Hu Guang was very embarrassed.

He said: "Qiaomei, it's not that I don't want to take you there. The red fog outside has not cleared yet, and the results at the science and technology station should not come out so quickly. Even if I go, it will be a blow to my good hopes to fail."

On the way back, Rong Huaiyan looked at Erhei's wrist. Although he was left-handed and could lift his arm slowly, he was still handicapped.

If the exoskeleton can succeed, there is hope for Erhei's hands.

He also asked Qiao Xiachu how much he knew about Huang Ben, and how likely the experiment was to be successful.

Qiao Xiachu said: "I asked Brother Xiaosa, and he said that there will be preliminary news in about a month, because they have never seen Director Huang work so hard."

Hu Guang conveyed Qiao Xiachu's words to Zhou Jiaomei.

When Zhou Jiaomei heard this, she felt a little uncomfortable.

She looked sad and said: "Guangguang, I have been dragging you down. Every time Commander You calls everyone to fight or go to work as a nurse, I can't do anything. This makes me feel like a pure useless person."

How nice to be like Qiao Linmei.

She is as fresh as a bouquet of crabapple flowers, and she can fight side by side with Hu Guang every day against the enemy, but she can't do anything.

At this time, Qiao Linmei came in from the outside.

Holding a piece of clothing in her hand, she handed it to Hu Guangdao: "You are too speechless. Last time I changed the protective clothing, I even lost the clothes. Do you have a lot of clothes?"

After finishing speaking, she put the clothes on the stool, and seeing that Zhou Jiaomei was very unhappy, she stepped forward and scolded Hu Guang: "Did you bully Jiaomei? Why is she angry?"

Hu Guang waved his hands again and again.

He said, "No, I just—"

"Hmph, I don't know yet. You must be wrong. You haven't apologized to Jiaomei." Qiao Lin said beautifully.

Hu Guang walked to Zhou Jiaomei's wheelchair, dragged her hand and comforted her: "Jiaomei, you believe in me, I will definitely help you, if you can stand up, I will be happier than anyone else."

Zhou Jiaomei looked at the two people in front of her, feeling quite uncomfortable.

What a match they are.

Unlike himself, he is a useless person.

A heart suddenly filled with guilt.

This emotion tormented her severely.

She forced a smile and said: "I know, Dad lost his hand, and he must hope to get better. If this technology can benefit the public, it must be the best. It is a great joy for everyone."

"En." Hu Guang nodded.

It's not easy for Qiao Linmei to stay longer.

She returned the clothes to Hu Guang, said goodbye to him, and went outside to help Lao You clean up the damaged dungeon...

After Hu Guang appeases Zhou Jiaomei, he is also going to participate in labor.

Zhou Jiaomei urged him to go quickly.

Seeing that she was not in a good mood, Hu Guang wanted to spend more time with her, but she flatly refused.

When Erhei came in, he saw tears on her cheeks, and hurried forward, grabbed her daughter's hand, and asked, "What's wrong, that brat Hu Guang bullied you?"

Zhou Jiaomei shook her head.

Her face was pale, and she said sullenly: "Dad, you said that for a disabled person like me, following Hu Guang will only drag him down and let him take care of the disabled for the rest of his life. It's too unfair to him."

If she hadn't controlled the frantic brain waves, the glassware in the room would have exploded right now.

Erhei looked distressed.

He gently brushed his daughter's black hair, and comforted him softly: "Silly boy, no matter what a man thinks, your father will always stand by your side. As long as I live for one day, I will never let him betray you, otherwise I killed him!"


Zhou Jiaomei threw herself into Erhei's arms.

She is really suffering.

Staying in the house during this time, even if there are a lot of compressed biscuits and mineral water in the house, basically she doesn't need to go out to cook or something, but every time she wants to go to the bathroom or move her body, it is very difficult.

No matter how powerful the brain waves are and can move objects, they cannot control their bodies and still need the care of outsiders.

The dungeon has been attacked a while ago, and the female nurse in charge of her daily life had to take care of the patients, which eventually caused her to pee in the wheelchair several times...

That kind of despair and pain is unimaginable to normal people.

She lived too useless, too painful.

like a drag.

Whether it's for her lover or her father, it's of no use at all, and instead creates chaos for them. As soon as this inherent concept emerges, it firmly controls her.

She wants to be valuable so she can never be abandoned...

The darkness in her heart eroded her day by day.

It hurts so much.

Er Hei said: "I heard from experts that the fog will clear in another month. At that time, we will take you to the ground, and then go to the science and technology station to see the exoskeleton researched by Professor Huang. If possible, I will give it to you." Put on a pair of legs. You can walk upright."


"It's true. I've already made an agreement with Professor Huang. He promised me that if there are enough materials, he will help me."

Erhei deliberately chatted with Huang Ben.

Huang Ben said, as long as it is Miss Qiao's nobleman, then I will definitely make a move.

Miss Joe's nobleman...

Hearing these words, Zhou Jiaomei felt quite uncomfortable. It was not jealousy, but envy. She envied that others could shine in the last days, but she was a waste.

Erhei didn't know that she was falling into self-pity and self-pity, but thought that she was having a bad time and decided to spend more time with her daughter.

Somewhere in the dungeon.

Wearing a protective mask, Qiao Xiachu observed the mollusk, and said in surprise, "This is a red, poisonous and fleshy earthworm that has been devoured before. It should have mutated."


Qiao Mobai nodded with a serious face.

He said: "During this period of time, I have also gone through hardships before I configured this soil method. It can only remove 80% of the toxicity, and let everyone slowly adapt to the remaining residue, which may cause them to be infertile. There are also some Other effects are beyond the scope of my observation."

The molluscs are not reproductively viable.

He also caught some bugs and researched them.

Qiao Xiachu patted him on the shoulder lightly, and said: "You are really great. You didn't have enough equipment, time, and materials to research this method, which is already the most powerful. Humans survive in the last days, after all, they must adapted to toxicity."

That's not a bad thing.

With the advent of other natural disasters in the future, the stronger people's adaptability, the longer they live, and the stronger their resistance, this is definitely a great thing.

The scientific explanation is: evolution.

Her words deeply comforted Qiao Mobai who felt powerless.

"Really? I made them lose their fertility. If human beings are unable to resist natural disasters, our generation may come to a real doomsday." He was shocked.

Qiao Xiachu patted his younger brother's arm lightly.

She said weakly: "Mobai, don't be stupid, even if you have the ability to reproduce, do you still dare to have children?"

In the end, she didn't see a few babies who survived in the last days.

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