Lao You saw a group of people with vicissitudes on their faces, but their eyes were full of hope and longing for the future, which made him feel unprecedented strength.

He went to a crowd of scenes and said hello to them.

"Ah Guang, hello, you can call me Lao You, would you like to join us and build Feng'e City together with the comrades in the dungeon?" Lao You asked eagerly.

Ah Guang is a young guy.

In despair and darkness, he was always full of fervent hope, never giving up, and with an indescribable perseverance, he won the trust of the residents of the technology station.

Invisibly, his attitude has affected all the people in the technology station.

He also became the leader of the tech station's underground inhabitants.

At this moment, he grinned, showing big yellow teeth, and said excitedly: "I am willing!"

These three words deeply moved Lao You, and also shook the hearts of all the residents. They raised their arms and shouted loudly: "We are willing!"

They originally came from Feng'e City.

The disaster left them homeless, the oppression of the station master made them feel dark, and the war destroyed their homeland. Now there is a person who wants to lead them to rebuild their homeland. No one is unwilling.

Everyone present rushed over one after another, hugging Lao You and weeping.

It's like a family.

Lao You was also very happy.

Don't ask about the past, don't ask about the origin, and strive for the same goal in the doomsday, then, never realize that they are friends and relatives now, they are companions in the doomsday.

A group of relatives and friends on the same front.

Qiao Xiachu swept towards the science and technology station, then boarded the gate with Rong Huaiyan, and walked to the office of the scientific research team, where they finally saw Huang Ben and a group of scientific and technological personnel.

Huang Ben saw them coming in, with a hint of desire to share on his cheeks, he rushed over and said to the two: "The experiment was successful, I finally got the remaining data of Zhou Yingsheng, and the next step is the physical production."

The first modeling, as well as shaping, can only start from the simple.

He vaguely remembered that Qiao Xiachu mentioned Erhei to him, so he wanted to start with a small experiment of reshaping the arm. If it was successful, then he could do more complicated ones.

When Qiao Xiachu heard this, he immediately said to Rong Huaiyan: "Where's Uncle Hei? Why don't you see him?"

Reshape Uncle Hei's hand! ! !

She couldn't wait to tell Erhei such exciting news.

At this moment, Hu Guang pushed Zhou Jiaomei in.

Huang Ben's expression changed when he saw Zhou Jiaomei in the wheelchair.

"She, she is..."

"Zhou Jiaomei. She lost her legs in an accident."

Qiao Xiachu didn't say much.

The ending is already in front of my eyes.

It is obvious to all.

Huang Ben nodded, and said: "Then she is the second wave of experiments. The materials are limited. If it fails, the remaining materials may not be able to make more exoskeletons."

At the beginning, Zhou Yingsheng's project stopped.

Therefore, the work of collecting materials by the science and technology station came to an abrupt end.

The material is also the most cherished, all of which cannot be copied.

A little loss is a little less.

He is a little selfish, so he doesn't want to waste too much material.

Both Qiao Xiachu and Rong Huaiyan understood and didn't say much.

Pushing the wheelchair forward, Hu Guang said earnestly, "Professor Huang, I want to ask you, can you make a pair of legs for my girlfriend?"

He didn't hear the conversation between them.

As soon as he came up, he blurted out the expectation in his heart.

Huang Ben looked embarrassed.

He glanced at Zhou Jiaomei from the corner of his eye, and said, "Okay, I will do my best. When the experiment progresses, I will ask my assistant to go to the dungeon to inform you."

Hearing such a result, Hu Guang was very anxious. He wanted to get a definite answer, but he was really worried about such an ambiguous answer.

But Zhou Jiaomei took his arm.

"Guangguang, don't embarrass Professor Huang. He promised us that he will do it. Let's go back first and wait for the news from Professor Huang." Zhou Jiaomei said.

Her kind and considerate appearance is unbearable.

Rong Huaiyan wondered whether Huang Ben should give an affirmative answer.

However, he quickly calmed down.

When is this time? It’s not a period when you can get a definite answer when you talk about human relationships and relationships.

He said to Hu Guang: "Don't worry, you go back first. This matter is not because you force Professor Huang, so there must be an answer."


Zhou Jiaomei felt her cheeks slapping.

She covered her face.

"Hu Guang, take me back!"

She felt like a clown, being watched and laughed at.

Although, she knew that she was thinking too much, but this kind of waste mentality was beyond her control.

Hu Guang's eyes dimmed.

He watched Zhou Jiaomei's expression getting more and more depressed day by day, but there was nothing he could do, thinking that this time was their hope.

Hearing Huang Ben's answer and seeing Zhou Jiaomei's collapse at this moment. He glared at Rong Huaiyan bitterly, then pushed Zhou Jiaomei out.

Seeing this scene, Erhei wanted to step forward to ask what happened, but he heard Hu Guang say: "Don't ask, Jiaomei is not feeling well now, I will take her back to rest!"

He wanted to go with him, Zhou Jiaomei said weakly: "Dad, let me go back and be alone, okay? I know you all sympathize with me and pity me, but I really can't accept this kind of emotion, I'm sorry... "

Hearing such words, Er Hei felt very uncomfortable.

Daughter has become too sensitive lately.

He wanted to find a psychological mentor somewhere to enlighten Jiaomei.

But in the apocalypse, everyone is more or less mentally ill. Without a healthy and perfect soul, how can there be a psychological counselor.

He lowered his head helplessly and said, "Okay, you guys go back and rest first."

Hu Guang is by my side, so I can rest assured, it is better than staying in the house alone.

Hu Guang pushed Zhou Jiaomei, and they left the technology station together.

When the sun comes out, everyone's mind has changed more or less. Just seeing the sun is like seeing hope. No matter how dark it is, it's better to look forward.

On the way back, Hu Guang kept comforting Zhou Jiaomei like this.

Zhou Jiaomei supported the handle of the wheelchair, and suddenly looked back, a pair of dark eyes released a light beam of light, she said: "Hu Guang, do you despise me too? Do you think that a waste like me is not worthy of life?"


Hu Guang's heart trembled.

He had never thought of this before, so, under rounds of swearing and swearing, Zhou Jiaomei forcibly suppressed the negative thoughts in her heart, and apologized with a mournful face: "I'm sorry, I really can't control it, maybe I have a psychological problem , Hu Guang, forgive me, okay?"

Hu Guang knelt down, held her shoulders, and said, "I won't blame you, don't think too much, we support each other, and go on together, that's the right answer, don't think wildly, okay?"


Zhou Jiaomei nodded and agreed to him.

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