Under Qiao Mobai's intervention, the soft body bug infection incident in the dungeon was finally handled harmoniously in a strange way.

In a short period of time, the dungeon ushered in a period of recuperation.

A month later, when the red mist dissipated, people in the dungeon were walking by the door, and seeing that the glass of the window was particularly bright, someone shouted: "It's dawn——"

Its daybreak! !

What a stimulating, what an exciting sentence.

Life exists in an underground city, except for the lights that are turned on regularly every day, there is a dark red-pink sky. Many people almost forget the golden brilliance of the sun.

When someone heard this call, others rushed to the door with their feet up.

Pairs of eyes scanned the sky beyond the glass.


"Ah, the sun is out."

"Woooo, I finally saw the sun, and I didn't die in the haze."

"Dad, come out, the sun is coming out."

Shouts of excitement spread throughout the city.

Everyone was excited, and many people saw the sunlight penetrating the sky, sprinkled a little bit in their sights, and their eyes shed tears of excitement.


This is the light of hope.

When Lao You got the news, he immediately led Erhei and his party, wearing protective clothing and masks, opened the door of the dungeon, and when he saw the sunlight outside, he immediately shouted at the people in the dungeon: "Come out, Daddy!" The fog cleared—"

After speaking, they took off their masks and protective clothing one after another, bathed in the golden sunlight, felt the long-lost sun, and experienced the happy moment of running in the fresh air.

Is there anything more exciting than breathing freely, basking in the sun freely, and feeling the intense moment of being alive?

The people in the dungeon rushed to the ground one after another, rushed to the sun in a swarm, breathed in the air, and jumped on the ground in a swarm.

"Wooooow, I'm in the sun."

"I don't have to wear a mask."

"I can breathe freely, no poisonous fog."

Only when you have lost it, you will know how precious it is to breathe freely.

People's happiness is doubled.

When everyone was breathing, jumping and enjoying the beauty of nature, Qiao Xiachu and Rong Huaiyan came out of the dungeon.

The destination is a ruin.

Feng'e City was completely destroyed by the war, and there are wreckage left over from the war everywhere, except for the corpses, it is the waste that was bombed into the ground by artillery fire.

To remove all the cement of the buildings built by humans, and then build a new residence on top of the ruins, I am afraid it will not be a day's work.

Under the double blow of artillery fire and illness, the dungeon has only one-third of the population left, and the entire city has less than a thousand people.

It is really difficult to rebuild Feng'e City.

When Lao You came out with Erhei and his party, they also shed tears of sorrow when they saw Feng'e City in front of them.

too difficult.

Natural disasters are hard enough in their own right.

In the later stage, there are one after another man-made hazards.

That's enough.

"Let's go to the technology station." Erhei suggested.

Lao You nodded helplessly: "That's the only way to go. Go over there and have a look. If they are willing to join us, let's rebuild Feng'e City together."

Hell-level difficulty.

But at this time, no one said to give up.

Bathe in the sun, feel the wind blowing on your cheeks, feel the sound of nature, everything becomes so beautiful, it makes people look forward to, and people are full of hope and desire for the future.

Qiao Xiachu and Rong Huaiyan decided to escort Lao You to the science and technology station together.

Before leaving, Hu Guang appeared pushing a wheelchair.

Zhou Jiaomei was sitting in a wheelchair, wearing a black hat on her head, looking at everyone, her cheeks were gray and she said: "I, can I go with you?"

Hu Guang said quickly: "I will take care of her."

Hearing such a request, Lao You couldn't bear to refuse.

Erhei said to Lao You: "Don't worry, we will take care of her together, and we won't slow down the progress."

When it comes to this, the people who travel together cannot refuse.

In the end, after Hu Guang took care of Zhou Jiaomei, pushing the wheelchair all the way, Zhou Jiaomei followed the team to the science and technology station.

There are fallen and broken cement stones everywhere along the way, all tall buildings collapsed, and there is almost no intact place, and the red mist has eroded the land and changed some ground cover, and the plants that survived the red mist are also It became very strange, except for the shape, the color and luster of the leaves, the light spots... all changed.

Qiao Mobai walked in the open space, observing the plants, and said in surprise: "The plants have mutated, this purslane has turned black, and the Hydrangea planted here, the flowers and green leaves have changed color, the color pieces It's uneven. It's horrible."

Plants evolve very slowly.

Without a long period of baptism, it is difficult for them to change their living habits and external image in a short period of time. However, natural disasters come frequently, and this red mist is even more deeply rooted. The power to transform animals and plants in nature is so powerful.

Incredibly powerful.

Qiao Mobai can't imagine, if the animals and plants all over the world are mutated, what should human beings do.

The diversity of each plant or animal maintains the current ecological balance. The greater the change, the environment in which human beings live will be completely destroyed.

In the future, natural disasters will be even more difficult to control.

He looked at the city and the living environment that were no longer the same with worry, and felt an unspeakable depression and discomfort in his heart.

After all, it is not the golden age.

Can not go back.

There is no going back.

Qiao Xiachu patted him on the shoulder lightly and said: "We can only let nature take its course, adapt to all the changes, and then survive in the harsh environment."

Survival has not changed from beginning to end.

This is the theme of the end.


Qiao Mobai nodded heavily.

For the first time, he felt such a strong shock, and the earth-shaking change of concept brought about by the earth-shaking changes in nature.

At this moment, he might be able to understand the deep despair that his sister had experienced in the doomsday.

That dark, never-responsive grief.

He stretched out his hand and grabbed Qiao Xiachu's arm. A line of tears flowed from the corner of his eyes, and his tone was quiet and sad: "Sister, I hope we can always, always live like this in this life. Cultivate the land deeply!"

"Okay. I promise you!"

Qiao Xiachu's heart trembled.

Rong Huaiyan also patted Qiao Mobai's shoulder lightly, and said: "There is also me, I will always be by your side."

So, Qiao Xiachu grabbed Qiao Mobai's hand with one hand, supported Rong Huaiyan with the other, and said with a smile on his face, "The three of us must always be together and never separate."

"never separate."

"never separate."

At this moment, unspeakable throbbing surged in the hearts of the three people, as well as a trace of hope for the future, as well as silent sorrow...

That is the sorrow of the human life community.


Unable to… speak.

When everyone arrived at the technology station, Ah Guang in the station opened the door of the technology station and greeted everyone with a smile on his face.

"Hi, my name is Liu Fengguang, everyone calls me Aguang—"

The big boy welcomed Lao You with a smile.

Includes residents of all Tech Stations.

They came out of the station one after another and lined up to welcome the distinguished guests from the dungeon.

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