In The Last Days Of Natural Disasters, 100 Million A Day Is Frantically Hoarding Goods

Chapter 247 Take Him Back To The Science And Technology Station

Tech Station.

Qiao Xiachu took the lead and walked ahead.

As soon as she arrived at the destination, she shouted into the inside: "Director Huang, I brought Comrade Zhou back. He said there was something that even you didn't know. I don't know if it's true. If you lie, we will Cut off his tongue first, and then his head."

Zhou Yingsheng's face was ugly.

He never thought that one day he would be handcuffed by two younger generations, and they would slap him in the face in this way, and wait until he returns to the technology station to see how he will take revenge!

Rong Huaiyan kicked it up.


Zhou Yingsheng fell like a dog eating mud, and fell hard on the steel shell of the technology station, knocking out two of his teeth immediately.

"Bah, don't go too far. I just bite my tongue and kill myself, and you don't even want to get that research material." He threatened viciously.


Qiao Xiachu couldn't help laughing.

This mad dog is not giving up yet.

He has been thinking about making a comeback.

"Director Huang—"

As soon as Qiao Xiachu's voice fell, the door of the science and technology station slammed open, and a gust of wind swept in, preventing any red mist from entering the station.

At the door, Huang Ben and a group of his men stood at the entrance, waiting for them.

As soon as he saw Qiao Xiachu, Rong Huaiyan, and Zhou Yingsheng who kept staring at him, Huang Ben passed him directly, looked at the girl in front of him, and said, "Welcome back, the technology station is waiting for you at any time—"

The attitude is very respectful.

Qiao Xiachu picked up Zhou Yingsheng, threw him to the gate of the science and technology station, and said to Huang Ben, "That is, he said that there is a high-tech that you don't understand, come and listen to it. "

Upon hearing this, Huang Ben said, "Then let Comrade Zhou come in."

Ever since, a group of people entered the technology station.

When the gate was closed, Zhou Yingsheng felt his soul come back, and said: "Huang Ben, those who know the current affairs are heroes, I don't blame you, if you think that I have left and you have taken control of the technology station, you are too ridiculous. "

Huang Ben was silent.

Is there something he doesn't know about the technology station?

"Although you led the team to establish the Science and Technology Station, there are many secrets that we don't know, but you didn't stay here all the time. After the Science and Technology Station was established, you were sent abroad for a long time. During that time , The secret I hold is something you don't understand." Zhou Yingsheng snorted coldly.

Everyone holds certain secrets.

This is the reason why the Science and Technology Station has not collapsed, and they cannot cooperate, but no one should try to overtake anyone, even Mao Moping, there are secrets they don't know.

With his death, some secrets naturally disappeared and disappeared forever.

But Zhou Yingsheng was good at drilling all his life. He inquired many ways and knew that Mao Moping mastered virus research. He had several groups of viruses in his hands, which had surpassed the most advanced level at that time.

It's just that once he dies, this secret will be completely wiped out.

"Really? Then please tell me, what cards do you have to stand so presumptuously in front of us?" Huang Ben said neither humble nor overbearing.

He is not unscrupulous.

It's just that the technology station is safe, the personnel are safe, and the material warehouse has been opened, so what secrets do they have to know?

Zhou Yingsheng said coldly: "Why, your wife has been lying in bed for many years. The technology I researched can make her stand up and communicate with the outside world. Don't you want it?"

"You—what did you say?"

Huang Ben was stunned.

He looked at Zhou Yingsheng in disbelief, thinking he had heard a story from the Arabian Nights.

Zhou Yingsheng was not surprised at all.

He said coldly: "The field I am researching is not a weapon, but the secret of the human body. In addition to the exoskeleton, it also includes brain waves. As long as the brain waves are used to control the exoskeleton, the human body can walk independently. Transfer your brain supplement consciousness to the computer."

The mecha is still under development.

It's just a pity that after the end of the world, Mao Moping stopped his project and directly focused on the research of robots, thinking that robots in the end of the world are more reliable than humans.

With the arrival of Lao Gong and his party, the darkness in Mao Moping's heart was magnified even more, so he directed Lao Gong to search for weapons and gunpowder everywhere, and began to develop killing robots at all scientific and technological stations.

The robot also has half of his credit.

If he hadn't provided part of the data, the robot would not have been available so soon.

"You, where are your things? This base, there is still space that I don't know?" Huang Ben's face changed.

He took his wife into the technology station, hoping to use the power here to see if he could wake up his wife who was in a vegetable state one day.

Even if it's the end, it's good to be able to talk to him, so that the son can experience the love of a mother...

Zhou Yingsheng smiled indifferently.

He guessed the ending.

As long as he entered the technology station, it would eventually return to his hands.

Don't think he's an idiot who doesn't understand people.

What is Huang Ben's personality, he still doesn't know?

If he didn't have the slightest clue, when he left, he would put a group of people in the station in advance, instead of taking them all away.

It is 100% sure.

Have the confidence to win!

"Yes, this technology station naturally has something you don't understand. You may have a way to turn off the self-explosion system, and you may be able to open the door of the console, but there is another place in this technology station that you don't know about." Zhou Yingsheng said.

Huang Ben was in a hurry.

He stepped forward and grabbed Zhou Yingsheng's hand, almost pinching his ten fingers into his flesh, and said eagerly: "Where is it? You tell me, what do you want, as long as I can do it, I will do my best." Go all out."

Zhou Yingsheng smiled triumphantly towards Qiao Xiachu and Rong Huaiyan beside him.

He said: "What's the hurry? I'm not very comfortable here, don't you see that my hands are still cuffed?"

Huang Ben's face turned red.

There was a hint of pleading in his eyes, and he fell on Qiao Xiachu.

"Miss Joe—"

Qiao Xiachu smiled slightly.

She said: "What's the problem? As long as Director Huang speaks, I will agree."

As she spoke, she hooked her finger lightly, and a silver needle was caught between her fingers. Then, when she pretended to face the key, she poked Zhou Yingsheng's wrist hard, causing him to curse in pain.

"What are you doing? It hurts me."

"Sorry, it's not misalignment, I accidentally poked you."

Qiao Xiachu untied the silver bracelet.

Then she flipped her wrist, and the silver needle, which was stained with something, was thrown into the space by her.

This stuff is not arsenic.

Qiao Xiachu smiled without a trace.

Rong Huaiyan at the side took a deep look at her, and gently hooked her fingers.

Qiao Xiachu winked at him.

With a smirk on his face.

When Rong Huaiyan saw her strange appearance, he couldn't help showing a faint smile.

He said: "Okay, you are comfortable, can we talk now?"

Zhou Yingsheng covered his stomach.

He complained: "I haven't eaten for a long time, I have to eat before talking, otherwise I won't have the energy to speak."

Huang Ben knew that he did it on purpose, but he had to obey.

The bastard was clearly trying to hold him.

He gritted his teeth and asked the people around him to prepare meals for Zhou Yingsheng.

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