human exoskeleton...

Qiao Xiachu was shocked, and Zhou Jiaomei's figure appeared in her mind.

If she had this black technology, wouldn't she be able to stand up?

Rong Huaiyan almost guessed what she was thinking, and said: "In this case, you can go back to the technology station with us."

It could be seen that Lao Gong didn't want to continue fighting.

Once there are robots thrown by Qiao Xiachu and a large number of cannon barrels aimed at them, Lao Gong will take his remaining team and leave in hardly an hour.

Zhou Yingsheng is the same as Mao Moping, how can he not be skinned now?

"Okay, then go back to the technology station."

Zhou Yingsheng was waiting for this sentence.

As long as he goes back, is he still afraid of these bastards?

Even if Huang Ben betrays, he is in his own territory after all, he will definitely turn Xianyu over and wipe out these bastards one by one!

Dare to shit and piss on his head, did he agree?

Thinking of this, Zhou Yingsheng was very excited.

Qiao Xiachu saw that his eyebrows and eyes were turning, and it seemed that he was thinking about it.

At this time, he still doesn't know his situation.

Thinking of the technology station being controlled by such people, she felt worthless for the group of dead relatives and friends.

The red mist has visibly thinned.

Qiao Xiachu remembers that when the red mist turns into pink mist, there are only a few months left before the red mist subsides.

that is really good.

In this life, many things are different.

The dense fog that lasted for a year may not even exist for half a year.

After this heavy fog, there was a period of peace, and Feng'e City could usher in the reconstruction work.

Qiao Xiachu took out a pair of silver bracelets from the space.

She handed it to Rong Huaiyan and said, "Bring it to him."

When Rong Huaiyan saw it, he couldn't help laughing.

This woman even hoarded silver bracelets, she must have the attributes of a little hamster.


The silver bracelet was worn by Zhou Yingsheng.

Zhou Yingsheng never imagined in his life that it was the end of the world and he could experience what it was like to be a prisoner for a while.


Qiao Xiachu said quietly: "I still have ankle shackles, do I need them?"

"You, don't go too far—" Zhou Ying exploded with anger.

He has things in his hands, but it’s not that they are worthless. As soon as he comes, he is given silver bracelets and ankle shackles, which is too disrespectful for him.

Qiao Xiachu pursed her lips and smiled.

Isn't this thing made in Sandstorm City?

No one noticed at the time, she dug it out of a drawer.

But speaking of it, there are still a few positioning anklets worn by prisoners in the space... In fact, they are still somewhat useful, but they were originally worn by prisoners.

The two escorted Zhou Yingsheng to the science and technology station.

At the same time, outside the dungeon.

After the red mist faded, Erhei led 11 warriors including Hu Guangqiao Linmei, and squatted in front of the barrel one by one, aiming at Lao Gong's team. Whenever they attacked again, they would fire shells frantically.

Lao Gong saw everything.

He immediately ordered and stood by.

The advancing team stopped instantly.

"What? Do you want to die with us? We are already prepared." Er Hei said coldly.

He held up a long gun and aimed at Lao Gong.

Old Gong naturally saw the fierceness in his eyes, and he didn't have any doubts about what he said about dying together, so he said directly: "Besides dying together, I think there should be other options."

Erhei stood still.

He said coldly: "Unless you surrender, or retreat automatically!"

Then, when Erhei was completely unprepared, Lao Gong said loudly: "I choose to retreat automatically!"

Automatic retreat!

Not to mention the soldiers behind Lao Gong, even Erhei and Hu Guang were stunned.

"Don't fool me, I'm not a fool!" Er Hei said sharply.

Under this warning, Lao Gong directly ordered: "Everyone, all retreat!"

With a sound of "retreat", the team behind Lao Gong retreated in minutes.

After all the teams left, Lao Gong looked at Erhei in front of him and said, "We will never enter Feng'e City again in this life! If we break this oath, I, Gong Pingdao, will be at your disposal!"

He is a fighter.

Even with the wrong people, this can still be done!

To a certain extent, Lao Gong also has indescribable respect for Erhei.

In the last days, he can still act according to his own heart, not be dragged into the abyss, and his human nature has not fallen. This is a little light of ideal that he never said.

If possible, he also wants to be someone like Erhei!

It's just that he knows he can't do it.

At least, in the face of darkness, he may participate in it by passive resistance, but he still cannot pursue his ideals.

This may be the difference between people.

Erhei did not let down his vigilance.

He ordered everyone to stand by until they were sure that the other side had fully retreated and the crisis in the dungeon was resolved. Then they could retreat and return to the dungeon to help remove the huge stone at the city gate.

Of course, removing the boulder is also a very, very difficult thing!

I don't know where the robot found this stone. It is so huge that it almost blocks the door tightly, and it fits perfectly as if it was tailor-made.

Er Hei was also battered and anxious.

at the same time.


"No bombing, no bombing outside."

Surprised voices came one after another.

Erhei also used the radio to contact the underground, and told Lao You about the retreat of Lao Gong and his party.

When Lao You heard the news, he immediately informed the whole city of the retreat of the armed forces of the science and technology station.

As soon as the news came, the whole city rejoiced.

Lao You shed bitter tears.

It's not easy.

All of this is due to Erhei and his team. If possible, he really wants to hold a celebration banquet for them, but the current situation is not very optimistic.

Dangerous retreat, everyone took protective measures, and blocked the breach in the dungeon with quilts, clothes, towels, etc., to prevent the red mist from penetrating.

However, the disease contagious in the city has already dragged half of the people into the water.

The death toll was as high as 38!

What a sad figure.

Lao You's dry eyes once again shed sad tears when facing the fate of his relatives and friends being burned.

There is a sad atmosphere everywhere in the dungeon.

Qiao Mobai directly opened a small tent, and built a temporary experimental platform at the place where the mollusk appeared, and has never stopped doing experiments.

At this time, Lao You can't put too much pressure on him, except when passing by occasionally, go in and tell him to pay attention to safety, and won't interfere with him too much.

Qiao Mobai was about to scratch his head.

He has never stopped, but he still can't find a way. There are not enough machines, materials, and venues... The conditions are so difficult and dangerous, and trying to use limited resources to concoct an "antidote" is the most difficult task in history!

Every time someone died, he felt that the burden on his shoulders was heavier.

But there is nothing I can do.

He kept pushing himself, forcing himself to find a way... hoping to find a way out...

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