground, and had lost the signal to command Lao Gong.

There are Mao Maoduo fighter planes ahead, all rushing towards them as if they had set themselves on fire.

At this moment, the pilot felt what fear is, and could only turn around for a while, flying towards an area far away from Feng'e City, just to...survive.

On the ground, Rong Huaiyan fired one after another blocking flares.

The garbage in the sky, if you want to communicate with the ground, let them die.

Dog offal.

He put down his weapon, turned around and rushed towards Zhou Yingsheng's team.

Qiao Xiachu's robot team also rushed into Lao Gong's team very quickly, and started a desperate struggle with them, but no one was the opponent of this group of robots. After a while, one-third of the damage was lost.

Lao Gong couldn't bear it.

The soldiers in the doomsday are also a kind of reserve.

He didn't want to be a bachelor commander, so he said to Zhou Yingsheng: "This robot obviously came from the science and technology station. The scientific research team must have betrayed you. They want to bury you outside. Let the machine fight the machine. The number of opponents should not be as many as you."

When he came out, Zhou Yingsheng brought most of the robots with him.

Rong Huaiyan blew up a few, but the quantity also exceeded the inventory of the technology station.

"This old man Huang Ben must have done it. He is the only one who knows how to modify the authority of the robot. Wait for me to go back and see how I deal with him!" Zhou Yingsheng was furious.

He directly ordered the robot team to launch the most violent attack on Qiao Xiachu's team.

Robot vs robot.

This is a game of pure consumption with no outcome.

What you fight is money.

Zhou Yingsheng couldn't care less.

He said: "Let's continue to move forward. If we don't take down the dungeon, I won't give up until I die."

Just after Zhou Yingsheng gave the order, he heard the sound of submachine guns around him.

In the fog, you can't tell the direction at all, and the battle is even more difficult, and you don't know whether it was done by your own people or someone outside.

Therefore, after Zhou Yingsheng put on the heavy body armor, he picked up the shield and protected himself like a copper wall, for fear that stray bullets would hurt him.

"You lead the team forward—"

He ordered Lao Gong.

In fact, Lao Gong no longer wanted to move forward.

It is obvious that the chances of winning again are not great.

They lost the fighter team and the robot squad. Although the remaining people are not small, they are the only manpower he has left.

"Not yet!" Zhou Yingsheng gritted his teeth, "Do you want to betray me too? Let me tell you, even if Huang Ben betrays me, he can't take away the core of the technology station!"

Old Gong gritted his teeth.

He is a warrior, and what he is most greedy for is weapons.

There is an arsenal at the base, which is a batch of special weapons made from the materials brought over. Zhou Yingsheng is personally responsible for this batch of weapons.

It was also because of this that Mao Moping had to trust him.

"Okay, I'll go!"

Old Gong gritted his teeth and led the team towards the dungeon. Although he was attacked continuously along the way and the casualties increased step by step, he could only bite the bullet and speed up towards the dungeon.

Zhou Yingsheng didn't follow him anymore.

The closer to the dungeon, the greater the crisis.

He stopped where he was.

There are more than a dozen guards around him to protect his safety.

"All of you, be careful and surround me in a protective circle, so I can't be sniped at by someone," he said.

Originally, he wanted to go back to the technology station.

But if Huang Ben betrayed him, if he went back alone, it would be tantamount to going to die.

There is only one way to go to black.

After destroying the dungeon, he returned with all his glory, and the group of grandchildren naturally stared wide-eyed, knowing who to choose to have a future.

This kind of thought firmly supported him and did not move.



A bullet came.

Two, three, four... The densely packed bullets swept towards him, and the opponent's bullets shot wildly like a joke.

How could a person pop out the door with so many bullets on his back.

Could it be that several people, or the dungeon team are all by his side?

Thinking of this, Zhou Yingsheng became anxious.

He was just about to give an order, but found that all the police officers around him were already lying down.


Zhou Ying was furious.

He had to lift the heavy shield by himself, and ran towards the technology station little by little.

Under the mist, he couldn't distinguish things, but he still relied on his intuition and ran all the way, gradually leaving the urban area of ​​Feng'e City, and walking one step further, he could return to the technology station.

Zhou Yingsheng was very excited...

Just when he was happy, he saw the red mist in the air gradually fade away.

Red, gradually turning pink.

The density of the dense fog is also decreasing, and the visible direction is already within three meters in front of him.

He suddenly found that there was a man and a woman standing in front of him.

They are all wearing protective suits, air shields invented by the technology station.

Women are stunningly beautiful.

The face is not yellow, but white and delicate, like tender tofu.

Isn't a man just coaxing his level!

"Zhou Yingsheng, where do you want to go?" Rong Huaiyan sneered.

Red Mist may be inconvenient.

But for winning more with less, it has become their biggest protective cover.

Erhei led eleven fighters to challenge the impossible battle in history. Wave after wave, he shot wildly, and even wiped out half of Lao Gong's strength.

After Rong Huaiyan and Qiao Xiachu met, they made a unanimous decision: Block Zhou Yingsheng!

This bastard can't be escaped by him.

Zhou Yingsheng looked angry: "What do you want to do? Don't think that if you catch me, you can get the technology station. I warn you, robots and supplies are nothing. These things are just superficial to the technology station!"

Even Huang Ben didn't know about the core technology in his hands.

Kill him, and all the hard work of the technology station will be in vain!

"Really? We are not rare!" Qiao Xiachu mocked.

She has already entered the science and technology station, and Huang Ben also said the general situation. The materials originally belonged to the residents of the science and technology station, and the scientific research products also belonged to Huang Ben's technology team.

As for the gold and silver things, she has already got them.

Nothing else.

Zhou Yingsheng was not surprised to see them, and immediately became anxious.

He said: "Let me tell you that the core technology of the technology station is not to make weapons, but to make human exoskeletons, which can help seriously injured people stand up again. If they are more refined, they can develop mecha warriors!"

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