After eating and drinking enough, Zhou Yingsheng also knew that he had no excuse to procrastinate any longer. If he procrastinated, he might doubt the authenticity of what he said. Fortunately, a set of data was recorded in his mind.

Therefore, he is not afraid to reveal the secret.

"Let's go."

Zhou Yingsheng walked all the way to the main control room.

This time, there was almost no need for Qiao Xiachu and Rong Huaiyan to stand guard, Huang Ben stuck Zhou Yingsheng to death the whole time, it was more intimate than looking after his dead father.

Zhou Yingsheng was so rigid that he couldn't move his mind at all.

He could only be pushed straight away, and finally came to the main console and pressed a hidden button.

As soon as the button was pressed, several beams of light shot out from the table, and then, like a high-temperature fire wire, Huang Ben staggered and lay down directly.

Qiao Xiachu and Rong Huaiyan reacted quickly enough to avoid the strafing laser lines in the first place.

"Zhou Yingsheng, you lied to us!" Huang Ben gritted his teeth.

He cursed harshly.

This main console did not have this button before.

When he led people to build it, he was very clear. He never imagined that Mao Moping was always on guard against him. No wonder he distracted himself for a while...

"Hahaha, as I said, there must be such a thing. It's just under this table. Whether it's the material or all the data, it's all there. You just need to cut off the cover, but unfortunately, you can't see it. .” Zhou Yingsheng laughed triumphantly.

Will he let them succeed?

As he said that, he planned to reach out and press another button, activate the last line of defense, eject himself from the technology station, and then detonate a bomb installed in the control room.

But as soon as he stretched out his hand, he suddenly found that there were black lines all over his wrist.


Him, how could he be poisoned?

Obviously, he has never been in contact with the red mist from the beginning to the end.

He suddenly widened his eyes, looked at Qiao Xiachu, and cursed: "It's you, you didn't uncuff me at all just now, but stabbed me with a poisonous needle."

Qiao Xiachu squatted indifferently.

She smiled and said, "Isn't it? I just found out? Don't you feel stiff and dizzy?"

As soon as these words came out, Zhou Yingsheng suddenly felt that his breathing was a little painful.

"You, give me the antidote!" he shouted.


Qiao Xiachu smiled.

She said: "I didn't expect that the stationmaster of a dignified science and technology station, isn't his brain working? You said that in this case, I have a brain that is so disabled that I will give you the antidote."

"you you--"

Zhou Ying was so angry that he could hardly breathe.



The harder he tried, the more his brain hurt.

"Don't blame me for not reminding you, the harder you try, the faster the toxin will go away, and when you get angry a few more times, you will die from exhaustion." Qiao Xiachu said with a smile on his face.

As soon as she finished speaking, Zhou Yingsheng held his breath.

He carefully controlled his emotions, and said to her, "How do you give me the antidote?"

He was wise all his life, but he was defeated by a woman.

How is he not angry.

Obviously in the red mist, people basically don't carry sharp objects such as needles on their bodies. It's not fun to have their protective clothing punctured. He couldn't figure out how Qiao Xiachu hid the needles.

Qiao Xiachu said: "Be sincere and bring the information to Mr. Huang. I might as well tell you that there are two medicines in my poison needle. After a long time, even if there is an antidote, it will not be able to cure your poison."

Upon hearing this, Zhou Yingsheng didn't dare to be negligent. He stretched out his hand every minute, turned off the laser spotlight, and then pressed the button twice in a row, and the console went straight into the air.

The densely packed lines are summarized, but there is actually a hole in it, and there are small grids, each of which hides unknown items. Deep in the core is a stack of manuscripts and a large-capacity disk.

Zhou Yingsheng took out the disk and inserted it into a port on the console.

After a while, countless dense data appeared on the screen, as well as modeling graphics that simulated exoskeletons, each of which was very delicate.

"The thing in this grid is a new substance that we spent a lot of money to buy. It was obtained by astronauts outside. It is similar to that of Chang'e Stone, but this one is even more extraordinary. In addition to being transparent throughout, it can be used at will under certain conditions. With the refraction of light, following the needs of brain waves, changing the color and flexibility, it feels like the human body.” Zhou Yingsheng said.

When talking about his research field, Zhou Yingsheng seemed to be a different person.

Proud, proud, determined.

Huang Ben looked at the data with forgetfulness, and kept admiring and admiring.

He picked up the small stone in the grid, carefully touched it, felt it, put it against his face, and felt the magnetic field of this substance again and again.

Really unusual.

Even the echo can stir up ripples in the mind.

If this thing is really successful, some people have stronger brain waves... He dare not think about it.

"The antidote, give me the antidote quickly—" Zhou Yingsheng said hurriedly.

He doesn't want to die.

I really don't want to die.

Qiao Xiachu threw out a pill and said, "Take water—"


Before Qiao Xiachu could finish speaking, Zhou Yingsheng swallowed the pill dry.

He swallowed and stretched his neck.

As soon as he finished taking the pill, he jumped up violently. During the jump, he yelled, "Don't come over, or the control room will explode."

Just when Rong Huai was about to rush over madly, he saw the ground in front of him kept calling the police.

"Whether to start the console to explode!"

The robot keeps broadcasting in a loop.

Without hesitation, Huang Ben hurriedly picked up the stone in the grid and threw it into Qiao Xiachu's hand, then grabbed the manuscript, pulled out the storage disk, and said loudly: "Quick, let's go out."

It's too late to say it, and it's just a matter of minutes to get things.

As soon as Huang Ben turned around, Zhou Yingsheng activated the self-destruct system in the control room.

Accompanied by an explosion, Zhou Yingsheng, wearing protective clothing, popped out of the technology station and fell hard to the ground, but what he never expected was that there were a group of mad cows here!

This is still the manic cow he bred back then.

The reason why this batch of cows can adapt to the red mist is that he injected several kinds of drugs into the cows, trying to see if he could change the living habits of the cows and eat less grain.

Unexpectedly, they survived the red mist.

"do not come--"

Zhou Yingsheng screamed wildly.

There was only one scream, one superimposed, and another.

Three mad cows surrounded Zhou Yingsheng, their horns piercing through his body.

The screams went straight into the sky.

Qiao Xiachu and Rong Huaiyan rushed out, and when they saw this scene, they stopped on the spot and watched Zhou Yingsheng's death coldly.

"Help me, there's another set of data, in my head, save, save—" I said.

Zhou Yingsheng called for help for the last time, and died before finishing speaking.

No matter how much data he hides, there is no room for bargaining in the face of death.

In death, only ruthlessness and indifference remain.


she didn't.

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